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Sand: A Superfluous Game

An open world, base-building, adventure survival game with quirky humor and Llamas!​ · By Voided Pixels Studio

Suggestions Sticky

A topic by Voided Pixels Studio created Jul 22, 2019 Views: 5,169 Replies: 195
Viewing posts 1 to 73

Post all your suggestions here. Sand is constantly evolving and I love hearing feedback and suggestions on how to make the game better.


I have a lot of ideas to write but I'll try to make it straight forward, just keep in mind that most of these ideas are wacky, they just to give some inspiration.

These are some smaller features  that I think could add to the game:

  • The game need to save even if you exit when you are in a secondary camp. 
  • Shovel - a new tool that would give you the ability to dig the ground. 
    • If you dig in brown surface you get some dirt, which be very useful cause dirt isn't common in a desert (and of course you can't dig forever, one block of ground can be mined once, or something like this).
    • If you dig a yellow surface you get sand! which is a new material (it will be sold in the market at 0 price).
    • You can't dig the gray surface (cause it's stone da).
  • Mirror will now be built using 10 wood and 10 sand.
  • Glass window is a new decoration which can be placed only on walls (built with 6 sand and 2 wood).
  • Torch lamp is a new decoration. Its like a torch just prettier.  Made out of 4 sand and 2 wood).
  • Make the ability to lock a campmate's AI or any other way of putting different AIs on different campmates.
  • It's quite  hard to see what loot you get from chests and skellys, you can make the item you get have a fading '+1' next to it or make his square go yellow for a short while only to indicate that you got some more of it.
  • Clay builds! I would love to see a new building variant and clay (water and dirt) would fit good I think. Especially of you add the shovel.
  • Sandstone builds! Same as clay I hope to see more walls, doors and fences variants. Sandstone is sand and water.
  • Water is really too common in this wasteland. make wells work only on certain spots in the grid so you won't be able to just place a well everywhere and get infinite water. When you in building mode and you hold one of the wells, the spots with water will have a bluish overlay on them to mark that wells will work in these squares.
  • when you make future quests with bigger places, It could help if  you make these  places multi-grid locations. meaning when you walk the the edge of one grid you go to the other one immediately without the map in between.
  • solar panels are too easy to make and just dominate every other generators and there is no need to make interesting combinations like lumber jack robot with wood burners. So make solar panels cost 15/20 electronics instead of 10.

Now comes the part when I write less realistic ideas but I like them very much so who cares:

  • Mines! you can come across one randomly while exploring or you can make one a permanent location. 
    • Think like a bunch of sandstone walls together making a small hill. In the front there will be an entrance and when you go in, you go to a  different grid which will be all dark.  The floor is stone and from  all sides stone walls  and the room is in a shape of a cave or a tunnel with some branches. 
    • A bunch of stone and metals scattered around you can collect and new enemies could be there like miner moles and more.
  • Oil deposits! they 're like the water spots I explained above, but you will have these spots only in your secondary bases  to encourage players to make more then one base. 
  • And of course you need a really expensive machine to extract the oil. The oil extractor! It costs 300 metals, 150 mechanicals, 50 electronics and 30 plastic. running it costs 15 power.
  • Raids! 
    • based on your camp level. every 800 base points the raid level is raised by 1. Raid is a random event that could occur  in a camp with 1000+ base value.
    •  10 seconds before the raid begins the player will get a message saying something like "A bunch of idiots with bats are coming to take your valuables...".
    •  The raid itself will be a minute of fighting constantly spawning punk looking raiders with bats. After a minute the raiders which left will run away and a message saying something like "run off you cowards!" will appear above the player.
    • Of course with higher levels of raids the better the raiders are. in level 1 it's just bats and torches. In level 2 they'll have also some llamas and bows. In level 3 they'll have also some pistols and In level 4 they'll have almost only machetes, pistols, and shotguns.
  • You can make a quest when you have to choose if to help some nice rancher or to go dealing with the raiders. If you make friends with the raiders, raids will stop occurring and the raider's leader could give you quests but you won't be able to go to the rancher's place without getting attacked. If you make friends with the rancher, raids will still happens and you won't be able to go to the raiders hide but the rancher will let you buy and sell at his litter market and give you some new quests.
  • This game really need a way to move items automatically, I keep having to refill the wood burners and the marketing stands. 
    • One option is to make a transport robot, you choose an item and a placed object (currently only wood burners and marketing stands) and the robot will automatically go to the nearest crate/barrel and bring some items from it to the object. 
    • The second way is to add pipes to the game! which will transfer items from a crate/barrel to a placeable object. (pipe is 2 metal and 2 sand).
    • If you add this you would probably want to add a supply switch that will turn on/off machine depending on how much of a certain item you have in store.

I read this again and wow almost every suggestion is inspired by Fallout or Factorio. I guess your game have  some similar aspects with both games. Have a nice day reading this too long of a post :)

  • It's quite  hard to see what loot you get from chests and skellys, you can make the item you get have a fading '+1' next to it or make his square go yellow for a short while only to indicate that you got some more of it.
  • The game need to save even if you exit when you are in a secondary camp.
    • Yeah kind of odd I thought it did.
  • Clay builds! I would love to see a new building variant and clay (water and dirt) would fit good I think. Especially of you add the shovel.
    • There are lots more building types planned. Mud was one I thought of. Building types are going to be linked to different races of people. If you complete their quests you get their building tech/recipes.
  • solar panels are too easy to make and just dominate every other generators and there is no need to make interesting combinations like lumber jack robot with wood burners. So make solar panels cost 15/20 electronics instead of 10.
    • Yeah solar panels are really meant to be locked out until you unlock them through game progression. I'll look into making them more expensive. I also plan on making a mechanic where you have to clean them or they stop producing as much electricity.
  • Mines! you can come across one randomly while exploring or you can make one a permanent location. 
    • I planned on underground locations! In fact one of the quest lines I am working on one of the missions is in a mine.
  • Raids! 
    • oh these are for sure in the works. Just trying to figure out the best way to do them.
  • Oil Extractor.
    • I have the art already for this. I was going to have it where you deposit a lot of veggies and it slowly produces oil.
  • transport robot
    • also planned. I need to make a fairly complex system for this (which is why I've avoided it :) )

Most of your comments I've already thought about and planned. I like the idea about zones or deposits giving water/dirt/oil. Though I'd probably make a more game-like system. Think of a diving rod that vibrates when you get closer to a water source. You could place down an extractor and turn it on but monsters would spawn and you'd have to defend it.

Anyway great suggestions, that first one should have been something I thought of!


here are my idea
1. more types of tree"

2. planes

3. when you milk cows you get milk not water

4. dogs


3. when you milk cows you get milk not water
You do get milk when you milk cows. Milk is both meat (protein) and water.

1. more types of tree
Your right the dead forest is kind of boring :) Maybe an rubber tree?

4. dogs
I already have the models for them I just haven't done the animation yet. Dogs will be in the game!


I know we already have llamas as a mountable animal, but what about some giant desert spider or like a centipede that could maybe attack on your behalf when not mounted?

Wild animal taming? As it is you can just mount any llama you find in the world, but what if there was some work tied to it?

Possible animal variants? Like a fat llama is slower but could maybe block some damage while riding, a thin llama being faster but could also die easier.

Weather types. Being out in the sun in a heat wave is deadly, so is a sand storm. Maybe a really nasty rare flood that messes everything up.

Group upkeep while traveling. Party members, animals, weapons, most of it is there already, but adding some depth like needing to carry extra rations for party members and animals.


Animal outfits/gear, like a saddle bag for your llama that lets you do... something. As it is you can pick up infinite supplies

while in the field.

I saw someone else mentioned a shovel, but what if it could give a random bit of loot as well when you dig? As if  you find something buried in the sand.

Maybe a bit more granularity in the crafting? Especially for top tier stuff. Making parts for other things basically, that you then combine to build the main object.

Environmental hazard areas? Quicksand, radiation, giant mutant (sarlacc from star wars) nest?

Movement speed over different types of terrain, kinda like Rimworld. Maybe have gear you can craft to move faster over the endless sea of sand. Or just mount certain animals...

Maaaybe a combat oriented version of the whip? Chance of bleeding and/or stun damage on hit, faster than a spear with maybe 1 more tile of range, a weak but very fast weapon.

Weapon mods in general. Not Borderlands crazy, but ammo types, shotgun choke, muzzle brakes, maybe different scopes.

A long range rifle, like with a scope, that can give a further look distance maybe? And maybe binoculars or something, also giving bonus vision range on the map while traveling.

Player needing to eat and sleep regularly?

Drugs, maybe some unknown food items you can find in the world, that could lead to some really surreal desert trips. Certain mushrooms or cactus could give you these items? Maybe integrate a hallucinogenic trip into puzzle sections? Rare and expensive.

Unifying all of the build/electric/shop menus. Q and E doing similar things in all situations, like in the shops Q would -1 to inquired items, while E raises the number.

More building materials. Sandstone, clay, mud, maybe animal sourced materials?

I got like a billion more suggestions, but I'll hold off for now.


Very nice suggestions! I've thought about a lot of these already. For sure the combat and weapons/gear need to be focused on a lot. I am really still in the base building part right now. Animal taming is cool and I was for sure thinking of racing them and them having different stats. So many good ideas here.

I thought about the different weapons sort of like how Fallout does it. You can craft different type of barrels, mags, sights, stocks and receivers to make different guns. So you'd have a bench dedicated to building the parts and then bring the parts to another bench to create the gun. Creating those parts make the gun behave differently. 

(2 edits) (+1)

here are my ideas and I know I already said some things yesterday but here you go

  1. ability to sleep with lamas
  2. pools with water
  3. buckets so you could get 2X of milk 1 time use only
  4. dust storms that break your building, farm and other
  5. trains and other things that are related to them
  6. thirst
  7. hunger
  8. mine turtle
  9. books that you read to learn new recipes 
  10. pie"s
  11. wines on old buildings
  12. moldy rocks
  13. atomic bomb
  14. calculator to calculate your stocks
  15. ability to invest to businesses
  16. chairs with wheels
  17. sittable chairs
  18.  custom paintings
  19. fountains
  20. planes
  21. paper planes as a decoration
  22. statues
  23. tigers
  24. metal and rock beds
  25. radios that play music if you go near them
  26. crossbow
  27. camera that can take screenshots of the game
  28.   parrots
  29. TV"s 
  30. custom flags
  31. custom avatar not only clothes but also hair and other 
  32. wires how do these wires appear how???
  33. stop sign"s
  34. meerkats
  35. kangaroo rats
  36. happiness meter
  37. ability to see your sweat when sitting on Llama
  38. glasses
  39. mirrors
  40. big boxes that store a lot of stuff
  41. diseases
  42. potions
  43. magic
  44. titanium
  45. ink
  46. fish
  47. 1 pixel sized rocks
  48. rainbow llamas
  49. zinc
  50. land mines
  51. house trees I planted my tree inside but it is still dead I do not understand how metal floor is bad for trees what I wanted to say is that if you plant tree inside it is alive and with leaves
  52. pollution

Really good ideas here. 

I like the bucket and camera as tools. Also not all recipes will be unlocked at the start. you'll get more by completing missions or finding them places.

So thirst and hunger. I've been giving that a lot of thought. I am trying to think of a good way to do it. I like the idea that hunger and thirst is something that if you are well fed or hydrated you get bonuses and if not you get some sort of debuff.. Well fed maybe will give you some health regen and being famished will get lower your health to %50 slowly. Thirst will be affect your stamina. I still haven't decide on what to do about it. I don't want it to be you die, I feel like it doesn't really fit this game as it is not a hard core survival game.

Magic will be more in line of technology.

please, no magic.


No it will be science based.


Please make it more obvious that cows are taking damage. I figured they weren't and assumed they were invincible. I saw a youtube let's play come to the same conclusion. You can hit one w a spear like ten times and there's no sign that it's doing anything.


Yeah they should be flashing like the others do. I'll check on it.




just wanted to post some of my suggestions. I think a zoom in feature would be nice. I enjoy all the small details like when you go up to the wardrobe or mirror and it zooms in. Id like to play like that from time to time just for the details. maybe more character customization, accessories like backpack even if just for looks. most my suggestions are more aesthetic but makes me feel more connected to my char. I guess.


Your right. I actually have a backpack for the character. I should have it place the backpack on when you are out of your base.


that would be awesome haha I just think it would look cool just like the zoom feature haha I know It a pixel game but even so the close up details are awesome to me. The work you've done is amazing though and this is by far one of my favorite indie games of all time.


I have zooming (as you know by using mirrors) maybe if I had a magnifying glass object? That might be kind of neat. Also plan on having a camera to take screenshots. Or I could add a zoom feature to the camera? Or just a zoom like 'normal' games :)

well when i say zooom i mean like maybe scroll mouse wheel or press z to cycle through zoom levels,  would be cool to explore and see things close up, item would be cool as well if thatd be easier to make the zoom function because like you said you do have one, would be cool if it could be implemented throughout the game because well i just like the small details i guess haha.

(6 edits) (+2)
  • Ability to butcher any animal.
  • Ability to pick up eggs and have them convert into some food resource.
  • Stone path tiles of both kinds merging together relatively seamlessly to allow one to create actual paths and squares.
  • Customizing one's followers somewhat (clothes, hair, name?), I suspect some people would like to make villages of their friends.
    • During customization through mirror/dresser, ability to choose style/color out of some menu rather than having to cycle randomly.
      • Possibly clothes/armor being an actual thing. There could be then a couple of stylistic choices for each set of clothes for unarmored, leather armored and iron armored villagers, rather than, for example, current, seemingly purely decorational helmets.
  •  NPCs. It'd be nice to make NPCs actually matter more. Right now they're very easy to get, free to maintain, hard to lose, easy to replace and of questionable utility as anything but cannon fodder most of the time. If one would have to hire/go out of their way to recruit people rather than have them show up ready and loyal en masse whenever there's beds, it'd be also easier to care about them.
    • Could be expanded to having certain unique followers as per some quest/story reward.
    • Rather than being forced to use robots which seems a bit far off (and if available, should be an endgame thing), an ability to delegate villagers to particular tasks/areas where they farm, tend to livestock, sweep the floor etc and turn into idle/guards only if enemy is spotted, are done with their chores, the bell is rung or being a guard in some particular area is their designated job.
      • In case of bell ringing, their status as a guard should reset once alarm ends after a bit with no hostiles in the area, so only designated guards stay as such.
    • In regards to that, ability to assign particular weapon cabinet (with each cabinet being per one villager) to an NPC rather than having them grab stuff randomly. Possibly similar for setting up armor if it'd be available?
    • Perhaps various villagers having slightly different stats, with not everyone doing as well/being able to perform every task or being as good in combat.
      • A toggle for what things villager should do in their designated area, with most being greyed out for most villagers and whether they should engage hostiles or run away to the nearest guard/player/edge of the map if attacked and pursued
    • To balance their new usefulness, making them use up several units of veggies and water per day, possibly meat and water if vegetables are unavailable in sufficient numbers. Maybe even proportions of meat and vegetables being character-dependant.
    • NPCs could also actually path to their beds from time to time and sleep for just a couple of hours (with hours depending on whether they're a daylight person or a night owl), being unavailable and out of commision unless attacked/injured or summoned by the bell (and going immediately back to sleep after the threat/alarm ends).
      • This would require teaching friendly NPC to open doors of player-owned structures to go through (and close doors behind them). Enemies probably should be able to do the same with their own structures rather than just crowd the door waiting for the player to let them out.
        • Making doors/gates be unopenable to NPC of hostile faction (and possibly locking some hostile camp doors/gates against player and their party), but in such case allowing an use of force to bash through.
          • Whether the door can be damaged and how much damage it could take could depend on the weapon and the type of door. Stone/metal doors would matter for things beside aesthetics.
  • A bit more consequence of failure.
    • Reviving followers should probably require some item, maybe use up first aid kit.
    • Death of the player character has currently no consequences beside pushing the player to the moment before embarking. A risk of losing some tool, a vehicle/llama if there's no follower to gather those and bring them back home (or maybe even losing some follower as well, at least temporarily/with a quest to retrieve them later) or a slight, temporary debuff would be nice.
    • Ways to lose the game. Possibly enemies both destroying E.D.I.E. and killing the player character during a single raid would force a bad end?
  • An upgrade/skill that allows to attack off one's horse (llama) back.
  • Some reddish, bright tint when one's sufered severe health damage, maybe some sound effect or music change when one's on the verge of dying as well. It's sometimes easy to not notice one's health about to run out when in the middle of a fight and aiming at enemies, since it's just small trianglish indicator.
  • Don't know how ambitious you'd like those to be, but in the future having quests with various results and lasting consequences (you kill more skellies in the farm's area so now tehre's less of them in general, at least for a time), possibly even leading to slightly different fluff and responses from NPC and E.D.I.E about what kind of civilisation you create and how may it fare in the future would be kinda nice.
    • Would IMHO tie well with the above optional NPC-joining-your group reward one of possible reward choices, a bonus on swift completion of the quest  or consequence of decisions during said quest.
      • For example, killing a bunch of cannibals in a matter of a couple of days since taking a quest gives one a random chance to save some prisoner or two of them (or turn them in to the quest giver for additional resource reward) since they didn't get to go into a pot. Again, just an example, as I have no idea how serious and post-apocalyptic you actually want to make the game and what themes you want to touch.
  • Slightly more rocks and slightly less oil. Often I find plenty of barrels strewn around the wastes, but almost no rocks.
    • Some way of breaking damaged non-player-owned rock floors and other such constructions, maybe set fire to wooden ones.
      • Turning local neutral/friendly NPC hostile, deleting their quests etc if such is done to their locations/buildings.
        • Ability to pay hefty sum in scrap and raw materials for damage to return said NPCs to neutrality and have their location regenerate (assuming player have not murdered them first).
  • Main menu options. Ability to set resolution, set the game fullscreen/windowed, change music/sound volume independently (the music is nice but after several hours of repeated tracks playing it.. tires), toggle what's currently in options/ini. Maybe save slots?

Pretty much those on top of Trello's To-do would be enough for me to consider it a complete game. Tried to avoid doubling the suggestions with those of other users/roadmap but may have missed some, in which case I apologize.

I also understand some of these suggestions are much more ambitious and harder to implement than the others, but, well - something to aspire to, to make the game as good as possible, I hope? Especially since in case of some, those ideas roll into one thing as I try to look a few steps ahead and offer suggestions of how to solve certain issues an implementation of them could cause.


Everything about the villagers is planned. I should probably just start doing them :) The 'jobs' they can do will depend on the 'tool' or 'weapon' they have equipped.  So a broom they sweep, a axe they are lumberjack, a scythe they are farmers, a weapon they are guards, a bucket (not made yet) they milk cows, shears (not made yet) they tend to woolys, a basket (not made yet) they collect eggs. I haven't decided if I should have a central object that manages them all or have it where you have to go up to each one and assign them a job manually.

Rocks are a problem for sure. My idea was to make a powered mining drill OR have a large piece of asteroid that is embedded in the ground of your base and is only harvestable with a pick-axe. It is very hard to get a stone out of though a requires many wacks. This would allow a mining job (with the pickaxe) that villagers can do. Maybe unlimited stone just very low production OR a large amount of stone they depletes and unlocks a quest to get the stone drill blueprint.

The mirror and dresser needs an update for sure and have everything customizable.

Eggs I agree with should be able to be converted to meat.

Now that I added Health Packs I agree reviving followers should require this.

Dying does lose all your found resources (unless there is a bug), but maybe you should lose all your gear too? I'll think about this.

Yes my menu is a mess lol it will get better closer to actual release :)


To be honest, I don't think the resource accessibility is so bad as to make one require permanent resource source or some resource-generating tech. Personally, merely slightly bumped number of boulders around the wastes and possibly a way to break some ruins down for materials would be enough. On the other hand, as mentioned, oil barrels are a bit too common and I wouldn't mind it if those would be much more rare and mostly to be found in some ruins.

Regarding dying, no, it works as designed, I just indeed think that merely losing what you have found since embarking is kinda too little. Losing all tools may hurt but it will hurt only early game while not mattering much late-game. Thus idea of having stuff like currently used vehicle (including llamas) risking a chance to be lost, companions temporarily disappearing to return later, die permanently or require rescue, maybe some slight debuff. Of couse, in the end, you call the shots.


Just FYI. Guys sleeping and opening doors is done. Also enemies now break down doors. Also when the player sleeps it looks like he really sleeps :) I guess I need to add raids now.


Awesome. Though I am also now a bit worried about my settlements. Hopefully there'll be some minimum wealth before enemies even consider showing up at all. In the meantime, I'll keep fiddling with the bug list I prepare for you in the other thread (sorry for the wall of text).


Yes most likely things will be scaled by wealth... for now Muh Ha Ha


Oh forgot to mention I have resource scaling for exploration in the game. Everything was set to the same amount for some reason. I fixed that. You should see less oil and more 'common' material.

I'm a little surprised that there are so few posts here, not because you're not doing your job or anything because you're doing an absolutely excellent job at creating updates for the game especially considering your job as a teacher and your time is incredibly limited, but because SO many people have played this game!

Mostly everyone else touched on late game aspects that could be added, and a person or two mentioned armor, but that's definitely something that I would like to expand on. I'm not sure if you already have a huge line up of ideas for armor and what not, but I noticed that the item "leather" does not get used that often, so leather armor is an awesome idea. I was also thinking it would be neat if little lizards spawned in the desert while exploring or just around your base and you could kill and butcher them for a scale or two, a new item. I figured it could be used to make scale armor. Maybe turtles and have turtle shell helmets or something. However, it seems like a bit of a waste to add a whole new animal only for it to have pretty much one purpose, huh? I was just trying to think of ideas for some basic armor for early game players, for defense against raiders and strangers on the outside. It only makes sense that if you're about to implement Raids into the game, a sort of defense system for players and recruits seems applicable. As for late game, maybe bullet proof vests made of metal and leather, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Maybe heavier armor makes the player run slower. To make sure players don't get certain elements of the game until later, maybe through XP or something, they can level up their armor/weapon/knowledge level and have access to better gear and items to craft. I'm not sure. I'm just giving little tidbits and it's up to you where it goes! You're the creative one, that's why you're the coder and makin' the big bucks. Haha.

The strangers surrounding the Anchor Rage area ARE faster, as you mentioned in one of the updates. Now, I noticed that in... exercise, was it? I can't remember the name. The exercise work bench? You can upgrade your stamina, now, does this up your speed as well? I've upgraded it a few times, don't know if I really notice a difference. It doesn't say it will make you faster, but that might be a neat upgrade, just to keep up with the enemies as they keep progressing and the game gets harder. However, I guess we do have llamas. So it's not that important of an update, I suppose.

I was doing the quests in Anchor Rage and the dye lady wanted some pods, the thing is (and this might just be my total lack of knowledge about that) I had NO idea the little cactus thingies were called "Pods" I was trying to figure out what in the world a "Pod" was and I didn't figure it out until I saw "Pod Stack" and placed it, and saw it had the little symbol of the cactus thing. I'm sure every single time I've harvested a cactus it's probably said +1 Pod, but I guess I never noticed before. I don't even actually have a fix for this, this was just my obliviousness. Lol. Also, do none of the robots harvest cacti? Mine harvest everything else EXCEPT cacti. That could be something you could add. :)

I'm not super creative or anything, just wanted to expand on some things that other players have already mentioned a little more. I also wanted to tell you that I love your humor. I hope you're not too overwhelmed by all this text, I'm sure you're thinking "Holy cow woman learn to paraphrase so I can get back to coding". Anyways, happy creating! 

(4 edits) (+1)

1: You could have logic switches, like and, or, and xor, 

which you attach two switches to, and it gives an output based on the switches.

2: Switch relays

3: Lag compensation

4: Some way to build from llama-back


1 2. Yes i,ve thought about this. I need to add more things to control before to .ake it worth while. It will be there in the future.

3. Like game lag? Try the FAST version you might have better luck. I havent done an optimization pass yet but I might need to.

4. Lol people always ask that. I guess there is no real reason you shouldnt be able to. It is one less condition I have to check in my if statement :)

Deleted 2 years ago

I have a question. How to restart the whole game? 

(2 edits)

Manually delete and re-install it 

also, this is the "Suggestions" topic.  Here you should frame this as a suggestion for a "NUKE" button that deletes all data similary to the "delete mission data/delete mission map" buttons with a question on the side.

But a "NUKE" button would be a great idea.

And before you say something about these being the only topics and no other topics for which you to ask your question, just make your own topic.


go to local appdata and deleted the Sand_alpha folder there. I'll add a button to restart the game soon.

(1 edit) (+1)

A large battery, I don't know if you're already implenting this (Since of couse its called  small battery) but it would be a good feature.

Also, a way to make non-grid based placeable items grid based to better line it up wo its not all messy.

I would also like a zoom out feature, only for your base, so you can show your whole base in the pictures of your base thread.


Yes larger batteries will be in. I should probably just do it now :)

Like maybe hold shift and it will snap to the grid? I like that idea

I am looking at some sort of camera object or something that will function sort of like that.


Add an option that lets you change SFX and music volume. Also make it so that it stays like that, even after closing the game (so basically I'm saying that it shouldn't reset if you start the game again)

And maybe create a custom cursor for the game?


Both for sure will be in the game.


hey just wanted to make a quick suggestion. Do you think it would be possible to add a fitness upgrade that increases your characters speed?

I would like this as well.


not a bad idea

hey so big suggestion. To make it so that you don't have to keep replacing people, I would suggest making it so that unless enemies come within a certain radius of E.D.I.E. or the white flag in a base away from the main base, the NPCs that aren't guards should not attack/go after enemies because they keep getting killed because they can't handle the fight. It would help a lot. Also they stop working during that time which cuts or even stops production. Please this would be great. I understand though if you have a reason why. I just personally think this would be great


That is probably the way is should be (or will be). I think my reasoning was that early level players might need help defending from the early raids.

I mean it makes sense it's just that they have a bat so they rush in and die. And I have like 45 upgrades in health and they just get wrecked. Quick question. Would you be able to add some bars to show how much health the character has within the game like the bottom right and then make the bar for all the weapons and stuff smaller because that bar takes up alot of space on the screen.

I like the health bar above the head and how your character starts to sweat when he gets low on stamina but it doesn't indicate very well how much health you have and how much stamina you have. As well as it doesn't really tell me how much damage the enemies have. It also makes it so that I have no idea how the upgrades affect my campmates. Just wondering what your thoughts are on this


Damage numbers should be a thing. I've added a stamina and hp counters to the UI already.

Wouldn't damage numbers not matter if you don't know the health of yourself or your enemies in a numeric format? So that's what I was talking about when I meant adding a way to see stamina and health using numbers like a bar on the bottom of the screen to show how much health you have as a number. Just a thought. Or maybe a menu that you can open that shows stats and your armor when you implement that.

Another suggestion I have is to get rid of the boundaries around the area. Ya know they big gray lines. And instead just make it so that when you reach a certain like few feet from the edge of the whole area you can just press E or F to leave the area. Would definitely help with the enemies so that they don't die in that gray area.


ok, I've already blasted the thread with ideas but I just can't get the rest out of my head so:

Better devmode! Devmode is wonderful, It's like creative mode in minecraft. It lets you experiment with the features of the game freely. That's why I think you should keep it in the game, support it and make it better.

When you destroy stuff in devmode you shouldn't get the materials back.

Make us able to create new places with custom sizes in devmode.

Make support for making custom quests and NPCs using devmode.

The game desperately needs zooming out. I think of a new building. The watchtower! When you get into it you can shoot and see farther (you zoom out). you can build it from different materials.

Add height to the game. You already added something like that, the ball can bounce in the air but I want real height system:
- First of all, the ball actually bounce, that means that it can fly over fences and stuff...
- When you ride llamas  you can jump (space bar) over fences and swing enemies
- Ramps -big enough for cars ;)
- Second floors maybe?

More rotations :
- Shelves also able to be placed on side walls
- Chair front and back
- Table to side

Enemies don't go to the gray area (the boundaries of the plot).

Raids happen less often. I can't go afk for 5 minutes!

You can get stuck in a fence if its on a animal guard, pls fix it.

Make cars just a tiny bit easier to control

Metal Press! a way to create mechanicals. Expensive and use tons of power.

Oil Processor. Process oil into plastic! Just a lot of metal but uses a lot of power

Electronic factory for turning metal and plastic to electronics. Super expensive and use too much power

Make electronics, mechanicals and plastic more rare when looting skeletons. Its too easy to get those stuff.

Fourth fitness upgrade: weight lifting. increase melee damage.

Long press for inputs in wood burners and quest boxes.


Different areas with ground types. of course every area except desert will be extremely seldom. But it will make a great variation and it will inspired player to play more.

water pools! you literally can put a chunk of water on the ground and it will look cool. It has couple of perks

- (maybe) it will slowly dry and if yo surround it with wood it will dry slower.

- you can swim maybe?

- when you plant trees next to it they will grow leaves and will have a chance to drop more than one acorn.

- when you plant cactus next to the pool it will grow fruits and will have a chance to drop more than one pod.

-animals would be able to drink for the pool.

- its expandable! (maybe) you can put a lot of pools next to each other to create a large pool.

Change f9 instead of a push button, make it a three states button:

- full HUD

- Part HUD - without button tooltips

- no HUD

Again, I think a stock switch would be great. he has three option:

- which item to check

- how much is the stock needs to be to activate the switch

- normal mode or reversed mode (reversed mods is: the switch will turn off the second the stock get over the number in the second option).

The torch tool make light at night when you hold it.

Heavier storms - once in a while a sand storm happens. you walk slower, much more sand to clean up, hard to see. can get heart when exploring from breathing too much sand.

Crossbow as a weapon for shooting arrows further.

Fourth AI type: half protective half harvesting

Dynamite: like grenade but also damages blocks.

Variety of icons for places (Home is a house,  Anchor Rage is a building icon, Steven's Farm is a barn and a little farm icon , secondary camps are tents and etc).

And last but not least, a playtime counter! to see how much time I spend on this incredible game instead of doing important stuff :().


Super great ideas! You might have helped me figure out somethings I've been stuck on. The pool idea is really cool. A 'creative' mode will be in the full release (dev mode really just for me). F9 HUD control - added to my list. Heavy storms is a good idea too. Zooming i think will be an object like binoculars. All very good ideas. I will also (at one point) create a mech, tech,plastic, and oil producers. I am thinking it will be like this: oil is the main part. oil -> plastic. plastic+metal=tech. oil+metal=mech. Oil can be extracted from the ground but will cause endless waves of enemies to attack until turned off (slowly increasing in size and/or health and damage). Depending on how long it runs it will spit out oil. It also will have a cool down or maybe you have to repair it?


Hope Mac will run


Yes there is a very good chance I will make a MAC build. I did it in my last game and it wasn't a huge issue (well minus the $100 a year I have to pay :) ).

and I hope this game is a multi-language's game


I am hoping when I am done with writing the dialogue some people will help me with the localization.


Yes, I will help

I checked out the tutorial on electricity in the game, and it wasn't as informative as I hoped it was going to be. Of course, this is a pretty simple tutorial meant for the basics I suppose, but I feel like there is still some crucial information missing from the tutorial. I still have no idea how to gauge how many solar panels or windmills or wood burners I need based on how many electronics I have, because I still have no idea how much electricity each one produces, nor do I know how much electricity my devices/electronics takes up. The only thing I have to go on is "OUT OF POWER" and that lets me know I need to slap down some more solar panels or windmills or the like. How many? I don't know. I guess until I stop getting the "OUT OF POWER" notification. How charged are my batteries? I don't know. I tried connecting a volt meter to my batteries to see if I could see how charged they were, but I can't. How do I know I'm storing power? I don't know. What I'm trying to make happen is that I have enough solar panels to power my machines during the day, but I have such a surplus of energy that the extra energy is stored in the batteries, and then at night the machines run on the batteries instead of just turning off. I'm working blind and just guessing. Am I missing something? Do you guys know something that I don't? Did somebody already make a detailed wiki for how the electricity works in this game and I just don't know about it? I'd love to know.

Duke "The Sniper" when ever a raid comes always immediately goes by my side, but it would be nice to have an option to Follow and Disband that actually work during a raid. Even when I don't have him set to follow, he stands by my side anyway and doesn't go tend to the raid. I tried having him Follow and then Disbanded him hoping that he would run off towards the raid, but he doesn't. It just seems like a waste of his skills at the base. He doesn't do anything else except protect me and attack enemies. But not at the base. At least, not when I'm not at the raid. He will when I'm out exploring and come across enemies. But otherwise, he's practically useless at the base if I'm not at the raid.

I noticed that you can run straight through the trade and sell booths, but not the solar panels. I have quite a few solar panels just thrown lazily around my base, it would be kinda nice if you could just run straight through those too. 

Other than for vegetables, seeds really serve no other purpose. I was thinking maybe we could also have harvestable wheat/grass that could be used to feed the cows and woolies and the seeds could be used to feed the chickens. Right now chickens don't need feed or water to produce eggs. Maybe having feed available could mean that the animals produce more meat/wool/whatever.

It would be nice to sort of have a pressure plate similar to what's presented in Minecraft for doors. It gets a little tedious to have to manually open and close doors. It would be easier to have to just open the door and then when you step on the pressure plate and walk off, like going through the doorway, the door automatically closes. And then when leaving all I have to do is step on the pressure plate and walk out the door, then it closes behind me.

I know you mentioned before that the campmates will automatically stop moving when you approach them or they approach you, but I was thinking there should be some sort of timer. If no action is done to the campmate in maybe 5-10 seconds, they should move on on their merry way. That way they don't all get stuck next to you and not be able to do their jobs like farm or gather wood or what not.


So a solar panel gives you 1 power in the day. I should add the power usage to the descriptions. A windmill will give you 0 to 2 power depending on the wind speed. I'll add all the power requirements and power production to the descriptions in the build menu. I am also planning on making the batteries drain slower.

Duke should protect you during raids too. That must be a bug.

I'll look into solar panels being walk through-able.

Good idea about the seeds for chicken feed.

Pressure plates will be in the game and will work with doors.

Yes the camp mate 'job' system is temporary. I will make jobs and info switchable from E.D.I.E. So you shouldn't be able to stop them anymore.


I like all of these ideas! Duke will protect me during raids, but only if I'm in the vicinity of the enemies. If I'm not around the enemies, he won't go fight them.


Ahh ok. His AI probably is defaulting to protect instead of aggressive attack.

(1 edit) (+2)

My suggestion is, you should add a place where you can fight in a championship or something, in an arena. There are also some merchants who will sell weapons and ammos. A training camp or something will also be available.

About the championship thingy, you will need to pay to enter the championship. you will be given only a type of weapon for each match. To win, you must knock out the opponent before the time limit. After winning the championship, you will get a lot of scrap/items.

Okay, I think that's all for now.


Arena is on my list for sure!



Hey  just wondering but just like the npcs do, would it be possible for you to make it so that you can also just automatically walk into a door and have it open up and then automatically close behind you so that you dont have to open and close it everytime. Only saying because I've opened and closed the doors hundreds of times already 


lol I've had that comment many times already. I guess I'll add that in.


Bunch of lazy people.... :)


I mean you're not wrong. Thank you though it helps for convenience sake. 


Hey a quick suggestion and i forgot to mention already that i love the most recent update. Just wondering if there would be a way to upgrade damage because even the best weapons don't really do much damage. Unless it is your intention for enemies not to be super easy to kill. Also wondering if you will be adding some kind of level up system or like a reason to actually go out of your way to kill enemies instead of running past tuem because you get practically nothing compared to what you can produce after only a few hours in the game. Thanks for keeping this awesome game going


Yes it will be built into the upgrade/research system. Enemies will have a chance to drop research or blueprints that will allow you to improve certain weapons or craft special gear etc. Missions will also produce this.


Oh ok awesome thank you for telling me your plans. This game is so awesome and i was dumb and i changed some settings in my driver and now im getting like 200 frames on a packed base. So good job with the fps


Hey ive got a quick suggestion. Since you made it so that we can walk through doors and open and close them automatically, why not make it the same as with gates? 


I think I programmed it that way already and took it out for some reason... maybe because of animals? LOL I don't remember why :)

I'll re-enabled it and see if it doesn't cause issues.


Ok awesome. I would assume that you could make it so that ya know animals can't open doors or gates in general so that you won't have to worry about it. No idea if thats hard or not but just throwing out the idea


Hey also a quick suggestion. I was wondering if you had thought about implementing a kind of bargaining system with the traders where you can increase or decrease prices for bothing selling and buying things. Just like at the specific little selling and buying stalls you have the option to increase or decrease prices and maybe traders can have a reputation with you depending on how many of what creature you kill and what kind of things you have in your base. And if the trader likes the prices he'll buy or sell more to you and the traders will also come back more frequently for that specific item to buy or sell so that you would have an increase in sales all across the board because the traders will come back more often because they like what you are doing. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Of course their reputation with you would also increase or decrease depending on your prices and the higher the reputation the more willing they will be to pay more for what you're selling and you'll be able to buy what they are selling for less as well. Also maybe you could add in names for the traders and have it to where you'll be able to identify those traders and maybe interact with them and they'll be something along the lines of like: Remus the produce trader or the hunter so they'll all buy and sell specific items depending on their class profession. Just some ideas hope you like them. 


Quick suggestion for NPC behavior. I think it would be interesting to have diffent reactions to raids. i.e. guards should be the only NPCs to aggo on raids since they can defend themselves. Workers should stay where they are and keep working as far as they are not attacked (I started to deal with adventurous workers by locking them into their designated workspace which fits the underlyring slavery-theme but there might be a more sophisticated way to handle that).
Another interesting aspect could be Guard-Towers to focus their actions to certain areas. The game could become more tower-defence like (and I don´t know if you´re planning to go that way), in which case I was wondering what the goals of raiding enemys are, maybe some would want to attack structures, some would want to kill your folks, others go directly against yourself. Some might even want to destroy your computer, which could loose you some resources, something like that.

Well, just trowing out ideas. Don´t get me wrong, I really like the atmosphere of the current game, having a town, hopping around with you llama, doing the missions, watching traders come and go. But I also like organising the base layout to create an invincible fortress, a capital city with different districts for trade, industrie, countryside and housing, and equally strong and organised enemies to challenge my claim to the wastelands. So there would have to be a challenge and reward system that fits that kind of playstyle, if one wants to go that way. Because I think the game fits a casual and a hardcore playstyle and there could be an offer in both directions.


More interesting raid mechanics would be nice as well.


Yes the raid system is not complete by any means. Waves of enemies with some trying to sneak in a steal crates or barrels( so you will have to think about how to guard all 300 of them you've placed :)

wahhht??? So you will add cameras and motion sensors then? To at least give us heads up...


Good idea with the cameras

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Yes I plan on making mobs that steal crates and throw bombs while raiding bases. If you have a base full of NPCS that aren't guards they get slaughtered when the real raiders come. Kind of the way I am going with the turrets and saw traps. Enemies will destroy doors and gates if they are locked out (I believe that mechanic is still in the game). Maybe raiders will release roaches with TNT strapped on them to blow up walls and things.


Got a couple:

- Incorporate building aspects:

  • Electric Fences
  • Water tanks / towers
  • Silos ( w/ varying storage capacities )
  • Fridges 
  • Boiling empty pots ( over a campfire )
  • Map ( shows whole base & more advanced maps can be built / upgraded after completing x missions to show whole wilderness discovered [ not showing any undiscovered tiles ]) 
  • mailbox ( receives jobs, letters for help and receive rewards)
  •  post box ( send letters for jobs / hiring people )

- Game elements:

  • Spices & / or salt (little white mounds)
  • Food perishable (requires water to be boiled & food to be stored in fridge, seasoned with spices or salt)
  • illnesses / food poisoning ( requires food to be cooked over empty cooking pot [ interactive to do multiple things from water to food cooking ] and if not health depletes slowly and stamina decreases as a result )
  • Can only get better through medicine or small chance of getting better from milk (retrieved from cows instead of food, can be a less effective substitute for water as well )
  • Medicine can be made in medical workbench ( requires completion of lots of missions to unlock but once it unlocks, users are more likely to get it from raw food - takes 8 - 16 taps to cook as well ) otherwise users buy from buy stalls or anchor rage.
  • Merchants / traders: Sells and buys items to set user defined limits to insure scrap growth. ( Set amount to be sold & what is sold )  
  • Add oasis ( fake mirages )
  • In exploration tiles, some farther out have mine shafts where you can explore underground and fight more difficult bosses. 
  • Also in exploration, more abandoned towns or bases w/ potential survivors (if saved) join your squad.

Quite a long post, but I think that this might help to improve some stuff... 

Also maybe updating the menu UI w/ a help / how to play section which can be accessed while playing and in menu.


Good stuff! Just so you know some of this stuff is planned already!


Would you be able to make a version for Linux?


I will on release. Once I get my Linux box up again, I can try a build for you. Keep reminding me so I don't forget. :)


Any plans for a Mac build?

Developer (1 edit)

Yes. I've built one for my last game and I will make one on release for sure. Just like the Linux build though it takes a lot of my time to test for all three. So the short answer is yes, but not now :)

1. Mines (for mining)that can produce stone, dirt, metal, and maybe ores 

2. electric mines (still for mining)?

3. furnace so you can smelt your ores

4. and make armor and other things out if it

5. lightning strike (can set things on fire)

6. Fire extinguisher (to put out the fire)

7. that when you click on duke to follow you only then he can ride a lama

8. that duke stops killing my lamas (fix fis AI to not stand infront of lamas when hes shooting)

9. a train or some railway system to travel from base to base

10. more cars

11. more armor (or armor encahnts maybe?)

12. seas and oceans

13. boats to travel across the sea

14. traders at their base (so we can come and buy things)

15. multiple world saves (so you can have more than 1 world)

16. multiplayer mode with an friends system so you can invite your friends 

17. cats can scare away skelies

18. more pets

19. airplanes?

20. more peacfull creatures to find 

21. ducks (and rubber duck as decoration)


1. Mines (for mining)that can produce stone, dirt, metal, and maybe ores 

2. electric mines (still for mining)? 

3. furnace so you can smelt your ores 

4. and make armor and other things out if it 

5. lightning strike (can set things on fire) 

6. Fire extinguisher (to put out the fire) 

7. that when you click on duke to follow you only then he can ride a lama

 8. that duke stops killing my lamas (fix fis AI to not stand infront of lamas when hes shooting)

 9. a train or some railway system to travel from base to base 

10. more cars 

11. more armor (or armor encahnts maybe?)

 12. seas and oceans 

13. boats to travel across the sea 

14. traders at their base (so we can come and buy things) 

15. multiple world saves (so you can have more than 1 world) 

16. multiplayer mode with an friends system so you can invite your friends 

17. cats can scare away skelies 

18. more pets

 19. airplanes?

 20. more peacfull creatures to find 

21. ducks (and rubber ducks as decration)


1. Mines (for mining)that can produce stone, dirt, metal, and maybe ores 

- something like this is planed

5. lightning strike (can set things on fire) 

- maybe a skill slot?

6. Fire extinguisher (to put out the fire) 

- I like it

7. that when you click on duke to follow you only then he can ride a lama

- he should ride a llama. If he doesn't it is a bug.

 8. that duke stops killing my lamas (fix fis AI to not stand infront of lamas when hes shooting)

- his bullets shouldn't kill llamas. If they do it is a bug.

 9. a train or some railway system to travel from base to base 

- once you get a car it is pretty fast.

10. more cars 

- I actually have 4 or 5 more I just haven't put them in the game :)

11. more armor (or armor encahnts maybe?)

- there will be different qualities of gear (based on some sort of crafting level)

 12. seas and oceans 

- There will probably be a sea near the bottom of the map.

13. boats to travel across the sea 

- probably not

14. traders at their base (so we can come and buy things) 

- yes in anchor rage you can buy thing once you complete the persons mission.

15. multiple world saves (so you can have more than 1 world) 

- yes this will be in.

16. multiplayer mode with an friends system so you can invite your friends 

- Maybe...

18. more pets

- I have a dog, but still haven't programmed it in.

 19. airplanes?

- That has been suggested before. Not sure how it would work though. Maybe this could be your fast travel solution?

 20. more peacfull creatures to find 

- I have a few planned, rabbits I think I have planned.

21. ducks (and rubber ducks as decration)

- Quack!

(2 edits) (+1)

ill take a Quack as a yes.  And let lumberjack or the water mahager harvest cactus

Pls make the xp text appear somewhere else, when I collect many things at once they overlap and I can't see anything


I should probably just disable them for now.

(3 edits)

An option to disable those little messages "+1 resource", for some reason it is lagging when lots of those appear if there's more than 15 the game already is 4 fps, maybe the problem is here with my pc but who knows how many people may also have that problem.

Developer (1 edit)

Okay I think it found a fix. One I should have done a long time ago. I limited the number of popups AND forced them to stack so you can actually see the text. I removed the XP for now. I'll probably add it differently some how later.

Holding shift and/or ctrl in build mode to lock vertical movement/horizontal movement
Hold shift, can't move the buildings up or down
Hold ctrl, can't move the building left or right


Humm.... yes good idea (as always). I'll try this out tomorrow.

I think it would be nice if Duke would only ride a llama if he is following me, sometimes I want to go to do some exploring alone, I have to make Duke follow me far away from my llamas, ride a llama and place a wall in the entrance so he doesn't ride it!


so he rides a llama if he isn't following you?


bee's cuz why not.


That bee a crazy idea.


Alright, first of all, THIS GAME IS GORGEOUS. Wonderful idea and splendid execution. I downloaded it yesterday night around 10 pm and played until 6:15 am this morning. 

Raids: As far as raids go...we need more traps. Maybe adding some tripwire of some sort, possibly making turrets that DO move without direct command, and/or adding a special trader that is a "meat-head" that you may "rent" or "purchase" in some way to protect your base. I understand the need to regulate HUGE base expansions thus using the barrel/crate count as a standard of growth to determine what level of mobs to send, butttttt I got raided by shotguns and pistols when I was 5~ hours in, about 6 times.  Only just started winning against them now.

Armour Variety: Now armour, it's good...but not expansive. It almost feels like I have no variety, but I really do like the fire boots and laser scope helmet although I wish protection came with those. Possibly use the XP for enchants ontop of armour stats. Thus, you can add some variability between possibly wood, stone, and metal gear as well as the fire perks.

Custom Worker Tools: One thing I found very dissappointing was the fact that my "friends" auto-generated in with gear. I think having to actually equip them with items would give it a more customized/building experience. They could start out with just a bare hand and then the Tool Station would have a bit more of a use. Plus, then I could upgrade my guards to actually be able to do damage. Armour equips on the workers I feel is unnessecary though, just tools/weapons.

Delete Obj Glitch: Little glitch when I broke a fence, wall, pretty much anything, it stayed rendered. That just threw me off a bit. When I left my "home square" and came back it was gone, but immediately after breaking it still stuck. (Not sure if that's intensional).

Quick Light Thing: If possible, add lighting area to decor before placement so we can see what radius that will actually light.

Base Expansion: One of the things I love about survival games is the expansion. I like the idea of the wagon to actually grow past your "home square" but what about adding a real estate agent of some sort in which you would do missions to clear land at which a later date you could purchase? Just a thought.

Finally, ELECTRONICS!: Beatiful concept, I love the use of the switches and relays in order to complete missions. As far as adding to that, check into adding hydro-equipment. This could also open up adding small pools of water aka an oasis in which you could get drinks from or swim in to regain health. That's pretty much it, but I'm very excited to see whatever you do with it.


Glad you liked the game! I have so much more to add :)

Raids: Yes there is a lot of improvement to do with these. I think I might have made them too hard at first. They need some balancing. I'd also like to add special mobs that run in a take/destroy crates (which would destroy some goods too). Also higher tier raids that come in waves.

Armour Variety: Yes I just added these awhile ago. I plan on having different quality of gear crafted (based on some crafting skill or something). I also plan on adding lots more armor types for sure.

Custom Worker Tools: My initial plan (which is still the case) is that the workers would craft their own gear based on their professions. So the gear would break and they would have to rebuild it. If they couldn't they would just use their hands which would be slower or less productive.

Delete Obj Glitch: This must be a bug in the version you have. Although I checked the latest version and it isn't happening to mine.

Quick Light Thing: That is good idea.

Base Expansion: I was thinking about adding abandoned towns you can take over and make a base. With stuff already built, but destroyed.

Finally, ELECTRONICS!: Good idea.


Can’t wait to see the additions💯I’ll look into my version for the breaking glitch.


hello , i really like this game and here are my suggestions that i feel it will make the game experience even more injoyable

- being rescued : when you die outside the base you don't realy die you get knocked off so if you broght people with you and you die they should attack while one drags you away of the map or try to heal you or maybe flee with half of your resorces so you don't lose evrything when you die

- watch towers : a building that have levels like wooden one stone one and a computer one that detects raids before they hapen and give you time to prepare and information about the raiding force like wooden one gives you 20sec to prepare stone one give you 40 sec and an estimation like (you are raided by 5~10 ) and the robotic one give you 1min and the exact number

- special non craftable ithems as rewards : when you do quests or when you explore caves there should be hidden rooms (like the button behind the cactus one ) and give you like a wepon or a tool that is uncraftable and have a special ability like ×3 more damage

- special people joining your cause : alongside of normal people what about something like rescue missions that give you special people like a verry good farmer or fighter or maybe even like a friendly enemy unit or even something silly like a medival knight with a fighting bonus when he fights with swords. having a hometown with normal people and special caracters will make towns more fun

- diplomacy / requesting help : when you do missions for an area it should give you like special options in the map like requesting suplies or military help for example if you do 10 farmer missions and there is a raid comming and you arn't ready you can request help and he will send like 5 people with a pitchfork to defend or for example if you do 5 missions you can ask him to send 5 farmers to take care of your crops for like 5 in-game days

- turning into a cyborg : in late game we should have something like a cyborg chamber that give you bonuses for example you can upgrade your legs for speed or hands for tools

-boss fights or special raids / special decoration : to not make raids get repetetive how about you get a leader unit after a number of raids like a squeleton unit with a crosbow that does alot of damage and if you kill him you get his helmet as a decorative ithem

- turning the start talking robot box thing into a walking  talking robot box thing  : how about a mission about turning the broken machinery thing into a spaceship or a mount to be a fast travel way and drop you in verry far locations  in late game or to send you into specific landing sites and then you carry on your travel the normal way instead of walking a verry long walk and spend a ton of resorces .

(sorry for anny gramatical errors )


Really good ideas!

- being rescued :  This was in the game at one point. Your followers could revive you. It probably should be added back in.

- watch towers : I like this idea. Maybe have a siren that goes off or something

- special non craft-able items as rewards : This is planned

- special people joining your cause :  I have a lot of neat unique followers planned

- diplomacy / requesting help :  I've thought of some sort of rep system. Still trying to figure out how it would work

- turning into a cyborg :  I am planning a suit (like a exo suit thing or something) that will give you science powers [no magic though]

- turning the start talking robot box thing into a walking  talking robot box thing  : As you get further in the game E.D.I.E. will get parts added to it (which is why you can't build right next to it). I haven't talked about the ending of the games story, but some of the things you mentioned might be in there.


Make it more clearer that you are getting hit like a small screen shake or some sound. I have died some times because i didn't think i would have had gotten hurt. Thanks for reading and thanks for this awsome game. 


lol this is already in the next build :)




i know that this is not a verry big idea but it will be a nice little thing to see in the game : in the playground i think there is this pile of loot that are suposed to be for the great he who codes and that the player can steal . it will be really cool if the he who codes add a punishment for those who are trying to steal such loot with something like a thunderstrik that kills the player instantly or a verry strong boss as the powerfull minnion of he who coded . i thing it will be a nice little touch :P


lol yes... I think that should be a thing! Added to the to-do list

(1 edit) (+1)

I have the best idea. Hear me out. Mountable turrets on the llamas. Some thing tat the player can craft.




its a great idea. Still i must say i think its really good of you for caring about this community and reading all of these quirky ideas i mean some make are actually good but still thx for caring. :)


lol most of them are great. I love hearing ideas from everyone. It helps my brainstorming a lot. Some of them just aren't in the direction I am going. I have an idea for "pets" you'll be able to deploy. Maybe one should be a robot llama with a turret!


Cyborg llama!


when someone is sleeping on a bed and the bed is deleted he wake up


lol yeah that should happen of course :)


Oh I forgot to tell you that been fixed for the next build


 make workers  sleep in fancy beds and require less time sleeping in one of those beds


They already do (I believe). I haven't prioritized them to look for the best bed available though. They currently find the closest (I think). 



First I gotta say I found this game to be funny with potential to become deep and grim all at the same time. I love those kinds of games!!!

Hope to see more of the story line real soon!


Got some suggestions which I think could be great for the game (Chances are most of these already have been suggested before) I'll try to be brief (no promises :-D),

- Biome weather -  Two thing I've noticed about the game's biome. It's a desert and it's a post apocalyptic wasteland. So in line with that, you could add rain/thunderstorms/dust bowls/sand storms/heat waves/cold waves etc. I think it would add more depth to the game and you can make weather events give buffs/penalties to the player's town (E.g. - regular rain can water crops and you could add rain collectors as a buildable object while acid/radioactive rain can delay or kill plants and stuff same as that, electrical storms can give more power if a lightning rod power generator kind of thing can be built and dust bowls/sand storms could just get sand everywhere in the base).

 - Enemy Mobs - MOAR!!!! to be specific, you could add bosses/semi bosses (just a little bigger and little harder to kill than your average raider). Also, you could give raiders vehicles/beasts (like big lizards or those black roach things) for them to ride on. Assuming you do give them vehicles you could make MAKESHIFT ARMOR/GUNS/CANNONS/TURRETS/SPIKES/CATAPULTS and all manor of wasteland things attachable to them. Also you could give them in the vehicle station as player vehicle upgrades.

Enemy Mobs (wasteland beasts) - MOAR!!! again, to be specific, you could add more creatures that are typical for a wasteland desert biome (I.e. - giant Lizzards/giant Scorpions/Feral dogs/giant Armadillo-Ankylosaurus hybrid kind of things would make great hostile mobs plus there are actual things in deserts called Deathstalker scorpions and Thorny Devil). 

- Faction Cities/HQs - you could have small Towns / HQs for both raider factions apart from isolated camps (assuming this is a direction you'd want to take).

And finally,


Let me know if any of these are worth putting in the game. Plus I am good at story writing and stuff so.... could help with stories for side-quests & stuff if you need Pro bono! (I absolutely love this game!!).


Thanks! These are all great idea! Most I plan to implement. The weather idea is good with the rain types.

Also I am glad you get the humor grim vibe. I haven't worked much on it but that is the vibe I am going for. Fallout 1 and 2 are my favorite games so I've modeled the style off that.

I need to get back into quest writing. I've been busy with work and doing the upgrade system. I (or someone) should make a thread where people can make stories and I could add them as side quest or something. That would be something I'd totally be down with.

Being a HUGE fan of the Fallout series myself, I understand why you would want to model your game after the first two. In my opinion, Fallout 1 has the best main quest in the whole series. But in my experience, every Fallout game focuses on being very serious and dark and it mainly focuses on the player having to make hard and conscience decisions that affects the very morality of the player. In my opinion, what makes your game stand out (if someone were to compare) is the humor offered by the world and its characters. Especially characters like E.D.D.I.E. or the Mayor who makes do with what they have instead of feeling all sad and grim about the state of the world. Currently, with the game as it is, is feels similar to "Adventure Time" (LOVE THAT!)

Few more things I forgot to add last time (will be brief this time),

-Multi story buildings (because why not? you cold also add roofs too)

-Travel encounters (be it a simple gang of raiders that happens to cross your path or more interesting encounters like a a blooming tree in the middle of the desert that catches your eye and when you try to cut it down, it turns out to be a big camouflaged mutant!!)

-Terrain buffs (like when you are in travel mode, there would be random events that'll course the player to loos/gain supplies - this could be done in the same way text-based quests work).

-Gore (I don't generally encourage this, but it seem s that this can use a little a bit of red and if done right, this can help to humanize enemy NPCs and add to the grim factor).

Couple of fan questions (feel free to ignore :-D),

- Why did you opted to tie in this game with the superfluous universe? (I mean its nice and this game makes for a good fit for the superfluous universe, but it did seem that by adding this to that universe, Sand somewhat lost the chance to present it's own lore-only my opinion).

- What are Ink people (Aliens???) & are they fluid or solid creatures?

" thread where people can make stories" I'll do that (hopeful that everyone would be interested to have their stories told)!!


- Why did you opted to tie in this game with the superfluous universe?

My idea is to make a trilogy based on this universe. I love things that have a cohesive universe. I also feel like because of the time jump I can add really anything I want into the game without having to be shoehorned into anything the previous game had. 1000 years in the future on a mutated planet, what can't you make? I've never really felt confined by it. I have had the entire trilogy story arc in my head from the start though. That being said E.D.I.E is from the previous game (which was my favorite character to write), the apocalyptic earth as well. At the end of The Superfluous you make a choice. I had to choose one to continue the story from; destroyed world seemed funner than utopia :)

- What are Ink people (Aliens???) & are they fluid or solid creatures?

I could tell you, but it would be fairly spoilery. They are fluid so you'll see them explode on death or kind of morph and come out of the ground. They are the reason for the skeletons and all the weird things that are going to happen. You'll found out through the story what they are and how they came about. I am actually not sure if I ever posted images of them. I probably should one day :)

- Gore

Yeah I think I had it at one point, but I am usually not a fan of it myself either. I have small kids that watch me develop at home :) I'll probably add it in as an option.

-Travel encounters

Yep planned

-Multi story buildings

My thought is actually to go down instead of up, but why not both?

-Terrain buffs

Humm... yeah that is something to think of. I'll add it to me think-about list :


Hey, it's me again,

What do you do with experience points? (so far I have 14K+ but I've no idea on what to do with them)


lol those are to be used in the leveling section... that currently doesn't exists :) The idea is you won't have everything unlocked for you and you'll have to get xp to unlock certain things. You will also be able to upgrade your player there too.


I've been thinking,

Please Note - English isn't my native tongue, so pardon my writing :-D (I'll try to make as much sense as I can)

Instead of the number of collected items appearing above the character, what if its shown on the left side  (where the collected items are already shown)?

In my opinion, it would effectively make it more clear to seen how many items the play have harvested/mined/collected.

Case in point,

like the (poorly) edited example shows, "+/-", "number of items" and "item name" can be made to appear next to the corresponding item.

I'm suggesting this because whenever I harvest corn from my farm, numbers of collected items are shown like this,

I love your game and no offence, but I crunch  numbers for a living & I rather not do it in my free time as well :-D. With that been said this is my view only and I don't know everyone playing the game would agree.


lol yes I know what you mean. I've been through several iterations of the floating text. I'll see if I can't make it better. 


One other thing.

Saddles???? (for Llamas and other potentially rideable animals ) - more of a kind request than a suggestion :-)


I have a whole mount llama breeding side game in mind. Breeding llamas and taking them to races and betting on them.



Had 3 Llamas -> Rode them with my posse into raider country -> got insta-killed -> woke up in the base & now I don't have any Llamas :-(

My question is, will the same thing happen to my car??? It's expensive (as you know) & I rather not loose it.


no the car is permanent and will respawn in base. I will have it later where you will have to go find it if you die, but for now it drives back :)

(2 edits)


Hey, would you do the same with the Llamas? (I know there r cheap to build, but I don't know, guess I got attached those little woolly spit machines more than I though & I'd rather not make em if I'm just going to loose them). Just my view of the thing though.

Also, could you make them spit?? (they are llamas after all! :-) ).

P.s - would it be too crazy if Ripley wielded a FLAMETHROWER!!!


Flame Thrower Confirmed.


Local co-op far in the future? 


I can handle local co-op for sure. I didn't plan around any networking capabilities and I've only tinkered with that a little (If I tried it at this scale it would be a disaster :) ). I'd have to add controller support which I planned on at one point in time. Anyway, yeah I did it in The Superfluous I should be able to handle it with this one. It just depends if I can implement the controller well enough.



and a few bugs, because I much rather not take the time to seperate all my notes (so get ready for a wall of bullet points) from what may have been looked over and what may have been bugged.

(also I am probably going to say stuff already asked for/brought to your attention)

Beginning of the Game stuff
  • Can't brush sand off of E.D.I.E. with broom
    • I already said this in the survival mechanics discussion, but it is important to me cause that was the first thing I tried to do
  • If you clear wood debrie (debire? can't spell) before talking to EDIE it doesn't seem to count towards the mission.
  • No repercussions for trying to punch traders
    • A system for trading and your aggression to traders will probably be hard to implement; however, an conversation like: "oh don't even try, we all take a class on shadow boxing before beginning life as a trader because of people like you."
  • Rain can happen at the beginning of the game before talking to EDIE or learning how to build.
    • Makes the desert/wasteland mood kinda mute
  • The instruction to press "B" to build shows up before talking to EDIE (and shows options for building if you press it as well)
    • may want to make that UI pop up after the mission
  • On the world map pressing "enter" (the key) doesn't work to enter your base, you have to click the button on the screen.
    • it confused me at first, and I thought I already broke the game (and then I tryed clicking it with my mouse)
    • could also allow pressing enter to let you explore a tile
  • Wall torches can be inside walls (or on top of them?) and they can't be rotated to be on the sides of walls
    • This may also be intentional, but if you make a pretty lengthy and narrow building you can have a dark area inbetween
Combat stuff
  • You can break wooden crates with an axe but not barrels.
  • Sprinting doesn't affect aim for bow or other guns (this is probably me not noticing that it does)
    • You could make "better aim while sprinting" (if you implement this) as an upgrade you can do with XP at a workstation
  • You can grab arrows from the other side of a wall
    • This is probably intentional/a good thing; there isn't roofs, and if  local multiplayer is added it could add to the strategy
  • Attacking while sprinting doesn't seem to make stamina go down faster, it does make sprinting slow down a bit when you swing, which I like.
    • You could go down a slippery slope here by making all weapons and tools take down a bunch of energy, which would slow down the combat and make you not want to do it (mainly applies to the flame boots, they go down quick already for me)
    • You could make "less stamina taken while swinging and sprinting" (if you implement this) as an upgrade you can do with XP at a workstation
    • Could also only apply to certain weapons - like the spear - and not affect other weapons - like the bat.
  • Sprinting to long doesn't affect speed of attack
    • Not really a problem, some might consider it "unrealistic" but it would probably lead to a downwards spiral where you can't run away from skellys and you can't attack them.
  • No three lines (or prongs? I don't now the name for those indicators) indiactors for stamina while riding a llama
  • Fire from flame boots doesn't go out in the rain, and dust storm doesn't affect the "homing" range of the rocket boots
    • This would add more strategy for the times you go out and do missions
    • Doesn't necessarily have to put the flames out, but some steam coming from the flames would add a nice touch (or more polish I should say).
  • Hold "E" to revive still hovers over a passed out companion (duke in my case) 
  • The screen shakes when you get hit when you are already passed out, but the background (or the back-background) doesn't fade, leading you to see brightly lit sand in the corners
    • Maybe could be solved with the background fading too when you passout.
  • Armor (or just the trash can) doesn't show up on the player, which made me sad to not see a trashcan on my head
    • May just be intentional and you want the player to be able to pick their style of hair without it being ruined with a garbage bucket on their head
  • May want to make a "no enemy" radius around the player whenever you explore a tile (I about died the first second one time when I clicked explore)
    • Could make a specfic "no ranged enemy" radius to allow melee skellys and roaches, but not a skelly with a bow to notice you right away. 
  • No "scroll back" on inventory or missions (it doesn't loop from the beginning if you reach the end and vice-versa)
    • This leads you to have to click all the way back to the start to see if you finished that mission if you where on the last one
    • It not looping in your inventory leads you to scroll down super fast to get to a weapon or tool you placed there 
Combat Suggestions
  • Blocking - You could hold right click to block for a tiny period of time, which would drain a 3rd of your stamina
    • This could add a lot to the strategy and add something else to upgrade and learn
    • This could be used to negate/block effects that you are planning to add (ex. bleeding) 
    • What you can upgrade and how you can upgrade can be vast (and unlocking it too)
      • What you can upgrade could be - how long the period of time the actual block lasts; how much damage it blocks; how much of effects it blocks (like bleeding is less if you blocked it); what effects it can block;  how much stamina is lost from blocking (probably should be limited to 1/6 or 1/9, otherwise it might be overpowered); and how much time it takes for you to block again (this could be set in stone with the stamina regeneration, and if it varied it would be harder to gauge when to attack enemies if there is no set openings for attacking).
      • How you can upgrade could be - from the players work station (leveling up the "blocking  time" or "blocking effectiveness"); weapons (better/lighter weapons take less stamina or can block more often) (could also level up the weapon station to add these); armor (makes sense and could dictate how much damage is blocked and what effects are blocked/negated) (also could level up armor station to add these); or from quests
        • This could be a good way to spend XP.  If you do the upgrading with quests, you could connect it to the traders not being able to get hit with a "Trader Training" quest line which ends with the leading trader saying something like, "You're no where close to being a trader, you still get hit, but it seems  you can block better" (could add to the grim-comedy tone of the game) 
    • Enemies the can block would add difficulty and would be intresting to fight against
    • Really just adds more depth to the combat and survival.
  • Medical Companion - A way to get a NPC to help heal you and even revive you if you pass out would be a worthwhile questline 
  • More Weapons -
    • Crossbow - would work like the bow, but faster reload or bigger projectile (or both, your the coder)
    • Lance - Weapon that could be used on the llama and does more damage while riding the llama (could get overpowered if it scales with speed, because of the rocket boots)
    • Flamethrower - I think someone already mentioned this, it's a good idea
    • Spiked Whip - A whip not for herding animals, but for killing skellys
    • Fireworks - Would be like the grenade, but it would go in a line instead of being tossed, and not bounce off walls (less damage too)
      • May want to replace the steel cost of the grenade with cloth, but keep the same oil
      • May want to make a different explosion animation for this, or have the flavor text say, "More like 'fireworks' than fireworks" or say, "More practical than for looking at, that's why your not seeing colored sparks."
  • More Armor -
    • Helmet that passively reloads - I don't know what it should be called, but if you add this it would go well with the chest piece that gives you more ammo
    • A "Cursed Flames" Flame boots - If you implement the rain and/or dust storms getting rid of fires, these could circumvent that (also have blue fire to show that in a local multiplayer setting)
  • More Enemies -
    • Skelly Bear (because it's in alaska, they have bears) - basically could be a tank-y skelly that could charge at players (kinda like the rocket boots but without the "always hitting" and "giant explosion")
    • ON FIRE SKELLY (regular flame and cursed flame varients possible) - a flanking skelly that doesn't necessarily attack you but circles around you
      • maybe by making the pathing point(s) in a circle around the player or kinda like in pacman with how pinky (or another ghost) goes behind pacman. (in this case you may not want to make it directly behind the player but more at an angle behind the player so the skelly doesn't try to go through wherever the player is standing)
    •  Sand Salmon/Tuna (cause alaska) - it would be able to go into the sand like the sand worm, but it would be more like a dolphin jumping in and out of the sand - instead of burrowing and coming out at a point like the sand worm.
      • Maybe make these only jump in and out of the air whenever a dust storm is happening to give the weather condition an enemy.
    • Mutant Centipede - larger and tougher roach (could have multiple body parts have different health)
    • Mutant Locust - like the roach but can jump like the Sand Salmon
Location/Mission Stuff
  • At Steven's Ranch you can mess with the electrical equipment (no one comments about it, gets mad, or tries to fix it)
  • The mission where you kill the skellys for steven's the older (dead) cows you can butcher them and no one comments about it
  • Can't sleep in any of the beds at any location other than yours (probably intentional, or you could do a mission to get permission to sleep at the ranch or pay to sleep in a hotel at a new location)
  • If you use "shift" and "E" to pay more than one scrap at the time, the conversation still says that you had to click 500 times (would be funny if you said to Duke, "you didn't know that you could do that?")
  • I quit the game from steven's ranch, and when I loaded back in, sand was gone from EDIE (I already said about the broom thing earlier)
  • It still says to press "B" for build mode at locations you can't (unless you are in debug mode)
  • You can plant crops at the 'orphanage' which no body comments on or thanks you about
    • May have to code different sorts of triggers for stuff like this
  • One randomly generated building in an explore tile had signs instead of gravestones
    • I may have missed a sign saying "died due to being to dumb to order graves instead of signs" or if you add a broom brushing mechanic that can uncover signs and gravestones revealing what they say, you could have one grave have a dusty sign on it saying, "stuck in the past when signpost were gravestones" as an easter egg.
  • Anchor Rage's sand clean up drones aren't able to be hit with the spear like your flash light drone can.
    • may want to make the knockback they take less than your flashlight drone; they do look a lot heavier after all.
  • Planning ahead and taking multiple cats seem to bug out the cat lady mission; the cats get named and left on the map but you only drop off one cat accorded to the mission and dialouge
    • I couldn't really fix this in debug mode (either I was petting the cat near the postbox or it just wasn't giving the cat) (I also tried doing multiple cats again and dropping them off one at a time but it seems like they all get dropped off)
    • I never got to the end of that quest.
  • There is multiple entrences for the leftmost building in the 'arts and crafts' center (by destroying the broken walls) but only one trigger point for the skellys to pop up
    • You may want to make trigger points connectable, so you can fix it without making the skeletons trigger three seperate times
      • You may already be able to do this and I am just dumb with the debug mode.
    • There may be more instances like these, but this is one instance that I noticed
  • Gates don't load in on places correctly, this is in all revisitable locations (if you go in debug mode and destory and replace them they load in fine the next time you visit that location)
    • To be more specfic it make a sort of invisble wall that is uninteractable (I think it may just be that you changed the gate ID but it is still using the old gate ID, but I'm just guessing here)
  • In the last place you go to for the 'orphanage' story line (I didn't write it down in my notes, silly me, I do remember it is the one with the turrets, and I think it may have been the 'gym'),  two switchs that I assume is for iron gates is connected to stone doors, you have to clear the stone door connection to alllow the switch to connect to the gates. 
    • not being able to connect switches to stone doors and gates at the same time may be a bug.
    • (this may be intentional, but I have a feeling it isn't)
  • In the gym you can't see the sign welcoming you to the gymnasium without debug
    • Maybe I didn't get in the right spot to look at it, or the gate glitch happened at that location too
    • Could make it to where big signs have a larger reading radius to where the message pops up even if you are a bit far.
  • You can take cloth stacks, stone stacks, and meat stacks in the shops at anchor rage (and no one cares)
    • May want to make areas where you can't interact with material stacks (may want to make something similar for electrical stuff)
    • May want to get the players kicked out of the shop or prices being raised (still would have to overlay an area where players couldn't take stuff or make the stacks have different IDs)
      • Putting an area where players can't pick up stacks or if they pick up stacks in the area prices would raise could lead to a bug where if a player puts a stack in the shop and can't deconstruct it. May need to make different IDs for the stacks or check every so often to see if it has the right level of stacks in it.
  • The two NPCs at Steven's Ranch that are in the farm area, don't farm, and if you open the fences in debug mode they don't stay there and wonder around
    • Maybe make a new NPC spawn ID that farms and plants on their own or an area overlay where if an NPC spawn in there they can't leave
  • Your flashlight drone kinda phases through large water towers, instead of hovering over them like it does with walls.

The world map stuff I already said on my post in the survival mechanics, but it still stands here with the roads and quests. I really feel that for the mission stuff you just need to focus on more reactions of what the player does (like butchering steven the older's cows or using "shift E" to not have to press "E" 500 times) and more missions (which your planning) and worldbuilding (like with the broom mechanics I talked about on the survivial mechanics). Also branching out of the missions (like saying no to steven the older's mission doesn't let you refill your thirst bar at his ranch) 

(part one cause I actually gone above the limit for itch)
Base/Building/Some Grammar Stuff
  • It doesn't say you can hold "shift" or "cntrl" to make placing buildings only go side-to-side or up-and-down where it says the controls while you are in build mode
  • NPC allies (Duke) and orphans have a chance to spawn in walls at your base
  • Traders don't use paths to get to your stalls (probably a pain to code though) and traders don't premptivly run away when a raid is about to start (already talked about the trading stuff in the mechanics)
  • Workbenches don't want to rotate for some reason (bug)
  • No Carpet foot/walking noise (it just leaves the wooden floor sound over wood floors)
  • While on llama and right next to a stall, pressing "F" to fo to prev. product gets you off of the llama
    • pressing "F" to get onto llama while near stall makes you mount llama and go to prev. product
  • When you upgrade a thing in the player upgrade, it seems all your items get taken away but then given back, making it do the "plus" thing on the items at the left side of the screen, as if you were picking up the item. (does something similar when crafting)
  • May want to make workers have "breaks" after they pass an energy level (like 9000 or 18000) and go near an object
    • Like going to/hanging around the veggie pot; around a sell or buy stall; around a bell; bookshelfs; or outhouse.
    • May not want this to happen for effeciency, or not happen if a raid is happening; however, it would give a slight push to automation
    • May want to make energy go down slower when they are doing the break (so they don't do a break and sleep)
  • Energy doesn't go down if Worker has Obj_bell or obj_skelly under them
    • May want to make energy go down but not have going to bed over/more important than fighting skellys or going to the bell.
  • Custodian has wrong description (it's the description of the researcher) and researcher has it's description as "none"
  • Small water pump has no indication that it is full
    • Maybe an animation with water dripping from the faucet?
  • Building "happens" while riding a llama (the building grid pops up) but the menu for buildings and structures don't pop up (also can't build anything even on your base)
  • Tool and Armor benches/stations say "Q/E to next weapon" instead of "Q/E to next tool" and "Q/E to next armor"
  • Farmers still water crops whenever it is raining (it wastes water and doesn't make sense for them to because the crops are gonna be watered by the rain)

Really any suggestions I have for building has been already said in the survival mechanics post about the guard flags, trading, and walls/outposts for blocking raids. (Different kinds of stalls to attact more traders and more paths (like clay/brick and planks) are really the only suggestion I have for buildings that I don't think has been said)

Debug Stuff
  • I would ask you to change the debug key " ` " to " shift ` "/"~" because I found out about debug mode after missing the "tab" button for my inventory and pressing it; I think requiring you to press shift to do it would solve the problem of that happening
  • Pathing
    • While in your base it does not show the pathing of NPC companions (duke) unless they are following you
      • I also think there is a bug where it shows the last bit of pathing of duke when he was following you (the white line is left over)
    • It does not show the pathing of kids/orphans
    • It does not include pathing for traders
    • It does not include pathing for cats (I haven't seen if it shows when they are following you)
    • May want to seperate pathing and debug entirely to reduce lag (incase that gate glitch happens in Anchor Rage, so you wouldn't blow up your laptop incase you done the cat quest)
  • Orphans (and maybe Duke) can pass through medium water towers if you place them in building mode
  • Building Mode
    • Why is there a medium and large water tower, but no small water tower?
    • In the debug 2 section some of the objects don't have a "no description yet" and are just blank
  • I had a glitch where eight farm plots (the bottom left ones) in Steven's Ranch were not able to be planted on, even in debug mode - it said it required four seeds (which I had even without debug) and the other farm tiles I planted, after harvesting them, the same "not enough seeds" thing happened
    • After I quit and got back on the game, it seemed to solve itself.
Other Stuff and Suggestions
  • If you press and quickly unpress the button, the orphans don't go
    • Probably intended incase someone accidentaly clicked it, but adding the person who is going to take the orphans away from you saying: "second thought?" (and possibly "third thoughts?" if you do it again) would add some polish to it
  • The loading screen for areas should probably have a background based on the weather for two reasons -
    • To hide the assests being put in and that weird camera zoom/zip to where you are (it can break the emersion)
    • It having rolling dust or clouds/fog (basically could just be a greyscale version of the dust) based on the weather would be a nice touch and help transition from world map view to your view.
  • A varient of the water towers that are empty/damaged/irradiated 
    • Could have a "rusted hole" and a "shot up" varient of those to have better enviromental telling (rusted is abandoned, shot up is raided, irradiated is poisioned); and you could use it in explore tiles without the player going "Why aren't people flocking here? it's a wasteland and this is water!"
  • Betting Settings (or more than just resets)
    • Gunfire Volume - Just a slider of how loud the gunshots are (my ears got hurt the first time I heard Duke shooting enemies)
    • Building Particles/Particles in General - To reduce lag
    • Frames Per Second Cap - framerates for me flunctuated wildly, it would be nice to cap it at 90 frames for me
    • Weather Settings - this goes for if you implement the weather causes more effects, like putting out the fire of the flame boots; and how long and how often they occur (like making rain rarer but longer)
    • Control Options - to remap buttons (I think your doing controller support anyway)
    • Raid Options - Options where you could choose where the timer is set at (like 500000 to 2500) and if raids can come from multiple directions after awhile (if you were to implement that happening after a raid doesn't happen when it counts down for so long)
    • Random Encounter Options - if you are adding totally random encounters (not like running into a skull icon that would be a Raid Wagon, but just events happening at random times without warning) you may want to make it toggalable or where you can decrease the frequency
    • Harder Options/Presets - options to make the game harder; like barely any traders, crops growing a lot slower, buildings cost more, ammo boxs running out, friendly fire, or taps going dry (stuff like that)
  • If your going to add trading wagons/raiding wagons/raiding llama parties; I would suggest to make some have a pre made/not randomly generated path (like a trader from Anchor Rage to Steven's Ranch) and a "?"/question mark icon over them until you get close (if you do this, you could make binoculors (binocoulrs? bincoulurs? binocollours?) that would show what they are from farther away.
  • Really all the stuff I suggested in the survival mechanics post, especially the broom mechanics cause it could add so much flair to the world building (and it make me feel so great inside), the "dusting off sand" that the broom does could also be used to brush off dust from solar panels if you plan on nerfing them by making them produce less energy after a dust storm because they get covered in dust.
    • Also the little flag idea for guards to patrol could be incorparated into being checkpoints for the llama racing.

Really this game has been a blast to play, and it's been great knowing that your taking suggestions (cause alpha) and implementing them. I can't wait for an update (especially for llama racing and more quests). 

I'm going to take a bit of a rest now.


Great stuff! I've already added the blocking mode for melee. I tried it for ranged weapons but it seemed strange. I'll be going through and making a bug list and hitting all those you found. Most of the things you've mentioned it because I haven't gotten to them yet. I get ADHD and start doing random things instead of working on like UI (I hate doing UI). Obviously more missions and more companions are on the way. The XP system will hide things (like gear and other building objects) until you pay XP to unlock them. Also I am planning on having special faction unlocks if you complete quests for them. Think grass, fountains, and statues if you befriend the Anchor Rage faction. The debug menu is really just for me lol. I turn things off like pathing and variables when I feel like it and when I am testing things. I don't plan on the mode being in the main game (or maybe as a hidden option). Anyway I'll work on the bugs. Almost everything you suggested is for sure coming. :) Thank you so much I'll be using these posts as a jumping off place for a while now. Expect a lot of your bugs and suggestions being in the upcoming updates!


That's great! Whenever you update the game I need to make a video on it for my youtube channel; (or my friends youtube channel that recommend the game to me) I'm glad I could help in anyway I could. 


That would be awesome! I'll let you know when I get it to a more finished state :)


A couple hours in and really enjoying the game so far!

I don't know if this has been posted by anyone else already, but when the light levels are low at night, the menus of workstations get obscured by the darkness as well. I'm assuming that this isn't the developer's intended design, since it seems like the player should always be able to fully see menus.


yes this was something I fixed before. Not sure why it broke. I'll add it to my bug list, thanks! I am glad you are enjoying the game!


This is more of a recommendation than a suggestion, but I feel like it would be a welcome one -

Two programs that you might want to use is "Bosca Ceoil" and "Pixel Studio for pixel art" (yes those are the names); Bosca is for music and is a free download (it's kinda limited, but multiple tracks and audacity will prolly help with that) and the link is here: and another link for it (non-itch) is here: (the non-itch may work better for now, it seems like it's a bit buggy - but I have the non-itch and it works fine for me)

and Pixel Studio for pixel art is on the apple store and steam - I can't share/find the links, but if you search it up fully it should be the one (it's for pixel art and it's really good and there is multiple ways to export it - it's free to play, but using it free has been fine with me, some tools are locked (but barely ANY) and there is ads on the free app version, but only when you are saving a project, so it's really good in my opinion).

Hopefully you can easily use these two programs for your game, I have to say they are on my "must-haves" for any thing game-making related.


I've heard of them both. I used Piskel for awhile and am currently using Asprite for pixel art. Although most of the time I just use the crappy pixel editor in Game Maker for small things.

Music is something I really need to dive into. I used to pay an ex-student to make my music but he is really busy now. I am okay at music theory so I think it wouldn't be too hard for me. It is just finding the time. I seem to find less and less everyday :/

(2 edits) (+1)

Maybe you could have a "hard mode" where you play as an Anura, were you take double damage (like the bug that happened in the last version, but made a feature) and make it to where you can only eat meat in the traveling mode (if you delve more into cooking and food mechanics); there would have to be an upside (because of local multiplayer) but I haven't seen concept art for much of that mutant race, so I don't know what would go best with it (maybe more blocking or you don't 'slip' on ice/oil/something slippery if you add it as an enviromental hazard?). Maybe also have it to where you have a different base set-up in single player and have it to where if a raid gets to the flag (or EDIE if you your base is lost

Maybe you can unlock that option if you do a quest for an Anura (and prolly unlock an Anura companion as well because if unlocking the option is the only thing you get, people wouldn't want to do the hypothetical quest on any other playthrough)?

Really I'm saying this cause I saw a GIF on the game page where you could play as a Karkadann (which I'm guessing already has pros and cons like not being able to wear normal helments and being able to hurt enemies more with melee), and I thought it would be cool to be able to play as a Anura which sorta played like the last version, cause last version I had to be much more methodical/stratagize to be behind cover cause bullets killed you fast, but I guess some people enjoyed it, and may want a way to roll it back to that way.

(also another thank you for the blocking mechanics, it's really nice - maybe a bit too nice though cause now there is less damage taken  IMPORTANT EDIT: I finally made the player upgrades, and even though I "totally" reset my game, the player upgrades were still the same - so that is why the enemies were a LOT easier for me this time, this is a bug I assume.)

(2 edits) (+1)

A 2nd floor. That's it. Couldn't ask more from a golden "Alpha". Expect some notes in the near future.

PS I like notes.


I've been toying with that idea. I feel like it would take a lot of refactoring things, but I bet I could get it done. It is on my "would really like to add" list for sure.

Thanks, the game is already so great I'm surprised it's still an Alpha. 

Do you have G-mail or such? I'd like to send you a Google document.


(1 edit)

Perhaps making it to if you are blocking you do half damage? I think it would help make it to where you would want to "juggle" it instead of going in blocking and then running away whenever you run out. It may make the flow of combat better and more in depth (because you wouldn't go right to holding block)

Edit: If you nerf blocking, you could have players only being able to do 1/4 damage, and then after a quest or a player upgrade make it to 1/3 or 1/2 (it could be a quest to encourage exploration along with it)


Please optimize frame rate when there is any type of weather. I ran into this problem recording gameplay and any weather reduces from 120 to 40 fps. Just a quick notification.


I'll look into it. I haven't recorded with the weather yet. You can actually change the weather randomly with the F6 key :)

Cool, thanks!


What recording software do you use?

OBJ Studio

Is there a discord that is setup to were people could submit art/tiles that could be in the game? I would love to help with this by making some concept art or even tile sets (like double wide/garage doors); I'm even willing to setup the server (I have experience with setup and bots for it).

I want to help bring more stuff to the game, but I don't know the palette of it (like the metal and wood) and I don't think putting the imagefiles in the suggestion thread or make a new one - and sadly I don't have a work email/anonymous email that isn't filled up to the brim with spam. 

Also are you/when are you planning to add more missions/side-missions to the game?


I have not set up a discord yet. I am waiting to get closer to a Beta. Then I planned on setting that up and creating a Steam page and finally a Kickstarter (or something similar) to get funds to advertise and buy some sound software/hardware. That is a good idea to release the sprite sheets though. It wouldn't be hard to do.

The missions I put on hold until I finish the leveling/xp/unlocking system. I've honestly have it half done, but I keep getting distracted with stuff in my 'real' life :) I have the 'script' written for probably 6 more missions and lots of rough ideas for others. The Anchor Rage missions will end in maybe 3 or 4 more missions and then it will switch to a new city (the Karkadan). This will be a whole lot of new art assets to create (Straw mats, bamboo/stick walls, dirt floors, totem, cloth type pendents etc. Think Native American and Inuit decor. Also they live in less sandy and more dirt/rock so the default sand background will need to be switched too for their area.

(1 edit)

Well I decided to just make a discord server on your behalf before beta because I felt like it (and to procrastinate on other things).

Here's the link: - I can make you server owner if you feel like using it. (I haven't added any bots however, because I didn't know which ones you'd be fines with and mainly time)


Cool! I joined it. I'll add it to the main page and make a devlog about it soon. I am almost done with the prefab creator.

(2 edits)

Which account is yours? there is two with the same name (but different numbers) - I don't want to give admin to a completely random person

(I may respond late because of work outside, so I may not get back to you in a few hours)


lol both were mine, I created the other one on accident. I messaged you with my real one.

Developer (1 edit)

Also I have been thinking for some time to allow people to create the random structures you find in the wilderness and have them put in the base game. I have a tool I use and I just need to make it more user friendly and record some video explaining how to use it. Maybe that would be something I could work on releasing next week. I think I'll just stick it in the base game instead of making a standalone version.


you should make running over the enemies with a car do more damage and also damage the car so you need to repair it


Yeah I am going to overhaul the driving section at some point; making the car stay in whatever location you leave it, make it use gas (while on travel map), hp, etc

(2 edits) (+1)

You should add stairs and floors. Stairs will give you access to floors and when you're in a new floor clear out the things you built on other floors. Instead , Show the things you built on that floor. You may have up to 5 floors or probably more.  I also found that 2 traveling merchants are in the same outhouse and it's inhumane so pls fix it. By the way can you still access the alpha after you finished the final product?

  • I've been looking at the possibility of floors. 
  • In the future/apocalypse  there is no privacy
  • The alpha will serve as a DEMO of sorts and will always be available here

I got a question, how can make a campmate follow me? im gonna be sad if you remove that feature because it will make traveling much easier on fighting all those enemies.

Developer (1 edit)

You can now find unique people to recruit (one at Steven Farm and one through the main mission) to help you fight. Fighting should be much easier now as well.


Multiplayer Would be a great addition. Only focus on local multiplayer because working on online multiplayer could give you a headache.


Hey, just suggesting a function for seeds. I think we should be able to feed seeds to chickens. This will shorten the cooldown for the chicken to lay an egg.


of course! that should have been obvious to me lol


(1 edit) (+1)

when you avance more in the eddie mission in one point you can plant grass and trees (alive trees)


This is a really cool game!
I have a few suggestions though.

1. Uniform Controls
Right now, similar functions require different (sometimes contradictory) inputs.
*  For example, if you want to exit a menu, it can either be Q, B, or Tab depending what menu you have open.. and EDIE's menu doesn't have a key to exit out, so you have to click the exit button. Also, sometimes if you hit Escape, it will close the menu and bring up the "do you want to quit" screen, but sometimes it won't close the menu (depending on what menu it is). I would like it so that I can just hit Escape and/or Q to exit any menu, and when all the menus are closed, then it brings up the "do you want to quit" popup.
*  Another place is adding items to shops and machines. Q takes from the shop, but adds to the machine(if one ingredient). E adds to the shops, and sometimes adds secondary ingredients. You can remove items from shops, but not from machines. It would be nice if E was always add, and Q was always remove, or something similar.
* Some things you can hold down the add/remove button to speed up the process, and sometimes you can't. Shop you can, machines you can't, and junk piles you can't. It would be nice if this was available everywhere.
* Scrolling. 3 different scrolling options by my count. Mouse(Build and Weapon menus), W/S(Player Upgrade), and R/F(Trade booths). It would be nice if this was also more uniform.

2. Custodians also restock machines
Currently, you have to restock all machines by hand (unless I am missing something), and since you have to hit the key to add each item individually instead of holding down the key, it takes a lot of clicks. For Example, if you want to make 1 piece of metal, you need to click a total of 28 times on different machines(16 to add veg to oil, 4 to add oil to stone, 4 to add oil to metal, 4 to add stone to metal). Alternatively I could hack away at a junkpile and get a piece of metal every 8 clicks, all in one spot, with a chance of getting plastic.
All this to say that if the custodian filled up machines, as well as the wood burner.. that would be nice. Or if you could hold down the buttons, that would be good too.

3. Change order of build menu
Right now, the build menu seems kinda random. There are certain sets of tabs/categories which I often use in conjunction, and they are never next to each other. For example, when I am building, If I'm working on production/farming, I often switch between production, ranch, and automation. These are all two clicks apart. Likewise, if I am building actual buildings, I'll need to switch between Building, furniture, and light/deco, which again are each two spaces apart. It would be nice if these tabs were grouped together, right now I've seem to have memorized 2 sets of build menu tabs (Auto->??->Prod->??->Ranch, and Building->??Furniture->??->Light/Deco) switching between the two or looking for something not on those lists feels random. I'm sure with enough time I'll get the hand of it as it is, but until then it's pretty frustrating..
I would organize it something like so: Building->Furniture->Light/Deco->Ranch->Prod->Auto->Resources->Economy->Building

4. Bigger weapon arcs.
Right now it feels like I have to be looking directly as an enemy to deal damage to it. when there are multiple enemies/friends/corpses, and damage numbers flying over them, it's hard to tell if I am hitting anything or not. When I die in a fight, it's often because I am swinging my machete over a corpse, instead of the enemy right next to it.

5. Puppy priority last.
I really like having the dog follow me around ^^ and I like petting him occasionally..
But he'll often get if the way when I am planting, watering, harvesting, filling machines, tending animals, looting, etc etc.
It would be nice if the option to pet him only showed up when there is nothing else in range which I could use the E key on.

6. Can't click the x in windowed mode to close the game.
Not too big of an issue, but it puts me a little bit on edge when a program won't let me close it by hitting the close button..

Sorry for such a wall of text, I didn't intend for it to be so long >.<;
I really do enjoy the game a lot =D
It just needs a little bit more polish I think =]

P.S. Are you programming this from scratch, or are you using an engine? If an engine, which one?

Developer (1 edit)

1. You are right I need to do a overhaul on the inputs. holding down shift will add and remove multiple items to the objects.

2. I haven't decided to make a different job to restock machines or what. Custodians where pretty busy for awhile until I removed the sand that tracked everywhere. I really think a "Production" job is what we need. Anyway there is a plan to add automation to the automation :)

3. That is something I hadn't thought of. What order would you suggest?

4. So the way weapons work is actually based off the sprite it creates. I could look at increasing the hit boxes of those.

5. I agree that pesky dog is something I need to fix. Even just a larger range before he follows would feel better.

6. I took that off for some reason... I think it had to do with it not saving progress if it was on. LOL I'd probably add that back for the full game. I could do borderless but then you can't move the window around :)

Thanks for the Suggestions! UI is my least favorite thing so I also agree on the polish isn't quite there :)

Oh also I am using Game Maker 1.4 for development.

1. Ah okay, I didn't realize that, that will help immensely ^^

2. I see, I was wondering why "cleaning" was listed as the main job of custodian when they only thing which gets dirty is the solar panels.. and I'm not sure I've ever seen the custodian clean that.. A new production job could work too, I just thought of the custodian because all he does in my game is collect poo and refill the wood burner.. It feels like 95% of the time they are just standing waiting to fill the wood burner. Maybe once you get a bigger base he is more busy, but in my game (I just built my first metal machine) he has lots of free time, so I've been leaving that roll empty.

3. If you keep the build menu system as it is, I would go with the order of: Building, Furniture, Light/Deco, Ranch, Production, Automation, Resources, Economy, looping back to Building. This way the main base building ones (Building, Furniture, Lights/Deco, Economy (and maybe Ranch b/c of fences)) are all right next to each other. And all the main farming/automation ones(Ranch, Production, Automation) are also right next to each other.
The one thing I'm unsure about is the placement of Resources.. It's one which I don't really use, so I'm not sure where I would put it.. It's basically decoration right? So maybe it should go near Light/Deco. Or maybe It should trade places with Economy.. that would put all the inside stuff(Resources, Building, Furniture, Lights/Deco) next to other inside stuff, and outside stuff(Ranch, Production, Automation) next to outside stuff with Economy(which has inside and outside stuff) between them.

4. Ah, that makes sense.. is it the weapon sprite? or the the little cloud puff sprite which has the hit box?

5. Yeah, a larger range could do the trick, that way he's further from the player, so he doesn't get in the way, but the player can also approach him to give him pets =] It's not a perfect fix, but it would definitely improve it a lot and probably wouldn't require as much code to change.

6. I was wondering if it was something like that.. does Game Maker not have an "On Application Exit" event? It really should if it doesn't =/

UI seems to be something that I'm kinda good at? So I like thinking about how it can be improved for games that I play =]
From what I've heard, UI in Game Maker is a real pain because you have to basically code it all from scratch.. is that right?

I tried the game a while ago, and have roughly followed its development for the last few months.

Accordingly, I want to give a few comments and tips about the game, especially because I find the concept itself really great.

It will be a little longer

In my last playthrough, I was quite disturbed by the fact that almost every minute there was an attack on the base and I had no real possibilities to make major changes to the infrastructure of my base. 
For this reason, at some point I started to draw a wall around the base, directing the enemies through a corridor when they attacked and letting them run into a wall of saws at the end.

The fact that my companions also run randomly into the blades is not a problem, I can revive them at any time, but this was sometimes the only possibility for me to make the attacks more pleasant, when I actually wanted to expand the base.

The fact that the world map has changed a lot had pleased me, also the new enemies that you could run into have added new tactics. The sand worms in particular were a pleasant challenge.
New mobs and perhaps also things that you can discover in the free world would be a great incentive to move further out into the world. Maybe some unique upgrades that you have to find before you can unlock them in EDIE?
I could imagine that would be cool.

Some kind of battle animal system might also be fun. The dog that you always have with you is a really cool new feature that I missed in the old versions. The fact that the dog can slow down the opponents makes many combat situations much more pleasant and not so hectic. 
What I would perhaps bring in would be a system where you could perhaps raise animals as combat companions. For example, a Wolly that you can choose from your herd and raise from a human companion by means of a new job. Beast of burden, fighting animal, or maybe a way to trade them?`Could fit well with the dystopian scenario.

And, what also caught the eye especially in the attacks was the lack of electrical circuits. So simple circuits. At the moment, certain defense systems don't really make sense to build, since there's no way to centrally activate their function, since they already consume electricity.
I had tried something like this, a remote control for the defense systems, but it could not be built properly. 

The companions currently equip themselves with what fits their job. Maybe it would be possible to allow and forbid certain equipment for the companions. So that the guards get the strongest unlocked weapons and armor, and you can also assign weapons and armor to the others in case of an attack. Otherwise the companions die too quickly when human attackers walk into the base.

Finally, I have a very small comment, which would certainly not mean much trouble.
For the devices that can be filled up to produce other things, for example this composting plant that turns vegetables into oil, it would be pretty cool to have a way to fill them up completely or only partially by pressing a button. Currently, if you have a capacity of 200 vegetables, you have to press a button 200 times so that you can then produce 100 oil. I don't know if there is a button for that yet, but so far I couldn't find it, which is why I bought more of the stuff instead of producing it myself.

Those were my comments, I hope they could help you and maybe inspire you to new possibilities within the game. I think the game is really great, keep it up.


Hold shift should allow you to add multiples of 10. Still need to add a lot to the manufacturing machines (like a job for someone to refill it).

Great ideas. I'll respond a little later. I have to track that bug down :)


Optimized mode. Yes sounds dumb for a game that’s a sandbox and/or story game made of pixels.

I have a problem with my potato device whenever it rains it suddenly lags BAD. Even though the fps counter says like 30-60 fps. I thought of posting this in bugs but maybe an optimized mode was better here

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

okay I spent yesterday and today developing a fps smoother and delta_time system that should solve the issue. It is very much a first pass. I'll post an update today or tomorrow.


Much thanks.



i have a small suggestion, i apologize that it isnt gameplay related, but that is because i cannot play the game! the font is very hard for me to read as someone with reading disorders, and i was not able to understand what to do. are different font options a possibility in the future? thank you :-)


I will definitely look into it. Right now the font is built in-game per pixel. I do have larger fonts I could use, but it would take some rethinking of UI and such. You are not the only one that has difficulty reading the font so it is on my radar :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I had a dream about a game that looked exactly like this, so this is where my suggestion is coming from.
It'd be cool to have a mobile base and have a sort of rope system where you could tether llamas to your base and have it act like a sleigh. or a mobile battle fort.

anyways, that was what it was like in my dream and it was pretty cool. But then again everything is cooler in a dream.


That sounds like a pretty cool game actually! Maybe I can add something like that is this one or maybe the sequel :)


I have a small complaint. When I got a quest that was marked on my map, like the locket quest, it wouldn't show on the map if I haven't discovered the area yet. So maybe make it it would still show it just in the black square.


Yes that is possible to add. I'll look into it. My intention was to encourage people to explore and not hand hold too much. I might at least add a vague direction in the quest text.


Regarding lore, I have a cool idea.
What if the AI turns on the player once they build enough robots?
They could take over their base, & the player has to resettle with the colonists.

The robots could be a faction in the world which the player can wage war with,
pay tribute and if relations are high enough, even trade or ally?


I assume this is already planned, but it would be great if you could rotate objects four ways, not just mirror them.
Also, rotating work-benches does not work. When built they always face the same direction, no matter the rotation set before building them.


Yeah, that is on my list to fix. :)


(4 edits) (+1)

I have some ideas...

1:  Traveling Trader: They appear randomly when exploring so the player can buy water when there's none or weapons when their weapon is broken or food if they ran out of food for them to heal.  But to not make it to easy to survive make their chance to spawn rarer.

2: Riders: This will be end game enemies they have motorcycle and gun that attack you. Being in the end game the player must have a really good items and unstoppable with riders it gives them a challenge. And the motorcycle explodes on death so then the player is to close they get large damage. But if their lucky the motorcycle might not explode and be able to ride it.

3: More weapons and armor: I have a couple of ideas like Metal Bat switch does ok damage but large knockback with can go for a good play style and it charges with you hold it, or sword... Because its cool or daggers they are like sword but does half of the damage but swing faster again can go for a good play style. And for armor I have a idea for one, armor of passive healing for this set up the boots makes a shield (Little unrealistic but the same for the fire boots or mods) and the armor is a just a backpack have more inventory and for the helmet it will be a water holder hats and heals .50 hp

4: Range  stats change: Range weapons are... Kinda useless because with dash and a good weapon any enemy far you can just strike with ease. So what about actually it being useful when your holding the range weapon you can see much farther now so you can use  the range weapon to scout and to snipe actually helping.

5: Coffee: Ok I like coffee but this will be a get away to get this I think it would be a good addition to a new place called David's Caffe where you can buy coffee and other foods. Coffee will be a run away item than healing the player it passively heals your stamina and makes you a little faster. This will be good to late game or early game players. Who has broken their weapon and ran out of food and there's like 5 skelly or the other guys chasing them  as a last minute resort they use the coffee.

6: Horse: Much faster than llama and more buffed. This will be a late game mouth because if it was early game then the llama is useless. This will need 2000 exp the same as the wagon  but this will be cheaper than the wagon. This will need 1000 veggies and 5k Or to make the wagon need a horse if you do want this then here's a idea. If you have one horse with the wagon will be slower than the cab but with two horse its the same speed but with the wagon you can store items inside it.

and thats it for now... I love the game and I hope its a masterpiece in the final version.


1. for sure will be in the game

2. I really do think having enemies on mounts/cars would be fun.

3. Yeah lots more will be coming. I like these ideas!

4. I could see a 'scope' type thing for the sniper for sure.

5. lol I really like this suggestion. I'll bee adding this to my 'todo' list.

6. I actually have more vehicles planned as well. The inventory is a good idea and something I should have thought of :)