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A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love how this time around you start in the outdoors as opposed to inside the bunker like in the first time I played this game. It’s feels like an epilogue to what’s to come. Would benefit of more exploring outside, because my first instinct was to go around and fuck about trying to find secrets. There are also some white edges that I don’t think are supposed to be there in full-screen. I would’ve totally missed the first note because it was slightly hard to see because it was a bit too dark, the light coming from the fire could’ve been much stronger.

The presentation is much better than last time, definitely. It’s really esoteric, or at least that’s what I felt while approaching the white figure at the start of the game. And the laser-pointer is pretty fucking awesome. So far I’m a bit confused when it comes to the reloading and the shooting part, because I miss the revolver and the old reloading system.

Oh, it’s a new gun, well, I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would. I could see the ammo going in but I couldn’t shoot. But still, the new enemy type is pretty cool. The save profiles are a nice addition.

Overall, other than my “frustration” with the new gun, I liked it. Good atmosphere. And I really like the “supernatural” element you added to the game, I can’t stress this enough. Like, I don’t know if it’s supposed to be a hallucination, I mean the white strips and the white figure, but it’s really cool. Reminds me of Amnesia or Soma in some way.

You definitely got me stressed while trying not to die. I wish there was more room to wriggle around some enemies, but then again, for example inside the lab it wouldn’t make sense for it to be wider, spatially I mean.

Great experience overall.

Unity, blender and Photoshop for textures.

It's still in progress. I'd say it's still in its inception phase.

Don't mention it. Some general tips.

I will add these in the game description next time:

The game is supposed to be played as a hybrid between first person and fixed camera style. I know it's a design problem that it's not apparent, but that was my intention. Anyhow, I hope you'll enjoy the game!

P for controls.

Z for the perspective change, with a 15 second cooldown before you can use it again or you die.

X to reset the camera in first person, ditto for the 15 seconds, on a different timer than Z.

W for forward.

S for backward.

A and D rotate, which also rotate the camera.

I for inventory.

Right click to aim, it needs to be held in order to left mouse click.

Left mouse click to shoot.

E to enter the scarecrows.

I recently added some changes, but haven't properly tested them well enough. The saves becoming auto-saves is not intended. And the original, well, this Mongol was somewhat created with a bad design in mind, that being, you had to restart it several times in order to fully explore the world, with the random teleporters being placed everywhere. It's my first game, so I'm not going to let go of it yet, but I agree, it definitely needs a lot of fixing. The other RPG maker game I made has the same glaring issues, I had and still have to fix the exit and make the more readable. Thanks for playing it, horbro. I'll stream your game tomorrow ^^!~

It’s really nice and moody. Killing dogs is always funny in games. You can outrange the enemies pretty easily, and even spam the “Tommy-gun” I believe it’s called, but that’s fun. The levels are well designed as well. The theme of the game is really nice. Game’s pretty balanced overall. Had a lot of fun playing the game.

The space between room transitions after you open a door is really nice, feels good. I like how you have to load the gun chamber manually. Really cool, kind of reminds me the same feel Penumbra gave me when I first played it.

Really cute game. The graphics are fantastic. I like how proud of herself the fairy lady looks after finishing the level, it really adds personality to the character. I poked one for far too long and got eaten. Initially I thought it only happened as some sort of Easter egg, but I was wrong, really cool either way. Really nice how you can block its tongue. The fact that there’s a choice between the xth and xth-2 level is a nice touch. I really liked how you can sacrifice the buffed fairy in order to win, really thought out game. Also seggs with fairy lady :DD

I enjoyed kicking and the option of free roaming around the map and oh, also the locking system. Didn’t block at all tho. 

I like how you can dodge bullets. The shotgun feels satisfying to use. The music’s good. Love the legged enemies. Kind of wish there was an option for melee but so far it’s all right. I loved the sprite bill boarding for the trash cans and for other stuff.

Have you amped the difficulty since last time because it feels a bit more reactive than before, which is a good thing. I don’t know if this is new, but I like the FOV setting, I maxed it so I could get a better feel and it worked. One of the enemies got stuck chasing me, but that’s still a nitpick, the others worked fine. It’s just a weird corner.

Died a few times this time around but got to see more of the level, which is fine. The last time I played I didn’t get to see much and I felt a little lost. I’m glad that this is not the issue anymore. Good game.

The control scheme took a while to get used to it but the game’s fun. Unless there’s something wrong on my side, it doesn’t seem to have any music or sound in it. There’s a tiny bug where, if you use the shotgun then sheathe it, the cone will still be there until you release. But that’s kind of a nitpick.

I enjoyed fighting the zombies at night, but the shotgun made it a bit too easy for me to fend them off. Switching between the axe and the shotgun is nice. There are a few too many buttons that switch to full-screen, which kind of threw me off. Because I like searching for secret buttons and interactions.

Overall, an enjoyable experience, I like it. Couldn’t figure out the poison timer, or what caused it, but I think it was one of the zombies touching me.

Same. I'll try streaming it Saturday!

I'm sorry, my bad. I will make devlogs from this point on.

Surreal atmosphere, especially when combined with the music. I chose to be a masochist and basically turned down the guide. The combat is kind of brutal at first but once you get the hang of it and use the dolls, it’s really fun. I also like the transition between scenes, from the surreal “bone field”, I think it was called, to the border warzone, the environmental storytelling is cool. Not a big fan of it usually, but since it was accompanied with the father telling me about his past, the “reflection” has some weight in my opinion. The enemy design is really cool. I like being given the option to be an asshole.  

The writing and the characters are really great. Margarette is unlikeable and looks like she means to strangle me the first chance she gets. Sarah and her father are cool though.  I also like the diversity of characters. There are some small details that make the game great; you can tell that a lot of love was put in the game. For example, the backpedalling after you run from a fight, not that I did that since it’s kill or be killed. Or the environment, the house, the fish and sea jellies drawings, the bed, so on and so forth. And again, I can’t stress enough how much I like the music.

It’s definitely more in-depth than battledemons. I have to try the other games as well, and play it again. I know you said there’s no rush to finish DoJD or BD, but I think I’ll do a playthrough and put them on youtube or somewhere. Love your work man. Cheers.

I don’t think you’re being mean. The game has a lot of faults. The first person control scheme isn’t properly implemented. Someone was supposed to make the music for me but they were rather busy and couldn’t finish the tracks. I’m still unsure whether or not I’ll continue this project or stick with the RPG. Both were rushed and made in a short frame of time because I’ve been busy. Thanks for the constructive feedback and thank you for not shying away from being honest. It’s rare to see in any other place than in the general.

The music is amazing. Intentionally drowned her a few times. I didn't expect the movement to be that fluid, but I was pleasantly surprised. The music really sells the game.

It's a single player mmo where you play as a healer. I died to some skeletons because I couldn't use healing rain and my tank died then I aggro'd. Had some fun, but it's really tedious playing a healer. I never played as a healer in wow, so, I wouldn't know what it feels like. But the game was pretty fun despite the fact that being a healer sucks.

It was fun, but the farthest I reached was 1k points and something. Also, it kind of took me a while to figure out that they stack based on color. Still, I enjoyed it.

(1 edit)

I liked shooting stuff and that you need to switch to 3rd person in order to melee. Couldn't master wall jumping and fell a lot of times and had to reset it like mad. It's really cozy tho, and I like how the character I played with looked. Unfortunately I can't say a lot about the multiplayer because the other testers probably weren't there at the same time I was. 

Damn, I'm sorry.

I really liked it, reminds me of Brood-war, and the sprite-work's really good. The hint bar really annoyed me at start, because I initially didn't know how to get rid of it, but once I did, everything was fine.

I won't rush it then. I'll try Dreams of Joy Departed first because I'll admit it, I haven't tried it, yet . I've only seen gameplay and your updates on youtube and on the general. And I did share it with my friends, and some of them really like it, others were "shocked" from seeing a wendigo with a shotgun haha. But that was really cool. tho.

I haven't actually progressed that far with this game, past the two maps. I was still switching between projects at the time. Ditto for the story, sorry. I've been working on it since November or October, since I switched from RPGM Unite and Adventure creator, so I didn't get to work on it that much.

I think I'll drop the rpg in favor of the survival horror, thank you. I'll add some more until the next DD.

It's extremely impressive, to say the least. I didn't expect this to be this mechanically impressive as I first thought at first glance. It's shocking how this isn't on steam in early access, as far as I'm aware of? Especially after taking into account just how well it works mechanically. 

It's really good. If it wasn't for the RPGM UI, this would've been perfect. But it was really funny and well thought out.

In hindsight , it was definitely a bad idea to put the npc there. I'll change his position. The button wasn't intended. And the size is because of test levels I forgot to remove from the build!

Yeah, I forgot to remove the test levels. There's a lot of placeholders in game that need to be replaced and removed. The character creator came with another kit. The human models were made using makehuman, a humanoid generator, ditto for the faces.

Thanks, I will definitely scope down and make smaller zones for starters. It means a lot that you've tested my game!

If I was tired before, I’m now fully awake. It’s really fast paced and does a great job keeping you on your toes. The game’s short but sweet and I had a lot of fun just running around and getting a hold of the speed.

Visually it's amazing, as there's nothing that doesn't fit or really hinders the atmosphere. I liked it.

I really like how you can just flood the map with shells, or how you can lose body parts after getting hit, like your head or your chest piece. I exploded once despite the fact that the game doesn’t seem extremely unforgiving. I kind of messed the wall jumping and the parry which in turn, often times made me have to wait in order to flood the map with shells in order to “climb” over some of the shielded turrets. 

But that’s more of a skill problem on my part. Really solid art style, I had a C on both missions. To be fair, I didn’t try the practice and jumped right in. And again, it’s more of a personal choice than anything. I loved everything else. The art is really amazing.

Right off the bat, the game is incredibly fluid. I really enjoyed the atmosphere. The game’s really difficult but there’s a charm to it as well! Can’t say I got too far, albeit I do love these kinds of games and I’ve been playing them since one of my childhood friends introduced me to Diablo 2. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Died more than a few times but even that was fun because I got to try again, largest kill count was 40. Not that many enemies killed because I suck at managing resources. But love the game. I'll admit, I was meaning to play this for a long while, but I kept postponing for a long while until now. I was not disappointed! 

I really dig the intro and the music. I actually spent a considerable amount of time in the first room just to listen to the track. Prof Smoke sounds like a douche, but I love him. Also his facial expressions really fit him!

The items being highlighted isn’t that bad, imo. But it takes away from trying to discover things. The art is pretty amazing, especially the trainers! Love the blood.

I’ll finish it tomorrow.  But so far, I really enjoyed it!