Thanks! That would be amazing. The current models aren't exactly triple A so it's not a very high bar. Just do your best, I'm excited to see what you come up with!
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Thanks! Unfortunately it's going to remain a tech demo for now. It was my first attempt at making something substantial in 3d and I think I bit off more than I could chew. I can always come back to it now that I've learned a bit more about 3d but I'm working on something else for now.
I wanted the game to be more arcade style than simulation, but I think with some dampening like you said could make it require more skill and make it more fun to fly. I'm glad you like it, I think it's a fun little game for what it is.
Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to keep the game short and sweet so I could actually finish it. Your right a lot of things could be easily expanded. The revive item is single use as far as I remember. I could always make it more expensive if it's too broken, but I didn't want the game to super hard anyway. I thought about a speed upgrade, but never implemented it that's a thing I could note to add.
I think the pacing is good because I played through the game like hundreds of times and adjusted things to what felt right. I wish I had added more to the ending but at a certain point I had to stop adding new things and start finishing what I had. I think you can only send One person through the portal but maybe there is a bug. I was wondering if it was easy to figure out the puzzle at the end of the game, with the wave forms. I thought it might be a little obtuse, but coming up with a puzzle is hard.
If I do go back to it I think I will convert it to Godot 4, and while I'm at it I can fix somethings and add some more, like a better ending. I did have an alien sprite that was going to show up at some point and join your crew. Maybe the astronaut you send comes back with an alien friend.
Thanks for playing! and thanks for all the feedback! I wish I had some of this feedback back when I was still working on it, but I could still go back and make some minor changes. Like you didn't notice the sanity meter. I was wanting to avoid walls of text, but I think one more popup screen at the beginning explaining things a little better would be helpful.
The save feature I feel like was more trouble than it's worth. Saving while someone is in the rover will delete that astronaut. I can't believe I didn't notice this back then but that's something I should fix.
The end game was a little rushed. I wish I had added more to it, but once I had something working I just said good enough and stopped.
Good to hear from someone who actually played the game to the finish, and gave good feedback. That's pretty rare so thanks again!
Command the crew of the moon base as they work to discover the mysteries of an artifact found on the moon. A chill addictive little game made in two months with the Godot game engine. It started as a pixel art drawing I did, I then put it into Godot and made it interactive. Try it out! and let me know what you think!
The fool's path is a turn based tactics game I have been working on and I've put together a demo of what I have so far. 4 different character classes, 4 enemy types so far, and 4 hand crafted maps. Play in the browser for free.
Having the items give upgrades to the ship was in the original idea. I decided I needed to get a playable version out, so a lot of stuff got cut. Now that a playable version is out there and I still want to make something bigger I should revisit old ideas and new ones to make the game more fun, because the game definitely needs more to it.
I guess my thinking now is to have item slots on your saucer as well as the mothership. So you will have items that repair the mothership and items that get attached to your saucer and give a permanent upgrade. The battery increasing the max power is a good idea, and an item to slow the amount of heat you get when spotted. There is so much potential for cool items I need to decide what adds the most fun, and go from there. A bucket of paint as an item to change the color of the saucer needs to be added, Nice idea.
I copy pasted all these ideas to a big text file I have for future consideration, but for this week anyway I am just trying to tighten everything up, so the game is in a solid place before I start adding things. Thanks for the continued feedback!
Hey thanks for all the good feedback! I'm going to have to give you a credit on the game!
Tooltips for the buttons is another idea that seems so obvious. I need to try to implement that immediately. I think I had thought about that in the past but forgot, This is why people make a proper design doc I suppose.
Making the robot voice speak gibberish makes a lot of sense too. I had actually made a voice kinda like the voices in Undertale for another game I tried making. It could be fun to come up with some unique sounding robot gibberish. I think it could give the game way more character. Plus if I give the game language options it still fits, that's something I hadn't thought about.
I agree I need to tighten up just about everything. I just started implementing things to get them working, then didn't polish them once they halfway worked. So its just a matter of fine tuning. I think when you are being detected I will also show a red bar around the screen as a visual clue along with the sound. That's got me thinking about game design things I could change about the whole getting detected thing, Thanks again for the feedback, it actually gives me some more ideas and motivates me to keep working!
Hey! I didn't notice this suggestion earlier. That actually never crossed my mind to hold LMB to move. It took about 3 lines of code to implement and it feels good to control that way. Thanks for the suggestion! Seems so obvious to now :) I got a lot to keep track of with this game.
I plan to add a full options menu in the future. I will need to look into how to implement rebindable keys. I'm sure it's not that hard but I haven't tried before. Its on the list!
Thanks for all the good feedback! There is an area of the map that is locked until you take bob there or he is supposed to walk there if you drop him, but its broke right now. I think once you pickup bob some text should tell you where you need to take him and if you drop him he will move there on his own, but I agree the player should know where to go after finding bob. I'll upload an updated version where bob at least isn't broken soon.
Right now the items you get from looting houses is a TV, a remote control, and a portable radio once you get all 3 you get a "Navigation" item for the mothership. I need to add little text popups explaining the mechanic. The game is missing a lot of tutorialising. I need to work on the UI some more, I want the console bar to pop up tutorial text when you first find things.
I like the idea of something that changes the appearance of the alien that could be funny, and some of the houses give you nothing right now. I suppose you could steal a bath robe or something and have it show on the alien sprite. Nice idea.
Antibody is a top down twin-stick shooter/metroidvania style game I'm making. Explore an atmospheric derelict spaceship invested with aliens. Fight off swarms of enemies while solving puzzles and unlocking new abilities.
It's still a work in progress, but what is there I think is a fun little slice of a game. I'm the only one to ever play test it so feedback would be amazing.