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Hello my name is Anjali. I have myself (writer and developer), another writer, and a graphic designer! We are looking for an artist to join us. The game we plan to build is a IF/Visual Novel with a card-based mechanic.

Premise: You find yourself thrust into a thrilling and perilous world where vampires rule the night. As the only non-vamp in a gothic nightclub, hidden within a revamped morgue, your survival hinges on a crucial decision: to be embraced by one of the powerful queer vampire factions or face a grim fate. Your ultimate goal is to gain the trust and favor of one of the three major vampire factions before the night ends, ensuring your transformation into a vampire and securing your place in their world.


Ok, While it sounds interesting, let's try it! my discord  is opolovnik

Sounds good! Just sent you a friend request (AKB0786) going to sleep now (3am here) but feel free to message me and I'll get back to you when I get up!