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I tried to enjoy this, I really did.  But being shoehorned into what seems like a 480x720 resolution. (On a 4k screen) really ruined this for me.

I tried ignoring that, but only got maybe 10 minutes into the game before deleting it entirely.  The world map is way too confusing.  almost ALL of the rooms look identical, making it nearly impossible to judge my location on the ship without keeping a mental map at all times.  It's easy to get turned around and end up in the wrong room.

Those two factors kept me from even getting into the story.


First of all thank you for both trying out my game and for the feedback! When it come to the map issue, I've been working into making them more unique as well as adding labels and status boards, I don't think they'll be ready the upcoming update though. As for the screen issue unfortunately I can't do anything because I understand that a 1080p format is quite small for bigger resolution monitors, I've set it up this way at the beginning and changing it would require me to redo every single asset. So I won't be going down that road now that it's close to being completed. Again thank for giving this a try and I hope you'll try my future projects!