Neat that Godot can just pack all the game content into the executable. Art style looks to me like Runescape, which I didn't get much into but always liked the idea of it.
Movement can be a bit glitchy sometimes, and the shadows/lighting seem to freak out sometimes. Could be that I'm running the Linux version but maybe other people get it too. There was also one point where I didn't realize I was behind a wall, the occlusion blended in too much and I couldn't tell until I stepped further away from it.
I only got one healing potion on the first floor so if it hadn't been for leveling up I might've died. The goblins are a little slow but I don't really like orblike controls so that gives me plenty of time to dodge arrows and such. I'm not sure what poise means here, is that a bit like a shield of regenerating health?
For someone not into this sort of thing, I quite like it. Unfortunately I got stuck in this doorway on the second level so I didn't get any further.