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(1 edit) (+2)

Man, the retro aesthetics are absolutely ON POINT for this.  Sadly I think the sound was bugged for me, and my game kept crashing, but the music and sounds I did hear were spot on, and I'm wondering where you found/made them.  I am also unsure what I should be doing gameplay wise.  Aim lock only seems to kick in at very close range.  Close enough for enemies to shoot you down pretty quickly, and I don't know if manual aim worked for controller, or at least there didn't seem to be feedback for it.

The attention to detail I think really makes this game stand above and beyond a lot of other retro-nostalgia based games.  Very cool.  I liked the little stretching effect for the title.


Thank you, the music tracks are XM module files made in OpenMPT with samples made to imitate SNES game instruments (or at least that was the intention), most sound effects are mashed up and edited from samples and heavily reduced in quality, some were synthetized. I believe it might indeed be a fault of the module music player addon for Godot that the game crashes, I've been trying to fix it though and hopefully that will be solved by the next game update

Lock-on is the main method you'll use to attack enemies, especially in this version since the manual aim doesn't work properly and will just shoot where your gun is actually pointing instead of the center of the lockbox. Having seen people play the game it seems to be tough to get the hang of but avoiding the enemy fire is crucial, hence why the damage is so high, I plan to soften the learning curve for next update. I'm not sure what you mean by the manual aim not working specifically with controller and the feedback, though? I actually developed the game entirely with controller and added KB+M last minute, haha

I ripped off the logo stretching from Megaman X, although mine is way lamer

(1 edit) (+2)

You have good taste :P  I actually used the guitar from the Megaman X soundfont in my own game!

I used SFXR to make my sound effects and it doesn't quite get there in terms of sounding like a SNES game.  I just am not super experienced with audio.