Here's a couple of things I've noticed over the past few weeks. Some of these are from previous versions, sorry if you've fixed them:
- Keys and magic keys are free to buy from npcs
- Cookies and pizza on tables claim to restore a flat amount of WP, but actually restore a percentage
- The perk altars between levels do not adjust my reputation with goddesses (for example, when taking unchained or cursed. Cursed seems to enforce the max when your reputation next changes)
- Favourited armours that are picked up don't appear at the top of my inventory
- I can't sell WP potions to in-map potion buyers
Bonus idea: If you have the trapped furniture perk, then chests can trap you inside (like barrels).
EDIT: Two more:
- If I have an enchanted weapon equipped, having it pulled out of my grip removes the unenchanted equivalent from my inventory instead. This creates a new weapon if I don't already have one. EDIT again: Something similar appears to happen with armour as well.
- Talking to the thug between levels doesn't give me a quest.