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That is fun! Even if you did have some that are favorites, its even more special that we can't tell because you put so much love and characterization into them all! 

I could see that since Ewan's & Lance's routes both felt almost like a different setting, and writing characters of a different species for Ewan's path (fairy) with their own rules and morals must have been a bit of a left turn. They ended up being some of my favorites because of that duality, though! It adds a bit of spice to your stories, because even though they're all intertwined they're each unique. That's something you don't see in visual novels much, and I love it! 


Fortunately I don't really have favourites. All the guys that were done out of order had reasons I ended up working on them that way.

Ewan was last because his route was going to go a different route since he was also Fae and it made sense to take them into Faerie to resolve the issue. Lance, I wanted to write after Magnus because of who he is. I wanted to see how the reveal was handled in Magnus' route first, so I could do it differently in Lance's route.

And Kav just didn't exist until later on. 🤣🤣 Poor Kav.

Poor Kav! X) Hey, he exists now and that's what matters. Lol