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I had a lot of fun playing this -- I don't want to be too specific and ruin the experience for others reading the comments, but I'll just say there are some levels later that aren't like the levels before, and I thought it was impressive how those different levels were still balanced and fun to play

I think a lot of people like myself see some of the stars or challenges and think, "Oof! That looks too hard for now, but maybe I'll come back and do that later." And I think this game has an interesting moral about those kinds of challenges.

Cool game, thank you!!!

> And I think this game has an interesting moral about those kinds of challenges.

I'd be interested in if you could elaborate on this! How to do so without ruining the experience for others, though... 

Do you mean that the moral might be you sometimes can't go back and do those challenges?


Yeah, to me the moral was something like - don't put things off until later, because there might not be a later! That was my takeaway

Interesting! I appreciate your response :)