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Took some time to figure this out. Here are some tips for other players. 

Press P to see the controls, I for inventory, wasd for movement, E to interact. Small head symbol at the beginning triggers initial conversation. You want to equip a weapon and head to the rock with a white spot on it and a sort of different texture, kind of spiky, and that will take you to a combat area. 

Visuals are amazingly moody, gameplay is rough and hard to figure out. I quite liked the writing of the introductory conversation. I want to learn the deep mongol lore. 

Visual feedback when striking enemies feels uneven, a few times I got a cool bloodthing. Not sure if you push the enemies away or if your knife gets stuck sometimes. 

How far can you reach in this game? I have tried fighting a few times and going around looking at stuff but it is unclear to me if I can progress storywise at this point or if that just is not in yet. If I can, give me a few pointers and I will play more. 


I haven't actually progressed that far with this game, past the two maps. I was still switching between projects at the time. Ditto for the story, sorry. I've been working on it since November or October, since I switched from RPGM Unite and Adventure creator, so I didn't get to work on it that much.

Nothing to apologize for, I still liked it and think it has potential if that was not clear. Your visual style and the mood is strong, gonna play Mithritnogg today too.