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A member registered Feb 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you, I will add a check to try to assist with this

Hopefully this will be fixed in the official update soon


There isnt quite an export feature yet but you can use debug mode to transfer a roguelike save.

Boop the gag on the title menu and you should be able to go to the pause menu and click the debug mode checkbox to export a save code

Yes. You cant not gain battle rhythm if youre a fighter. But it doesnt do anything unless you have it in hotbar.

Lore-wise, it’s so you cant hide anything in a more complicated outfit. And it can be an aesthetic preference to keep your prisoners in underwear only :)

They are an always-hostile faction.

Yikes! I had hoped I put a fix for this in the latest version, have you updated yet?

Hmm, theres a timer that resets when you enter a chase I believe, but not when you click the button. Ill have to check

You could send it on discord possibly, or paste in a text file and attach the file

Can you activate debug mode and create a save code?

You can also use it to salvage the save by force unlocking the stairs, but it will help me find the problem if you can get a save code.

To enable debug just boop the gag in the main menu and then go to the pause screen

Oh hello! I actually live in the US, so Im not as familiar with qq groups. Thank you so much for the praise :)

youll have to join the discord and emote the rules post to gain access (spam bot prevention feature sorry)

Thats a good consideration, it wasn’t intended to imply that so I will change it.

It was made by a user on the discord :)

It asks you to choose in the perk shrine.

Otherwise the selection is just for convenience so you dont have to hover


For the layer manipulation, you normally dont, but you can use expert tools (near the tab for advanced color picker) to add a bonus to the z index

The Queue™ is just the backlog of assets I had made for the game that havent been implemented.

Implementing the military uniform for example took me 4hrs or so of irl work after it was already drawn. Due to all the poses. So theres a lot that I still haven’t had time to add

What version are you on? Also are you using an old save?

I see you are a kasane teto fan? There actually is a twin drills hairstyle in the queue haha

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Its an outfit model, not a restraints

It is a nsfw server so it seems some people have trouble getting in

Also getting this error with butler!

There is one on discord, unfortunately not all of them post here >.<

If its gotten to the point where it doesnt wear off, youll have to use a latex solvent.

You can either seek out alchemists to buy/steal it from, or find one in the commerce shrine rarely

Theres a couple in the itch community here, Im not sure if outdated though. most mods are on the official discord.

The paid version is offline and has automatic mod loading from the local mods folder (which cant be done on browser)

Other than that there isnt any difference.

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It was renamed to be a slime tentacle slap along with 3 other bondage based attack buffs.

Mechanically mostly unchanged although iirc it does trigger inner power now

If I can get to it xP

Thanks I might need to add a variation. Do you have any layered cuffs underneath?

Oh Ive got an idea, could maybe configure the remote in the inventory. Probably needs a hotkey though to bring up the current weapon in inventory

Main difficulty here is readability and UI. Im not sure how to display this information to the player and how to implement the controls

If you have an Arm processor it cant run 64 bit executables unless they are specifically made for arm64.

Thats a possibility, might be perk based because its kind of niche I think, but more opportunity to use the rubber sound effects is good :)

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At the moment the main ways to ignore them are to use class abilities (e.g. akashic conflux) or scrolls.

For the discord, what country and platform are you on? The discord is nsfw and so if you are on an apple device you may have yo join on a PC first. Because apple doesnt want adults doing adult things :)

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It should capture her if you run into her without passthrough enabled, assuming she has any binding she will stay at 0hp and disappear into collection when captured. Im not sure what you mean by shackles on the bottom right?

At some point Id like to do a full mobile mode, then Ill look into packaging as an apk

Oooo Magical tracking collar that lets the dragon know where you are~ Maybe if you escape a dragon once~

I need a save code >.<