Section 3: Top Toolbar - Home Menu
Will be working from left to right on the Top Toolbar to explain what each button and slider does. First we start with the Home Button.
Home Menu
It is positioned at the upper left side of your screen. It’s the same sort of thing that just about every program has with a few small differences. The following shows you how it looks.
- New will start a whole new scene as if you were just launching FlowScape fresh.
- Load will bring up your menu of saved games that can be loaded in and you can continue working right where you left off. Just don’t forget to Save before quitting! There is also now an autosave feature that you can enable in the camera controls. Make sure you have that turned on!
- Save will bring up your menu of save slots so you can pick an empty one and put your scene in there for safe keeping. There are currently 3 pages of slots to save games in.
- Credits will bring up a window of people who helped Pixel Forest bring FlowScape to life with links to finding them online. Give them a look.
- Map will bring up a menu of options for creating a maps for RPGs. There are options for both Grid and Hex style overlays for printing and a slider option for sizes from 1 square/hex up to 60 square/hex. This is also where you can decide on what size of image you’d like to export. Currently the options are 1X, 2X, and 4X which translates into 2k, 4k and 8k sized images. There is also an option for Arkenforge images.
- Import will bring up a menu of options for importing skyboxes and .OBJ items into your scene with options for scaling, rotating and placing the object as well as deleting. Two of the most common issues with Importing are as follows: .OBJ, .MTL and texture files all need to be located in the same folder. Secondly, the material and texture files can not have spaces in their names.
Many thanks go to Discord channel user JS who was good enough to share these import tips on #import-help and allow me to recreate them here. - Social - Brings up a menu of social media locations where you can find FlowScape communities and users. Click on a button to open an internet browser tab to the selected social media site.
- Quit will end the program.