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Graphics are totally 90s ^^

The city is well presented and it is fun to discover the 3d environment.

Billboard 2.5d sprites fit the theme very well ! 

However I must say it is not super gratifying to pickup the 'gifts' from the doggy, you should have varied them. (gold, rainbow, different shades of brown, maybe with points multiplayer !!! ^^)

In the end the gameplay loop is not really working because whatever you do the neighbours seem to come and punish you uninterrupted, and you do not feel like you can do anything? Maybe they should only come on certain conditions, announced, and slower, disappear after a while if you avoid them?

There is really something to do with this city view, keep it up :)


thanks I totally would've added more but I just ran out of time, I was finishing it up the night before the deadline.