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(1 edit)

You can get a lot of upgrades pretty easily using Science, the "Revive" item might also be too busted. Maybe make it single-use and more expensive?

Additionally perhaps you can buy upgrades like "gravity boots" for faster Astronaut speed, something to increase repair speed, research speed, etc.

Pacing-wise I do think it's very solid, it ends when it should as soon as all of the game's content is exhausted and you get in the loop. As a baseline it's very much solid and I see it expanding into something bigger!

I also liked the idea behind the ending, tho yah I wish I saw what was beyond the portal lol. You can also send multiple astronauts thru the door before it lifts away, maybe something bonus could happen if you do that? You can expand a lot on just everything that's in place already without doing too much extra work!


Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to keep the game short and sweet so I could actually finish it. Your right a lot of things could be easily expanded. The revive item is single use as far as I remember. I could always make it more expensive if it's too broken, but I didn't want the game to super hard anyway. I thought about a speed upgrade, but never implemented it that's a thing I could note to add. 

I think the pacing is good because I played through the game like hundreds of times and adjusted things to what felt right. I wish I had added more to the ending but at a certain point I had to stop adding new things and start finishing what I had. I think you can only send One person through the portal but maybe there is a bug. I was wondering if it was easy to figure out the puzzle at the end of the game, with the wave forms. I thought it might be a little obtuse, but coming up with a puzzle is hard. 

If I do go back to it I think I will convert it to Godot 4, and while I'm at it I can fix somethings and add some more, like a better ending. I did have an alien sprite that was going to show up at some point and join your crew. Maybe the astronaut you send comes back with an alien friend. 

Omg getting an end game character for the ending would be fun! I like that idea of a reward

The puzzle at the end was fine and easy to figure out! I would say the scanner button didn't appear consistently and required me to re press the astronaut though