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(1 edit) (+1)

I got to the scroll but can grab it. I think you got a bug there. 

what a very clever mechanic you got there, of chanign colours to dodge the chess pieces by changing color! although what happens if osmeone doens know how the chess pieces move? I guess that reduced the accesibility of your game. I like the concept, and overall I think i could expand for a big puzzle game. Great job!

Edit: After a while i figured the scroll wasn the ending, but some sort of check point. Still, I died later and it took me back to the begining, instead of the scroll. Still a great game

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(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for playing! I didnt put a scroll in the game but I suck at drawing :P It has no checkpoints (yet) but I have them on code to put some in the future. Thanks for the feedback! :D

PD: I played your game but I want to get the secret code to give you a full review, I'll be doing that later today :P