could it be that you do not have walls setup from the Infrastructure Tileset?
Ah indeed this is the case - I am designing my rooms using a tileset that I've made using base image and border to generate a blob tileset.
Indeed I figured that it was likely you were expecting something in the free space. I guess there isn't anything really stopping me from combining my rooms with your infrastructure as being the interior panels of the rooms and I should be able to make it work sensibly.
I can make "wang" set as needed so that should quickly net me art matching the "infrastructure" tiles as and when I need them by changing the base/border images.
Thank you very much for taking the time to make the sample scene. It helped me a great deal to confirm that it was a difference in intended use.
Also, our timezone gaps are quite far so I apologize for the late reply 😅
A reply within a day to be very speedy so you don't have anything to apologize for.
I can design a couple of new modular infrastructure tiles with a couple of exteriors and that should give a good amount of unique combinations so each space station looks different 🤔
I wouldn't want you to interrupt your flow in any way. I'll most likely be making adjustments with aseprite easily to get the result that I want and will manage. Art is fun too.
Something that I've been toying with was adjusting some of the assets for flexibility to have a fair deal more variety (variable length beds, variable height book cases etc). It is a quick process to make this for myself so I'm only mentioning it in case you would want to consider this for your pack for other users.
Happy New Year!
PS: I do believe that some of the sheets you provide contain tiles that aren't in the "individual" assets directories. Some examples of this are wallpapers, the floors/walls/ceilings from infrastructure