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A member registered Feb 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much~! <3

Thanks for playing! The calender says July, but I believe it's different depending on the school/district. 

Also, there's a way to get into the locked closet upstairs with the other code (the calender was a sort of red-herring!) It's not important to the story, but it's just some extra lore (: thanks again for the video!

Oh wow, this was a really nicely put together game! I loved all the characters, and I was suspicious that any one of them could be connected to the culprit(s) in the end- or there was some secret mastermind... like before, I really wanted to see more of the story/characters! I think if this was expanded, it'd be really cool!

I love the touch of not running inside the church and near the cemetery! I also liked how carefree Aurinko seemed- just walking into a police station asking "can i see some old records please? ^w^" I think she's just a really cute character! I felt so bad with the bad end, so I hope the Good end is canon, haha;;

Also! I think the librarian being shy around her was really cute! I loved his little sprite wandering to the bookshelves! Really nice game!~

Wow! This was really nicely detailed, and I kinda like that it's a story that picks up a few nights into the narrative, yet it skips over what was probably the hardest part of Allan's life. And I want to thank you for mentioning me here in the game page; it's very flattering, and I dont think I did much to help but I'm glad! <3

 I really liked the puzzles, which made you have to interact with a number of things, but I also liked that there was different things in the descriptions so it didn't feel very repetitive. I played the browser version, and it did feel somewhat more somber since there isn't any music, but I felt that worked in the favor of the more eerie parts of the game, like with the crypt segments and figuring out where the ticking was coming from.

I can really relate to Allan in the feeling of anxiety and nervousness, being in such a large building all by himself- of course many small sounds would make him feel scared or uncomfortable, when he's supposed to be alone- it really felt creepy! 

The grammar and sentence structure was a little hard to follow in the diary segments, and I would've liked to be able to choose to NOT read it if I accidentally clicked on it (which i did a few times haha;;) but it wasn't too bad! I really liked the idea of multiple endings, especially what feels like a final resting place for his sister. I hope Allan can get some rest himself someday ;w; 

Overall, I think I wished there was more! I was eager to know what Allan was going to figure out next, and I was wondering what exactly could be behind the crypt walls as well- I liked finding the secret passages and I liked that there was already hints sprinkled throughout that made a lot of sense in the long run- I think the thing that threw me off was the silent/muffling room with the pond- i expected it to have something to do with a different puzzle, but I think that also works as a way to make the player really think about what makes sense to do next- I really appreciated Allan saying things out loud to give us, the player, a reason to get a specific tool or when it's mentioned that the player's rooms are identical- it all worked well I think!

All in all, this was pretty fun to play through! I think what scared me the most was when everything was completely silent- it really felt like something serious was happening! 

Thank you for sharing this game!! I look forward to playing more from you! 

thanks for playing!

thank you sm for playing!

I think so? if you mean the intro part, that wasn't an issue. I got to the point where after getting the float spell, i watched as the rock rose upwards, and then was just stuck behind the ledge and couldn't continue. I figured dying would reset the spawn point, which it did but it also removed getting the spell at all- that, and I can't make the jump to the rock itself regardless. 

idk if it was intentional, but after getting the "float" spell, the player cannot jump back over the little ledge to go back. Clicking doesnt seem to be working either, but I wonder if I just messed something up;; had to quit u _ u;

This really was short, but also so tragic!! I love how Nerris seemed so carefree and curious. I really like the character design, especially her sparkly eyes and colorful hair! I also liked the art pieces in the game like the whale and speakers.

The shock I felt near the end- I was like "OH NO!!! ): " so, I think this definitely fits the horror aspect in a kind of heartbreaking way; especially since Nerris only just awoke! </3

This made me eager for more- i know it's a gamejam entry, but I think you have a solid enough foundation for a sequel/followup game with this! :3 Congrats on the release!!

(1 edit)

sorry, specifically yellow flowers (I know it's difficult to tell because of the overlay, but that's what it meant (: )

Hello, I'm not sure what you mean about the last time I updated, but that shouldn't have affected the answer? The flower part is asking you how many flowers are on the same map as the house (2 digit number), but for clarity's sake, the answer is 12.

wow, you're so kind! Haha, this is a really old entry actually, but I felt like sharing it publicly, finally! Thank you very much for the encouragement, and thank you for liking my silly little games! ;w;

Like some others, I know you know my opinion of your game, but I'd like to leave a comment here anyway if that's ok!

Like others, I also got the 7th ending (eventually), and I was pleasantly surprised about the ending! I was happy to see the different endings and of course the different ways players could die, too!

I love your hammy usage of horror and slasher elements, and it's all very spot on for your games!

There was plenty to explore, and I was afraid there might be times I wouldn't be able to backtrack to look at stuff, but I'm thankful for being able to save at many locations :>

I will say, this did seem like an easier type of game than some of your other entries-not that it wasn't challenging! I think you did well it making it not super complex, but I think I ended up playing it and thinking "maybe I don't have much to worry about after all..?" because a lot of what happens or what is laid out for us as players is...very obvious- what I mean is! I think it would be difficult to NOT get to the "true" ending. And I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing!

I don't have a whole lot to critique in this entry, but I will say that I'm happy to see less AI generative assets.

I always look forward to new entries by you, and I'm always impressed by the different ways you're able to make endings/death scenarios! Thanks for another funny and spooky entry!

Well, you've already read a ton of what I've had to say about your entry, but!! I want you to know again, I really enjoyed this taste of what we see of VLT, and it's a fantastic look into your writing style and how well you're able to draw the players in. I feel like I'm there in Demian's shoes, not just by shared experiences, but because...a lot of what they have to say/think in specific situations just makes me go "yeah, that makes sense." or "Yeah, I'd probably say x or y, too."

I know reading isn't a lot of players' forte when it comes to "horror", but ppl, tons of horror media we enjoy, happened to start out as novels or short stories before being adapted- keep that in mind!

For gameplay, technically there's not a lot of control besides the choices in specific instances, but I think that's fine since this is a visual novel, and it just makes sense! The whole of the gameplay is how we, as readers, are meant to feel and how accessible options and things that are available- which is plenty and very helpful in this instance! I really appreciate the content warnings option(s), and I liked the ability to change things in the settings to my liking.

One small thing I could say with that would be how, even when turning content warnings off, sometimes they'd just display anyway right before the *thing* it was warning about would happen. It's not a bad thing, but if I had anything constructive to say besides positive/hype, it'd be that, haha!

I feel like this might be unfair to say, but I feel like I can't give a full criticism to something that isn't fully finished! We only get a bit of what's to come for this story, so I wouldn't know what else to expect! (Which is something im really excited about!) Not just that, but because of my own lacking of writing-skill and back usage of articulation/unable to get my points across very well- I don't think I could say something very constructive in a helpful way, if I wanted to 😭

Basically!: It's a really beautiful game!! We only have a bit of what's going to happen, but I'm in love with the narrative and the way you write characters- it's believable (even in a sci-fi/horror aspect!) and I don't have good crit. to give, but I hope people will check it out!!

I wish there was a bit more meat to this game- it has plenty of potential for more horror aspects to it- it feels like all the building blocks are there, but not utilized to their potential, if that makes sense?

I would've liked to learn a bit more about each character including the player character before everyone ended up getting (potentially) killed or before we have to up and leave near the "good" end. I did like the different characters' portraits and everyone's different attitudes with one another was a fun touch!

There's not a lot to the gameplay, and horror is very limited, despite the dead bodies and shadow-like creature(s), but I think with different lighting or textures, it could really make things feel more spooky.

We're never really told what it is that is "in" or "the deal" with the player character, and I know this may be due to limitations available, but it did have me wanting *more*.

Again, there's potential here for something more than what we've been given. :>

You've heard me gush about your game enough I'm sure, but just to re-iterate over on the dev-side of things...

I really like a ton of the implementations to this game making it, well, *game*-y! I liked being able to transform into other creatures, and I liked the little easteregg of reaching the cave before we find out about the bear inside later, haha!

Maybe it's because I'm used to your type of entries, but I can see how your usage of different textures may be somewhat visually overstimulating to some people.

I think the part I struggled with the most was the ending segment, because I was caught in between different little fires when just turning in one direction, then back and closing myself in, but again that might just be a me/player error 😭

I also had a bit of an issue with accidentally getting caught in a spot I couldn't see/off screen (as a cat, if you climb too high somewhere, and press the jump option and move to the side, you can clip somewhere above the map that I can't see, and I did have to restart in that instance).

But I think your games just keep getting better with each new one you work on!

The feeling of a religious, cult-like thing being the villain/big bad in this story felt very believable and as Axel mentioned, glyphosate is a really harmful chemical that can harm humans *and* plant matter, and it was a really unique and cool way to tie into some realism into this game!

Thank you again for sharing such a powerful story with us, and I look forward to more that you create! :>

I think this game really speaks to me as a victim of school bullying/physical abuse; what the player character goes through is definitely a horror aspect that I've explored in instances myself- but the real horror out in the forest in the way the bullies was presented was really terrifying, especially Mr. Long legs' design and his creepy actions within the game.

For gameplay, unfortunately, things felt a bit awkward, from the minor bug(s) I ran into on my run, as well as a kind of blinking issue with the newly added(?) tileset in the area where you need to find the coat- when entering the map, there's no distinction between what to do until you stand in a specific area, where the tables shrink and chairs sometimes appear or disappear.

The map feels a bit large and empty in the segments where we're meant to find the creatures/bullies and it was somewhat difficult for me to find them all at first;; that may just be a *me* thing, though!

I do wish we were able to know more about the player characters' home life or maybe I'm just itching for more to inspect or learn about. A very creative entry, and I did feel a sense of unease overall!

This game had a lot of potential! I liked the puzzle with the prosthetic leg- it was very unique! I also really liked the totem puzzle as well, despite the hiccups I made along the way my first run.

It's a shame there's not more to it in this entry, as I'd love to see what all you have planned ahead! I really like the horror elements that are at least hinted at, and the segment where we're eaten by a wolf was pretty scary since it was an auto-event I couldn't escape from haha;;

I understand you mention a large monster/frenzy, but that just...doesn't exist in this release, which I think feels a bit dishonest for the challenge? If only for the fact that the only "monster" you actually "see" is the one in the only "ending". I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh- please know that I do really enjoy what you have so far! I also really like the original sprites etc. as well!

I think there's plenty to work off of from what you have so far!

Woah, this game was a real treasure to find! I love the artwork, and I love all the detail put into every little thing! If I didn't have a limited supply of resources, I'd love to just wander about and explore! The premise and details of the story are so eerie and cool to imagine- it feels like a real horror-sci-fi type film! (Like The Thing!)

Something about being stranded in a location with tons of hazards and unknown entities out to get you..and the time crunch to be able to mix and put things together for the vials etc. was challenging and felt like I really had to keep things prioritized in a cohesive way- I really enjoyed this entry!

From the horror aspect, to the creative design of, well, everything! Great work! :>

This game was wonderful! I'm looking forward to more after this- it seems like a really interesting premise!

I love the original artwork, very scary and I love the variety of different entities you can run into! For me, maybe I'm bad at rationing my supplies (I AM), but I felt myself at the mercy of some entities a few runs, due to lack of healing items and the inability to run from enemies ;w; I do like the challenge of that aspect, though!

I love finding the different (and gross, haha!) items throughout the cave! One thing; if you leave and come back, enemies are in their location again (unless this was a design choice, in which case, pls disregard!).

Doubly exciting for me to hear another dev use music by Filmy Ghost- I feel their music really fits with this narrative especially! Only other thing I could recommend would be to maybe consider lowering the default sfx in the engine (lowering it myself in the options, even to 20% still felt a bit loud;;), in particular, the winning sfx, but that's just a personal suggestion! 

Wonderful entry, and your artwork is really cool and expressive!! <3

If I'm being honest, this game was rather simple and short and I wasn't sure what to expect. I think the idea is alright, but for people with trypophobia, I think a warning would be nice (Seeing the images plastered on the game page made things rather difficult, not counting what we see in-game.)

The writing is also rather rough- grammar and sentence structure had me a bit confused about context, but because the game is very linear, it wasn't a hindrance. On that, the gameplay is really generic and there's a way to cheese the enemies by luring them to one corner, and walking out of the forest without being hit or using the eggs in the first place. I thought the fact that all the enemies walk toward the player was a bit too "easy"? It also meant that players could just wait for the enemies to crowd in one area without needing to move.

I don't personally find this game very "horror-like", although the idea of being chased by chicken-creatures does sound like it could be a terrifying experience! I feel like there's not much to this game, but there's potential for more if you put more time and effort into the execution.

(1 edit)

Of course! Also, after learning more from you abt the "weeds" or how wilde blackberries can get, it definitely makes sense how Rubi can be seen as this "infestation" to the forest. I love how she and Dulcis are like one in the same in their own respective rights but like parallels- a "parasite" on humanity as a self-perceived burden to others, vs Rubi etc.

Also, you're very welcome!! I really look forward to seeing more of your work!!

Aw thank you so much Abra! 😊

Woah...this is really so intense and written so eloquently- I love how this was made in rpgm, too! It really feels like a commercial VN! The premise is horrifying and really hits home, I think (as a poc, nb person among other things). The art and the music and sound effects really puts you in the scenes like you can close your eyes and just imagine you're really in the protagonists' shoes..

I'm so eager for more- this is really amazing, and it's a great showcase of your writing skills *AND* art! I got the ending and really loved all the snarky quips Demian has to say, considering their circumstances. I really loved knowing just what they were thinking and how they felt as even the smallest things irked them- and they play it off in a way that you can just TELL how they're gritting their teeth like "No, no. It's fine. Mm-hmm." when they're really just...so, so damn tired.

Like I said, I'm really excited for more to this story, and I think it sounds great so far!! Congrats on the demo release! :>

Is there anything after the gate? I'm not sure how to progress, if so. Also, if you're done with the puzzle, and go back down after the campsite has been destroyed, and go back, the campsite will be normal again, and the gate will be re-locked, forcing the player to re-do the totem puzzle again.

Wow....what a beautiful story. I'm really trying not to tear up as I write this, haha! ((SPOILERS BELOW FOR PPL WHO HAVEN'T PLAYED))

I want to say, I absolutely love your tilework and the idea for the hair trailing behind Rubi was a really nice touch! I loved the tunes, and the overall dread hanging over our heads, as the player. I also really love the implementation of helping players who go too low in the map by moving us back to a starting point- it was really helpful when I got too curious about hopping around!

I think you really captured what it feels like to be held captive in ones home- especially considering the circumstances of Dulcis. The backgrounds during the sunset/sunrise were really beautiful too!

Also, being able to transform into different creatures was really fun!!

!!ONTO SPOILERS!! (somewhat)

This really felt like a Romeo and Juliet type scenario...it's beautifully tragic, and I felt my heart ache when I could tell what was about to happen. I think you handled the writing of both a sheltered person and somewhat aloof creature, in both protagonists. It felt like both of them were, as stated, two halves they didn't know the other complimented. Both knew and didn't know about so much, and yet they came together as one, even in the end. Oof, I'm getting teary again, haha;;

Phenomenal- absolutely beautiful storytelling and visual, the whole game felt like it could be a short film, if I'm being honest! Thank you so much for sharing this story <3 <3

omg you really flatter me so much!! Thank you!!

(1 edit)

also, I'm sorry, I've run into another issue- when going into the forest on day two, if you use the mouse click option to guide the character into the forest instead of use the directional keys, there's a soft-lock that happens (assuming because the character wasn't properly lined up at the right tile) ; _ ; (edit) Soft locking as in, the screen stays black and doesn't progress.

I think I've found a bug;; when standing in this area after the hide-and-seek message plays, the player is stuck and nothing happens ;w;

Firstly, congrats on a new release! Secondly, this game was such a treat to play! I loved the implement of the selection option when choosing a path, and I liked being able to backtrack to areas, too!

Being able to choose the death animations in moments felt a bit easy to me (playing in regular mode), but I think it works for this kinda game. I liked the addition of other supernatural phenomena and the added backstory was a really cool touch!

The character art is hilarious, but I really like the different animations for the death(s)! This game felt like it def. had more of an "eerie" and haunted feel. I was on my toes expecting the creature to pop out at any moment, haha

lastly, thank you so much for the kudos at the end- I'm honored to be mentioned! :> 'Nother banger by A.V. Dossow!

This was really cool and detailed so far! I love the lighting especially, and the background tiles/layout is really nice! looking forward to more! :>

oh, I see! Haha, I'm still sorry that happened! But, I'm glad you got to play till the end! Thank you again so much! 

oh! Thank you sm for playing, and thank you for your kind words! :> I quite miss making very short entries like this, so I'm glad some people can enjoy them a bit, too! 

Oh nooo! I'm so sorry, i seem to only be having trouble with this game lately ><;; was it a game crash or do you remember if it was something specific that popped up? Thank you for playing though;;

Hello!! I've since updated the game to reflect this issue- very sorry, that was my error;; But thank you for this info, it made it easier to rectify the issue! :> And thank you for playing!!

Haha, yeah- children (particularly younger siblings) tend to invoke that kind of reaction! Also, I'm glad their relationship was acknowledged by some- it was a late decision addition, but I like the feel of it in the midst of the tense/scary atmosphere :> Thank you sm for playing!

Hello! The story was about as long as I predicted it would be after development, but I will say that after seeing others' take on it, I kind of wish I did have more time to elaborate on it all.

I'm glad you liked Molly, tho! I was pleasantly surprised about how many people would like her! Thank you for playing! 

Thank you so much!! :>

Wow, thank you for such praise! I'm very honored once again to have you play my little game, haha!

It's super interesting you mention Misao, because that was one of the games I tried to think about while making my entry in the first place! (While not entirely, I just wanted to capture what made games like Misao etc. particularly interesting when it came to an anomalous or ghost-like entity, while still in a relatively modern setting).

I'll admit, I was really strapped for time near the end, and I wish I had more to flesh it out or have it be able to be explored by the player, but I'm ultimately content in the way it fell into place for the jam.

I thought I was ambitious in the minigame(s) in having them be random (one was 1 in 3 chances with RNG, if I recall), but I thought it would be too "on the nose" or easy if I just said what the chances were outright.

The entities were more numerous in the original deployment, but after updating, I've significantly reduced them, so I'm sorry for the high difficulty despite. I appreciate the input though, and it's given me some thoughts about how to go about it differently, should I make another game with a similar mechanic.

Thank you for playing! 

(1 edit)

Thank you sm for the video! Sorry about the one bug there when you leave, haha;

 there was also supposef to be an event that played to give more context abt the area after leaving the carnival, but thats been fixed in the newest version! 

It's not super important for the story, but I'm a little embarrassed I didn't get it fixed before people downloaded it, lol;;

Thanks for playing! :>