Did this game die? It's been several months without an update but after playing it again after a couple of years, the main plot hasn't moved forward at all either (although there are clearly other characters introduced), it still ends at the point of selecting your 'team'.
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For the record, you're awesome! :) You uploaded 3.5 while I was in game with 3.3 and found the keyboard cancel key by experimenting (took me a bit to realize it was the ` key). It's not listed in Options > Keyboard. Then I got 3.5 and saw that the close button in the Load Menu now showed the keyboard shortcut instead of the gamepad button and there it was! lol. I saw there are a number of other fixes in 3.5 too. (Now one more thing: is the sword you get from the tavern... *looks around to make sure no one is listening* ... is it supposed to be extremely overpowered?)
I'm absolutely thrilled with the new content (although it does seem... emptier somehow but I think that's because there isn't a town/settlement (like the city/merc camp/smuggler's hideout) before getting to the top - so that's a 'me' thing. LOL. But I have noticed something... trying to back out of a selection just isn't there. For example, if you Load Game at the start, then Close, the menu doesn't come back. Another instance: if, out of combat, you select a potion to give, you can't back up and choose a different potion (i.e. you don't need health anymore but Ash needs Ether). You can only do that if you hit Q again. In combat, you can't go back to the main selection of items (Attack, Skill, Magic, etc) if you accidentally chose something you didn't mean to (i.e. Chose a skill instead of magic) before you select a target. Basically, it acts like you're stuck in a given action even though you haven't targeted anything. That's more of a QoL thing, though. Also, when in a store and selecting equipment, you can't click/tab or anything on any of the character portraits so you can compare equipment (for Ash or Lyric). It's permanently on Hero so you can't easily tell if that new outfit in the list is an upgrade for Ash.
* The English is a decent attempt but I suspect a translator was used as it is odd. But you can figure it out. Some of the sentences do disappear out of the text box area, though.
* A mute button would be nice... or at least a volume control.
* Bug: during the 11 trials, if you choose surrender to see that ending, all you get is a black screen.
It's a cute little game, though.
Just wanted to point out a few minor errors. Several times, Bato's name became Barto, Ryu-ho became Lyo-ho once, and Elred's name was listed as Elered. Other than that, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Interesting dynamic growing between certain characters. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out. :)
I played through as much as I could actively find last night and forgot to post about it when it happened, but when I went to the docks to help the eel and had the encounter with the black cobra (that venom has very interesting side effects. lol), he stayed on the screen long after I left the docks. He didn't disappear until I entered the Tavern after. I haven't played it since last night so I haven't tried to reproduce the bug but I felt I should at least mention it.
Edit: Now that I think about it, there was another odd thing that happened. When I went to see Father Gustav at the chapel, after he mused about someone taking care of the pirate, the entire 'conversation' abruptly ended and I was back in the main room of the chapel again instead of sitting with Father Gustav.
This was a good chapter. :) (Although I'm sort of sad that Oliver wasn't spitroasted between Nathan and Trent - although Trent and Gregor would be quite interesting too but by the looks of things *that* will never happen. lol I'll just have to settle for one or the other ;) >:D ). Looking forward to the next installment. :D
I was just wondering, was this update slightly shorter than normal? It just seems like I blasted through it a lot quicker than I expected. In any event, I'm looking forward to the next part but I'm *not* looking forward to dealing with the frenchman (heh, I'm reminded of that guy in the second Matrix movie - Merovingian?). He swore he would get into the MC's pants, after all.
What I was going to try: load up the game in the previous version and roll back the story a frame or two and resave at that point. Theoretically, that should solve the issue. I no longer *have* the previous version so I can't do it. Looks like I won't have a choice but to start over from scratch since getting a response on here is nigh on impossible.
Is there a way to install a previous version? Apparently, I saved at exactly the wrong spot at the end and now, with the new version, the save won't load (black screen with rotating anchor). I probably accidentally saved on the spot that said this was the current end of the story and, with the new version, that spot doesn't exist any longer. I habitually delete previous versions of games on itch when a new version is installed to prevent issues and inconveniences but this time, it created one instead.
Well now! I really like the new elves. I just wish that the elf you seduce on the production floor was the same as the one that visits that night (for no other reason than my own head-canon). Also, is it my imagination or is Nick not the same from the first time you meet him to the Victory screen? At first, I thought Nick and Kristan were the same person at the end.
Actually, I don't find anything wrong with your writing. It looks more like you're skipping over things to get to the heart of the story you want to tell. I can understand that. Maybe what might help is imagine you're the one in a given situation and how you would react to it... and what it might take for you to come to terms with it. That can be as much of an adventure than the heart of the story you're trying to get to. Who knows what might happen. ;) (But for the love of all that is holy, no dancing teapots! lol)
I'm guessing this is what you meant by saving werewolves for future projects? ;) I only have one gripe (not even a complaint, really) - you have a strange habit of putting the MC into situations that he just... accepts. Not sure about you but if I were dragged into a dungeon and thrown in a cell, the first thing I'd do is look for a way to escape. Even after, thrown into a room, I'd at least make the attempt to escape. We're talking about a man literally dying to get to his family but now just... accepts being a prisoner with no attempt at escape (at least until dinner) - you have to admit, this is rather odd behaviour. In any case, curious to see how this plays out although I suspect I already know the answer. lol