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A member registered Feb 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Intensely amazing

An interesting concept..! I'm not sure if I figured out how to play or watch it properly, but nice to see a little story unfold... glad you chose to submit it!

Thank you for playing! I'm glad the grass was kind to you...!

What a concerning takeaway...! The insight is appreciated


I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

May the grass be kind to your soul.

This was absolutely amazing and extremely professionally made, I read this on my phone by accident and it worked perfectly. I don't know how you did this in <36 hours unless you constantly read the news and listen to these types of interviews, because you were able to match that tone perfectly. Beautifully done.

Such a cute little experience, well done :) ... the short dialogue, and the mix of funny and solemn text was nice. My favourite was the small turtle

! :D c:

Beautifully made! Well done


This game is smarter than it lets on - figuring out four different things for the seeds to do as well as having a nice intro to rest of game scenario is pretty snazzy

Well done


Absolutely wonderful. Was meaning to play this for about a year now, and finally found the time!

Below are a video(s) of me live reacting / analysing? every monster. I recall discussing hedonism especially for a bit, along with your use of single pixels which was amazingly done...

Beautiful job, keep up the stunning work.

is that like a variant of deuteranopia? interesting, i wish i knew a better program to check so it would be easier to find different palettes.. -.-"

Interesting! I appreciate your response :)

what kind of colour blindness do you have? I might have to get a new tool as the one I use seems to see if my art is good for colourblind people shows that this game is all fine -.-

> And I think this game has an interesting moral about those kinds of challenges.

I'd be interested in if you could elaborate on this! How to do so without ruining the experience for others, though... 

Do you mean that the moral might be you sometimes can't go back and do those challenges?

so cute! and nice choice on the youtube survey music, well done :)

cheeky! good luck

Thank you :)

amazing.. you even link the GitHub? is this free and open source? like under creative commons or smth?


rankings website is so clean! well done, i want to stream me playing the new update so i wont try it for a while, since im moving. cant wait though!

Glad I was able to give you all some laughs and good times :)

Hi, I played your game on stream recently, here's the link to the video, timestamp @ 1:30:23 for your game
If you want extra thoughts/feedback lmk
Excellent work

Hi, I played your game on stream recently, yours is at timestamp 1:06:10, link below
If you're interested in extra thoughts/feedback just let me know, huge well done!

Excellent work on this
You can see my reaction to it at the link below, @ 29:45, and if you want extra thoughts / feedback lmk
Great job

Hi, I played your game on stream yesterday, the timestamp is @ 9:45 on the link below if you want to see, and if you want any extra thoughts/feedback let me know
Huge well done

Hi, played this on my stream yesterday, @ timestamp 6:26:10 on the link below
If you want to hear any extra thoughts/feedback just let me know
Stunning work

Huge well done! Your game (with developer commentary) is below at 5:26:45, and if you want extra thoughts / feedback lmk
Great job

Hi, I streamed this game! The link is below, at timestamp 4:49:55 - if you want extra thoughts/feedback let me know
Huge well done!

I streamed this game at 4:00:05! Well done :>

Wonderful job! I showcased this on my stream at 2:57:44, if you want to see the reaction is below, and if you want any extra thoughts/feedback on the game lmk
Great work!

Hi, I showcased your game as apart of a Melbourne games marathon, was loads of fun
You can see the VOD here, yours is at 1:34:49
If you want extra thoughts/feedback on the game lmk

Hi! I streamed this recently as apart of a Melbourne games marathon! If you're interested in seeing my reaction, the link is below
Yours was streamed at 1:21:19
And if you want any extra thoughts or feedback on the game, just lmk

Hi! I streamed this game as apart of a games marathon!
If you want to see my reaction, check below, yours starts at 38:55
And if you want any extra thoughts let me know


Wow! Well done

I absolutely loved this! As a big fan of the colour yellow, very well done, and especially well done on the narrative design.