- Ability to butcher any animal.
- Ability to pick up eggs and have them convert into some food resource.
- Stone path tiles of both kinds merging together relatively seamlessly to allow one to create actual paths and squares.
- Customizing one's followers somewhat (clothes, hair, name?), I suspect some people would like to make villages of their friends.
- During customization through mirror/dresser, ability to choose style/color out of some menu rather than having to cycle randomly.
- Possibly clothes/armor being an actual thing. There could be then a couple of stylistic choices for each set of clothes for unarmored, leather armored and iron armored villagers, rather than, for example, current, seemingly purely decorational helmets.
- During customization through mirror/dresser, ability to choose style/color out of some menu rather than having to cycle randomly.
- NPCs. It'd be nice to make NPCs actually matter more. Right now they're very easy to get, free to maintain, hard to lose, easy to replace and of questionable utility as anything but cannon fodder most of the time. If one would have to hire/go out of their way to recruit
people rather than have them show up ready and loyal en masse whenever
there's beds, it'd be also easier to care about them.
- Could be expanded to having certain unique followers as per some quest/story reward.
- Rather than being forced to use robots which seems a bit far off (and if available, should be an endgame thing), an ability to delegate villagers to particular tasks/areas where they farm, tend to livestock, sweep the floor etc and turn into idle/guards only if enemy is spotted, are done with their chores, the bell is rung or being a guard in some particular area is their designated job.
- In case of bell ringing, their status as a guard should reset once alarm ends after a bit with no hostiles in the area, so only designated guards stay as such.
- In regards to that, ability to assign particular weapon cabinet (with each cabinet being per one villager) to an NPC rather than having them grab stuff randomly. Possibly similar for setting up armor if it'd be available?
- Perhaps various villagers having slightly different stats, with not everyone doing as well/being able to perform every task or being as good in combat.
- A toggle for what things villager should do in their designated area, with most being greyed out for most villagers and whether they should engage hostiles or run away to the nearest guard/player/edge of the map if attacked and pursued
- To balance their new usefulness, making them use up several units of veggies and water per day, possibly meat and water if vegetables are unavailable in sufficient numbers. Maybe even proportions of meat and vegetables being character-dependant.
- NPCs could also actually path to their beds from time to time and sleep for just a couple of hours (with hours depending on whether they're a daylight person or a night owl), being unavailable and out of commision unless attacked/injured or summoned by the bell (and going immediately back to sleep after the threat/alarm ends).
- This would require teaching friendly NPC to open doors of player-owned structures to go through (and close doors behind them). Enemies probably should be able to do the same with their own structures rather than just crowd the door waiting for the player to let them out.
- Making doors/gates be unopenable to NPC of hostile faction (and possibly locking some hostile camp doors/gates against player and their party), but in such case allowing an use of force to bash through.
- Whether the door can be damaged and how much damage it could take could depend on the weapon and the type of door. Stone/metal doors would matter for things beside aesthetics.
- Making doors/gates be unopenable to NPC of hostile faction (and possibly locking some hostile camp doors/gates against player and their party), but in such case allowing an use of force to bash through.
- This would require teaching friendly NPC to open doors of player-owned structures to go through (and close doors behind them). Enemies probably should be able to do the same with their own structures rather than just crowd the door waiting for the player to let them out.
- A bit more consequence of failure.
- Reviving followers should probably require some item, maybe use up first aid kit.
- Death of the player character has currently no consequences beside pushing the player to the moment before embarking. A risk of losing some tool, a vehicle/llama if there's no follower to gather those and bring them back home (or maybe even losing some follower as well, at least temporarily/with a quest to retrieve them later) or a slight, temporary debuff would be nice.
- Ways to lose the game. Possibly enemies both destroying E.D.I.E. and killing the player character during a single raid would force a bad end?
- An upgrade/skill that allows to attack off one's horse (llama) back.
- Some reddish, bright tint when one's sufered severe health damage, maybe some sound effect or music change when one's on the verge of dying as well. It's sometimes easy to not notice one's health about to run out when in the middle of a fight and aiming at enemies, since it's just small trianglish indicator.
- Don't know how ambitious you'd like those to be, but in the future having quests with various results and lasting consequences (you kill more skellies in the farm's area so now tehre's less of them in general, at least for a time), possibly even leading to slightly different fluff and responses from NPC and E.D.I.E about what kind of civilisation you create and how may it fare in the future would be kinda nice.
- Would IMHO tie well with the above optional NPC-joining-your group reward one of possible reward choices, a bonus on swift completion of the quest or consequence of decisions during said quest.
- For example, killing a bunch of cannibals in a matter of a couple of days since taking a quest gives one a random chance to save some prisoner or two of them (or turn them in to the quest giver for additional resource reward) since they didn't get to go into a pot. Again, just an example, as I have no idea how serious and post-apocalyptic you actually want to make the game and what themes you want to touch.
- Would IMHO tie well with the above optional NPC-joining-your group reward one of possible reward choices, a bonus on swift completion of the quest or consequence of decisions during said quest.
- Slightly more rocks and slightly less oil. Often I find plenty of barrels strewn around the wastes, but almost no rocks.
- Some way of breaking damaged non-player-owned rock floors and other such constructions, maybe set fire to wooden ones.
- Turning local neutral/friendly NPC hostile, deleting their quests etc if such is done to their locations/buildings.
- Ability to pay hefty sum in scrap and raw materials for damage to return said NPCs to neutrality and have their location regenerate (assuming player have not murdered them first).
- Turning local neutral/friendly NPC hostile, deleting their quests etc if such is done to their locations/buildings.
- Some way of breaking damaged non-player-owned rock floors and other such constructions, maybe set fire to wooden ones.
- Main menu options. Ability to set resolution, set the game fullscreen/windowed, change music/sound volume independently (the music is nice but after several hours of repeated tracks playing it.. tires), toggle what's currently in options/ini. Maybe save slots?
Pretty much those on top of Trello's To-do would be enough for me to consider it a complete game. Tried to avoid doubling the suggestions with those of other users/roadmap but may have missed some, in which case I apologize.
I also understand some of these suggestions are much more ambitious and harder to implement than the others, but, well - something to aspire to, to make the game as good as possible, I hope? Especially since in case of some, those ideas roll into one thing as I try to look a few steps ahead and offer suggestions of how to solve certain issues an implementation of them could cause.