Hello, I was really excited to give this game a try since I'm also a FE cloner, a few comments:
- When I hit "load game" without any saves the game just froze up on me
- How come when I'm viewing the preview before entering combat, sometimes my unit is on the left and the enemy is on the right but sometimes it's the other way around?
- Not sure if this is a pathfinding bug or just unintuitive but I noticed this:
this enemy is supposed to have 5 movement so I'm not sure why he can't move 1 further down path the 4, do bridges cost 2 move? if so that seems an odd choice to me.
- I had a bug where an enemy moved to a tile where another enemy is already standing. Luckily it didn't seem to mess anything up since the other unit moved off the tile afterwards with no issue.
- Game crashed after selecting my reward for level 4 unfortunately
Overall, besides a few bugs it seems like you've built a good foundation with the base SRPG mechanics, I'm looking forward to seeing how you flesh out the rougelike elements going forward, since I've seen a lot of discussion on whether rouge-like FE could work.