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The brewing part is really interesting, I would love to see more of that! The art is fantastic, I liked the animation and the chicken boss was pretty funny! You even got comboing attacks in there!

The platforming part was kinda difficult and the fact that there are no checkpoints or even a way to restart the game is just too brutal, especially with how long the forest is 😅
There's a part in the forest where I just fell through the floor. I know it can be a little tricky to restart levels properly in Godot but I think at the very least teleporting the player back to the start of the forest when they die or hit a reset button is essential... especially since you have to sit through the potion brewing tutorial every time. Cute death animation though. 

Even in spite of that you guys got a LOT done for the jam!

Also the fact the health bar moved off screen when you jump was a funny bug. I'm guessing it was a sprite2d parented to the player instead of a control node lol.