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Starting builds will be redone at some point, they're currently too random. Might be reworked into a manual choice system, but it will also be an unlockable thing

Unlocking things that start appearing randomly has the purpose of time gating complex mechanics until the player knows what they mean and (admittedly artificially) encouraging trying different builds. This is a first iteration of unlocks so unlock conditions and the actual unlockables are subject to change

I understand why you feel the map is too free. I might crank up the obstacle and enemy counts on later chapters, or as a thing for higher difficulties. I tried generating the map with higher obstacle count and it turned it into a maze with enemies frequently blocking the way and dead ends. It's not necessarily a worse design, but it doesn't work well with Bouncers. Personally I feel like there's enough pressure to min-max my moves - if I mess around too much, Bouncers might kill a shop with an item I was saving for. Perhaps this would be felt more if the balance was tighter

I might add a thing where refusing a symbol or item choice refunds portion of money spent, then it wouldn't feel as bad to get a dud for 100

Red Wine indeed dissolves, I forgot to update its custom description

crash when trying to view reels during an area transition

my life insurance seemed to never expire and i won the battle while blocking several fatal attacks. i activated 3 "yellow present" symbols during the battle. i didn't pay enough attention to be sure, but i'd speculate that i activated life insurance then "yellow present" (which i'm sure only added two items) so i'd speculate that would be the cause


There was a bug with life insurance never expiring in that version, been fixed for a while now

The fact that you're even playing out of DD season is quite a compliment

i don't think i had used life insurance before, so i assumed it was a complicated bug.

i think i've played it out of season since DD52. it's fun to play idly, but i preferred the old versions

just having Copyhat against an opponent with Envy status and gaining 1 power is enough to create a softlock


Damn, I had something to prevent this. Must not be working