Since playing the latest update, I've found a few more bugs/problems, but I'd also like to mention that the fixes you made to Daggan made the game a lot nicer! Here's a few things that I feel need to be mentioned.
- NPC's tend to flip around for a single frame every second or so when above enemies (I figured this out when I forced my buddies up a flight of stairs). Try locking their rotation on the "Z" axis as a possible fix, or go into the scripts and make sure no code is changing their rotation on the "Z" axis. Honestly, doing both probably wouldn't hurt.
- Crafting text still says "(T) build a (Insert crafting structure here)". Just go in and add a "AB" to the end of "T".
- Also, about the enemies!
I like the adjustment to the amount of enemies, but they really like to gather around my structures. Probably doesn't help that i'm effectively using my buddies as bait. I think that you simply use a distance check to figure out whether or not an enemy can see a NPC and vice versa. Perhaps you should use a method that can tell if there's a direct line of sight, so enemies don't attempt to run up to NPC's they can't actually see.
- Also with enemies, the moment they notice a NPC, it becomes their soul life purpose to kill that NPC, and they will completely ignore other NPC's and even the player, even if this mean that they will die. All of the enemies under my house were easily killed because they couldn't tear their attention away from my buddies who were on the top floor. You might be able to fix this by changing the Enemy's target depending on who's the closest, or even by changing it to the last character to hurt them.
- Also, for some strange reason, NPC's tend to teleport upwards if there's a floor under them, and a roof over them. This might be because you've made their colliders too tall. Try making them slightly shorter.
That's about it! Nothing else is really coming to my mind.
Although those torches would look a little nicer with a few particles. They currently look like light bulbs on sticks. (Hahaha)
I tried to not mention anything I said previously, but this still turned out really long.