Firstly: looks like a lot of hard work went into this and I appreciate the result, thank you for your hard work and sharing its fruits with us.
If I have two nitpicks (which I cannot remember any image pack avoiding and I don't want to sound entitled, I acknowledge that I'm just lazily waiting for someone else like yourself to be a hero and put in the hard work to improve upon):
1) Human ears on half-kin, usually as a redundant set of ears... when I see this it completely dispels the illusion of a half-kin, they're just humans wearing costume ears (in other image packs these are often very obviously drawn as costumes/costume accessories e.g. the non-human ears are mounted on a hairband).
2) Anachronistic apparel, e.g. modern fashion and accessories incongruous with the technology and aesthetic of a medieval fantasy setting. Personally, I prefer more fantastical clothing for fantasy beings (e.g. dryads) or at least more hand-tailored-looking clothes less reliant on post-industrial manufacturing methods (e.g. zippers, print/silk-screen).