No problem! Hope you don't mind me revisiting this, but I wanted to actually check on a few of the more serious things like I said. So, here's what I'm seeing:
1. Unequipping clips after first fight has no effect, enemies still do hypno attacks: Couldn't reproduce this. Went through a few battles, always on the second one after getting the clips, just in case. Tried a few combinations of equipping and unequipping them. No luck. Let me know if you CAN successfully reproduce, or if this pops up again.
2. Masher boars:
-adds called in after death
-more than one add called in per-turn
-adds attack immediately
-maybe adds should be ordinary
To me this is two questions: do these things actually occur, and should they be changed? In order then:
-I think the problem here was that for some strange reason when I called the check for adds on the start of turn 4, RPGMaker decided to run that FIRST, THEN run Mezz's attack/damage eval from turn 3. Which is...baffling. I've swapped the logic so I'm now checking at the END of turn 3: Mezz attacks, boars counter (if any are alive) and THEN check. You still get 3 attempts at trying to down them all before more are called in, but now it should be impossible for a totally dead troop to call adds (as the battle will end before the check runs).
-I think this just comes from a mis-understanding of how calling the adds work (which is fine, you haven't spend hours in the guts of the code.) After 3 turns (you attack, they attack = a turn), two more boars will be added to the troop. It's always two, and it can't run twice because it's not actually an ability the existing boars are using, just a time-dependent condition for the whole group. Granted I did have it set to run on "turn 4" with no explicit off switch, so if you got to turn 8 I suppose it might have triggered again. I've added that off switch now though: It should only be able to run once per battle.
-I THINK this should no longer be an issue, because the timing now results in: you attack for the third time, damage is done, you fail to fully eliminate the troop with your third attack, adds are brought in, and it's your turn to attack again. The ordering may have been weird before, but now you should get one attack on the adds before they have their first attack.
-I think this may actually be a good idea. Unfortunately, there are a lot of interlocking systems to handle the various battlesex stuff, and they all assume a given type of enemy per battle. That's why, as you may have noticed, I don't mix and match enemy types in battles in CS 1 (though I do in GT). So it would require a whole re-working of a very large chunk of code to make this happen, and as such I'll probably leave this as-is for now.
The other changes have been made though. Won't show up publicly until I roll out a new release, which I'll probably be holding back for a bit to get in a few more final quality-of-life improvements, but they'll definitely be there when it does. And thanks again for the feedback!