Hi there!
I think I understood what was happening. The array positions in javascript always start at 0:
- Index 0 = First array item
- Index 1 = second array item
And so on. On the Message sound plugin, you have only two SE presets on the plugin parameter. Therefore, you only have array items/indexes 0 and 1.
But, you are using numbers to define their ID(1 and 2). As such, when the plugin tries to change the SE to be played and he identifies that the SE ID is a number, it does not search by ID but by the array index. This is where the problem lies. Since it does not find the right index, it plays the default SE ID set on the Message Sound plugin parameter.
I understand that these details may not be so simple for someone without a coding background, so, instead of using numbers for the SE Presets ID, use words:
- Filename: UI_Button_Click_07
- Interval: 4
- SE Config: 80, 150, 0
- Variation Config: 5, 10, 0
- ID: Aery_Se
- Filename: UI_Button_Click_08
- Interval: 4
- SE Config: 80, 150, 0
- Variation Config: 5, 10, 0
- ID: Seraphina_Se
- Face Image: Aery_Pixel_Face-nohat
- Index: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- Speaker Name: Aery
- Window Skin: [blank]
- Font Face: [blank]
- Message sound id: Aery_Se
- Face Image: Seraphina_Pixel_Face
- Index: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
- Speaker Name: Seraphina
- Window Skin: [blank]
- Font Face: [blank]
- Message sound id: Seraphina_Se
Watch out for blank spaces and case-sensitives, I just saw on my plugin codes that I did not remove them on the checks. Meaning "Aery_Se" is different than " aery_se". But I will fix that in the next update.
Hope I manage to clarify!