I dunno why there are some random anime meme EVERYWHERE in the level X)
But I know that you seems to have a good level of self awareness, and that's a good quality when you are a dev, and accessory a human being. I don't think your game is that bad like you said, artistically speaking there is an intention and we can see all the work you put in there.
But I think you should learn and work more on what a game is, before even trying to make a pretty one.
Players don't care about 4K, particles, FX, screen-shake, and even COLORS. If you put a cherry on top of a piece of garbage, it will still a piece of garbage.
Tabletop games would be a fail otherwise and it's not the case, why ? Because there are fun, and it's what matter the most for a game. I remember in school, I was playing a turn based RTS game we had created with a friend on a god damn paper sheet to play in class. The goal was to drawing units on the sheet and then destroying them by sliding a pencil in a particular way to "shoot" from a unit to another, and that was super fun !
I think your game would had been better if you'd put the most work where it need the most : the GAME part.
I can't recommend you enough to read this (if you want to OFC) :