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*Papyrus sighs.* "Alright, I‘m not gonna start a fight with him.Still, I apologize for my brother‘s foul behavior towards you.Are you alright?" *He asks you with a hint of concern in his voice as he snaps his fingers, causing his magic to stop affecting Sans and letting him fall face-first onto the ground with a thud.*

*they say that they're fine*

"Oh good, I thought Sans and I might’ve scared you." *He says and pats your head.* "That reminds me, we forgot to introduce ourselves; this is my older brother, Sans, and my name is Papyrus.It’s nice to make your acquaintance, tiny one." *He says with a calm smile on his face.Meanwhile, Sans finally managed to get up and now brushes some dirt off of his suit while mumbling something in an annoyed way.*

*they giggle and say that their name is frisk*

"Well isn’t that just the cutest name I‘ve heard for a human?" *Papyrus chuckles and gently pinches your left cheek.* "Say- your name sounds quite familiar; do you happen to be Ms. Toriel‘s newly adopted child?I‘m just asking because she mentioned that she adopted a tiny human called Frisk a few days ago."

*they confirmed that they are toriels child*