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Is there a way to install a previous version? Apparently, I saved at exactly the wrong spot at the end and now, with the new version, the save won't load (black screen with rotating anchor).  I probably accidentally saved on the spot that said this was the current end of the story and, with the new version, that spot doesn't exist any longer.  I habitually delete previous versions of games on itch when a new version is installed to prevent issues and inconveniences but this time, it created one instead.

I have the same problem how do you fix it ?

What I was going to try: load up the game in the previous version and roll back the story a frame or two and resave at that point.  Theoretically, that should solve the issue.  I no longer *have* the previous version so I can't do it.  Looks like I won't have a choice but to start over from scratch since getting a response on here is nigh on impossible.

I think that doesnt work either 

If you go back to any of the development log posts, you can download the previous versions. That might work for you!