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Ugh, I just hate developers like you the most.

It's the atrocities committed by those developers I despise, and you alone, that can never be reconciled. I am just utterly disgusted with them as a whole. There is not a single bound that lay untouched, all depravities conquered. I just want a reason as to why this kind of developer isn't detestable. The past couple of days I've gorged myself in morbid curiosity of this evil, and I am just sick. I just can't think clearly.

How dare you give away free copies of such an AMAZING game??!? Don't you value all the time and resources that went into creating this masterpiece? Is this some kind of joke? How could a sane individual, not to mention an extremely talented one at that, place so little value on their creation?!? If this work of art is considered worthless, as it is being distributed for free; then the Portrait of Mona Lisa should have just better been a toilet paper. Oh, maybe mocking and insulting geniuses of countless generations is fun to you? Do you take pleasure in disgracing the history and artistic value of mankind? Have great shame, as I consider you to be the source of all evil, the manifestation of extreme cruelty itself.

Tch, I just really hate people who undervalue their work. Tch, tch, really.

Anyway, really appreciate the free copy! I've been having a blast playing the book for the past few hours!


Thank you soo much!!! Really means a lot to read such kind words! 
(But the opening line DID give me a heart attack haha)