Hi! Thanks for the question! The VR version is a twist on a game of life from a few different angles.
1. The main difference is that visuals of the simulations are delayed. In the classic game of life everything is binary and you can see clearly when the game state changes. Here, the simulation is setting binary values (0 being transparent, 1 being solid) but there is a tweening between values so it gives you the effect of things appearing and dissappearing in time. So, the longer a cell exists, it is more likely to reach the full "solid" color.
2. The 0-1 effect is not only applied to transparency but also the height.
3. The are two simulations playing at the same time - one on the surface, the second one on the roof. The second surface (roof) is still a two dimensional array but the points are bended as an arch.
4. Points on the grid are represented as hands.
5. If player touches any of the points, it gives the "life" turning them into 1 value.
That's more or less this. I hope it shed some light on the topic. 😉