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A fun little game, and an interesting concept. With the lack of levels, there wasn't a whole lot to play, but the concepts you have could easily be expanded upon. I wish there was more you could do with the assimilation mechanic, maybe extra abilities for the spacemen you couldn't access in your alien form such as the guns that I can see them holding. Audio restarting after every level/death was a little annoying, but that's not really major. All in all a very solid game, especially for your first project in a new engine. Keep up the good work!

Thanks man! We spent most of our time on the prefabs for each component so that creating levels would be as easy as dragging and dropping. We didn't have a lot of time left for level design. But I think the levels we added was enough to show the potential of the game.

I  appreciate you taking the time to play our game! Yeah I wish we had more levels to showcase, unfortunately the game only started really coming together in the final 6 hours so  we couldn't finish up all our core mechanics.