Just a Few the Effect Blocks in the Next Update:
Effect Blocks
This ability slows your car down to an exceptionally low speed whilst you will still be running in real time. It's important to be going as fast as possible when entering this section to minimize the effect. |
No Steering
It blocks your ability to steer the car, so make sure to steer in the right direction before rolling on it, as not doing so you will inevitably hit a wall or go off track, messing up your run. |
No Break
The break button is disabled, preventing you to do quick break for drifting or avoiding to hit a wall at high speed. You can still release the accelerate button to slow down.
No Engine
Rolling on it turns off the car's engine, gaining no speed. Hitting anything, drifting, going up or other instance will make you lose significant speed, and in the worst case, be completely grounded. Any curves and slopes going downwards will help to gain some speed. |
This block nulls all effect you previously gotten. |
This effect will make your car vulnerable to damage so any type of hit will affect the performance of the car and at times will be completely undrivable. It's important to be extremely careful when going through these sections. |
Cruise Control
This effect will make the speed you roll on this block as the maximum speed you can reach. |