the communication was a big thing to me, especially because i'm using an online environment to distribute this. the online environment just seems to foster snap judgements and angry people attacking others. people seem so quick to either attack or defend and sometimes there's important context that's left out. we assume things about other people that probably aren't true and that makes the world look like an ugly place.
I wanted to show some fucked up situations between two people that are really good together but sometimes things get messy. I wanted to explore that and show a way to actually communicate and work together. to put some time into trying to hear the other person out, even if you dont agree with them. sure, the solutions from the game wont apply to everyone but i wanted to show one way where two people actually sit down and collaborate on life. i just felt like i was starved for that in media today. you never see someone take the simple role of "you fucking like the guy so hear him out!" anymore.
These guys aren't perfect, in fact their a hot mess sometimes and they're trying to figure themselves out and we get to watch in real-time while that happens--even if it's slow. and hopefully some of the questions they ponder are applicable to the reader-- they were to me. i did a ton of soul searching in this story and sorta went on that same journey with the characters.
the original game is what it is. it's its own journey. you can see the progress from the beginning of it to the end. i think super fans enjoy that because they get to see the improvements in the world as the characters improve. that makes the entire thing almost metaphorical and that's fun. i think, to me, the revamp is an open love story to the characters and the fans. it's my attempt to say that you stuck with me through the rough patches while i learned how to do this and you were open to my soul-searching storytelling, so here, i'll redo it all and show you what i can do now with that energy behind me. i've been lucky enough to have an amazing community of fans behind this thing and i'm finally at a point where i can show you what i saw in my heart the first time i wrote this :)