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I'm stuck on the little flashy thing in the underground. I can't get to it but I can't progress without the chainsaw. Am I missing something?

that's strange! You should have the empty bucket with you to be able to progress at that part! 

I've got the bucket, but how do I empty the bucket? 

well, in order to have gotten that far, you should have used the bucket in the fireplace and gotten the empty bucket. Could you walk me through what you did to get this error? The bucket should be empty by the time you get to the underground segment.

I'm not sure, I did empty the bucket onto the fireplace. I clicked on the well a couple times to make sure there was nothing else there, maybe that's it. I can start over. Sorry for the time.

ok, but if you continue to run into this issue, please do let me know so I can see if there's something I'm missing on my end. I apologize for all the back and forth ):


The same thing happened to me, but after reading your comments I think its because I clicked the well after I emptied my bucket to the fireplace. I didn't think anything of it, but if we need to empty the bucket then I think we aren't suppose to fill it up with water again. I didn't know what to do to empty it so I had to restart

Hello!! I've since updated the game to reflect this issue- very sorry, that was my error;; But thank you for this info, it made it easier to rectify the issue! :> And thank you for playing!!

No worries! I still enjoyed the game regardless!