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liked the music and all the sfx except for the asteroid explosion, the dust particles and their trails are really nice. cant really decide if having those circles and lines connecting to the `ground` is a good idea or not... menu navigation and sticking to the center of the window even when changing sizes seems to work fine. framerates are very strange, it seems to be trying so hard to smooth things that once it dips, it refuses to get back up. i could be on a simple scene with 50 fps or blasting everything and particles everywhere at 120 fps. played on a craptop iGPU. gameplay itself is basic but nice,  losing makes you play the previous level instead of unlocking the one that you are playing. did not like the visuals of the cubes, the rgb  dont look very nice to me

Good stuff, thanks! I'm curious what you mean about the framerate though. I don't understand what you mean.

(1 edit)

saw in the bread that you already updated the game, but if you still want to know - what I meant is that the FPS counter did not seem to match the complexity of what was being rendered- a scene full of particles could be running at 120 while a scene mostly empty, with barely anything in the view frustum could be running at 50. it did not feel like a measurement bug, the smoothness seemed to match the displayed FPS

The FPS counter logic was completely wrong, so I honestly am not even sure what an indicated low FPS actually means. There's no frustum culling or anything like that either. I don't know if you've tried it since the patch but there really was a massive performance problem from a really really terrible loop I wrote while half-asleep at 5AM, and I wonder if it's the cause of the FPS problems some people were having.