Hell yeah dude. So good.
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Hi! Thank you so much for the kind words, it means a lot. I'm afraid I haven't got the plain text in full but I found this site which apparently can translate pdf files intro other languages; you need a free account to use unfortunately. (https://www.deepl.com/en/translator/files/l/en/ja)
Otherwise I can link you this incomplete/Work In progress document, to translate if that helps! (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G0RuKLmXLC40CpdnMkpNHS2FWtDAi76mAKtrm6Maqvc/...)
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but will keep this in mind for future games (making sure to keep a plain text version for translating)
Thank you! :)
Thanks Tableplant, really appreciate such kind words. I'm really glad that it was easy to follow in a flowing sort of way, that's always my hope (and aim) when making games. I agree the addition of behaviors at the very least for the 3 dice enemies would be help make it a better or engaging journaling game.
Seems like I will definitely be revisiting and touching up this game~! (in a good way!) hehe
Thank you soo much! I have been thinking about Block either generating something like rerolls or tiring the enemy // lowering their next roll , but I like charge. And you're onto something with the more specific enemies! Perhapse its more about mastering the weapons being used and knowing that, like you're saying, some ONLY attack.
If I get some time this year I'd love to come back to it and touch it up! Thanks again for the lovely and helpful comment!
Thank you soo much for such a thorough review. I really appreciate it!
Yeah the parry vs block thing should have been worked more. I think the idea of stamina is a great idea!
The A.I table is also an excellent idea. I've never really tried or known where to begin with them but maybe now's the time.
If you have any examples of good like AI table enemies or games, pls let me know! I'd love recommendations :).
I've heard of card drawing moves with certain games but that's all I know personally.
Thanks again for the feedback. Fair, constructive and motivating. The best kind imo.
Thanks M.K ~!
Thank you so much for such a thorough and concise review!
- In terms of Resurrection and Resting I agree it does seem quite consequence free. Wasn't sure to suggest as optional or omit but I like your suggestion of an off screen scene that mechanically works as "resting" but is more in line with Slasher activities.
- Having Gifted as Killers is great and an idea I've been musing on over the course of making this. Have been thinking about adding it as a 3rd faction for GM's to use as well as a new Character Archetype for players!
- I will fix those grammatical/spelling/etc asap so thank you for finding those!
- The Reload action I need to word better. My intention was the sever cost of the Reload Tag WAS that it costs a combat action.
Such a helpful review Kumada1, thank you again for the kind words and glad to see my idea of cosmic injustice being clear enough ! Glad you liked it :)
Love these! So good dude and I used a few in a playtest ttrpg I recently released! https://haunted-picnic.itch.io/death-dealers Such good stuff man!
A place to post artwork or artists who always help you get into the zone when creating ttrpgs, characters or sessions for Players.
Music or Images!! Post some of those inspirational materials you enjoy. Here's a few that I always like.
Yasushi Nirasawa - Sentai Style Designs.
Uno Moralez - Amazing Pixel Artist
Hey! My friend and I have a podcast and we reviewed your game!
I really enjoyed the concept :)
Scratch that Itch