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(1 edit)

Bug report/Feedback


auto-bounce will sometimes launch the player into the lava without it killing them, you should make sure balls cannot spawn bellow a certain Y level.

If a missle hits a ball that was meant to be hit by auto-bounce and it is close to the bottom of the world then you will be launched into the lava but won't die, once auto-bounce is over you can safey exit the lava.

auto-bounce will launch you into deadly balls but kill them instead of them killing you, auto-bounce is basically god mode.

You can travel along the ceiling therefore making getting to the bosses extremely easy.

Il'l reply with more if i find any.

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auto-bounce can sometimes launch you in a random direction untill it ends or randomly hits another ball even though there are balls it could target nearby.


I'm pretty sure thats because i missile gets to a target before you do and you go infinitely in the direction until collision with another entity.


This isn't a bug but it's good practice to remove mobile specific features before building PC versions, in this case the watch ad button is utterly useless on PC


Yea, I agree

when moving at fast speed you can sometimes catch glipses of a static duplicate of your trail


The 3D effect needs to be toned down, it hurts to look at and it may cause nausea/epilepsy


I fully agree, especially when fighting bosses, the camera shake and 3D is too much to handle.

Overall the game is great, however it is somewhat short, i have almost completed it in about 2 hours, a short and sweet experience, i like it :3


An in-game leaderboard would be nice.




auto-bounce can get stuck bouncing into blackholes over n over again, auto-bounce overall seems to be a buggy mess...


Very op tho :D

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Max Split + Auto-bounce is waaaaaaay to OP

I think number 3 was intended because that is still there bc the description of auto bbounce is "buy me I'm op lol"