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uhhh... shit.

wow, that was really friggin heavy (in a good way!). the art style, atmosphere, music and writing all come together to make a game that just... *feels* wrong (in a good way!), and like every decision and step you're making is a mistake you can't come back from. that, mixed with such a dark and depressing story, made me really feel the despair the protagonist is in (in a good way!) and made me question if i should be doing any of the things i was doing. but, like her, i kept pushing forward, determined to reach the end goal, without knowing that that goal wouldn't be what i wished for in the slightest... (in a good way! is it clear yet it's hard to praise such an intentionally disturbing game without it sounding bad-).

honestly? my biggest problem with the game is that i wanted more. having taken certain choices on my first playthrough, i hoped things would change drastically with different decisions, leading up to a bunch of different endings. but then i reminded myself that this was for a game jam with a little over a month to make the games, so that probably would've been impossible lol. still, i'd honestly be interested in checking out a game you made that had a lot of different choices and endings, if that sounds fun to make (or if you've already made one like that).

in conclusion, BroodyGaming is an extremely fitting name for this game! :D


Thank you so much for playing! It's wild, so much of what you said is almost verbatim what I would tell people I was "going for" while I worked on it. So hearing that kind of feedback, that you achieved on any level what you were aiming for is such a huge compliment for any creative work. I personally LOVE choice based video games. You're correct in that making a lot of very different endings in a game jam is a time logistic nightmare, but the more of these I do the faster I'm getting. Definitely stay tuned, I'll be implementing choice based gameplay in most of my projects!

not surprising to hear that's the tone you were going for lol, and yeah you definitely pulled it off!

and oh cool! i'll be interested in seeing what you can make with more experience and time management skills on your hands :>