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Never played FNAF.  But I think it's kinda fun.  Jumped a few times. Horror games aren't necessarily my favorite though haha.

As for some feedback:

- I think power / exposure / time UI could be reworked a bit. I think it's a bit hard to know what the numbers mean at quick glance.

- I like the idea of different enemy types and how to deal with them. Could add lots of replayability. 

- Exposed meter was a bit confusing first run, but I got the hang of knowing what it meant.

- I think to add to the atmosphere. You can add some telegraphs or hallucinations here and there. For example, maybe you hear some movements in the vents. or walking down the hall. or some whispers right ahead of you.

- Another thing that could atmosphere is the ticking of a clock. Or as the exposure goes up, maybe there can be a heart thump sound that goes faster and faster.

thank you for the feedback! these are great ideas! i will think about adding these!