well I saw that moving right and left moved the objects in time on those squares, but I could never get the bullet to alliance with them, didn't understand how the aiming works with the red clock
Soleil Levant
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Solid entry, thougfh it had some programming issues. Enemies would stop seeking to advance towqrds the base once they fought abattle sometimes, making it so that future waves were easily cheated by not killing one enemy and taking the time to build. I would also like to add that the mechanics were very good, but there was no incentive from the enemies to try and do anything different. They werew always the same, and nbo enemy variation takes away from the combat system. I can see it had a big scope, and for a single team member, it si very good. Lastly, no music really hurt the presentation, it could have had a lot more pucnh, specially because of the addictive game loop./ Good game! cheers!
I can'tbelive this was done by a singl etem member. yet I see how much reuse you did in all those mechanics!. It was really fun t osee how gameplay changed just with each anomal. Same game, different goals. Clever reuse of assets, I just think this game is a gem! Also the dying music kept me laughing for a long time.
I'd say the idea was good. But after a while playing, nothign happened that made me felt like the game was evolving, or somethng was happenng. I hoarded about a thouhsand bullets and then quit. It is a good idea, but herhaps it needs smoe more pacing, or enemy variation, to feel less monotonous. Also, audio feedback youd have made the game feel less dull. IT is a good entry for a single person though. Also, there is only one resource (blood bulletS) but since ther eis no enemy variation and enemies are so easy to kill, you have effectively infinite ammo all of the time. Good game still!
Good imple,mentation of the one resource with meteorites being your source of upgrades. Had some programming faults, it was easy to break progresison by clicking twice or more on a button very fast. It was interesting but then I feel progresison flattened even beforre the bugs. Selections break at the end if there are no more of them. I'd say this was a solid game!
Only one resource beiong blood respects the limitation. I tried playing and at first didn't understand how to make towers because the blood is just a number on screen instaead of a clearer indicator that shows it's being sonsumed when building towers. After a while of building a defense there is not much to do, and since there is no music, it feels a little dull in the end. Good job ob finishing a game!
Excet for the theme, you hit 5 stars in all the spot! Great audio, satisfying mecanics and player feedback. Thsi game felt like a blast to play, it kept me on the edge of the seast for it's three levels. Level design was very clever, although movement was a little cluncky, it still felt responsive. I feel you have a concept that could be explored even beyond a jam. Great game!
I really like these turnbased games. I grew up playing JRPGs. I just would love to see a game that used those turn mechanics in a way so innovative that chagnes everything. I feel your game hitted that spark of what if we do something different. Iloved that, and I definitely feel inspired to do the same! Hope to see you in the next jam!
So, besides theme, which was lacking in your game, other than dyign and restarting the level, your game was SOOOO cool.
You had just 4 simple mechanics: spikes, plataforms, darkness (and darkness pits) and moving plataforms. But you exploited these mechanics to the limit.
GREAT! exposition, of all the game that did restart as a plataformer mechanic, yours exploited it to the most, and fulles. Great job there.
Music was simple, but in combination with the way you introduced the game, it really left an impact. That was great immersion and storytelling in a simple manner.
Level design is very clever too, except for the pixel perfect jumps. Id say that if i'd choose something to improve the level design, it would be the addition of coyote time.
Great entry, very solid.
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So, the originality was not a thing, almost all the games where very similar to this game.
I liked the sound effects, i think that they do a good replacement for a soundtrack, but I think a good music would amplify the theme.
Not much to say, but it bugged after i died into the game so I couldn't finish it
for how simple it was, this was fun! basically flappy bird with spikes
The take on the theme was the same as all other games, just dead as restart.
There was only one mechanic in the game, but it was exploited nicely with the upscaling difficulty, creating a satisfying game loop, althoguh.. well it's flappy bird, sso it's basicallly a reskin.
Nice job on the game tho, it felt sticky and addictive, I played a couple of rounds.
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OK, so the adderence to the theme was like the sam as the thers, a plataformer that resets when you die. And I'll be sincere, I think that Turn-based combat was good some years ago, but after playign FF 1 to 15, chrono trigger, legendr of dragoon, legend of mana, mythwars, what not, the mechanic has aged terribly. I liked the twist that you added to spice the turn based combat: the plataforming sections, great and imaginative idea here. But it made plataforming feel encumbered, and combat feel as a nuisance. you have to come up with mechanics that make combat shine, instead of tarnishing it.
There was also the fact that there was a story, but I never seemed to find where to continue it, and I just killed a bunch of monsters
There wasn't much depth o strategy in combat, so it was mindlessly pressing the same button over and over until someone died.
I liked what you tried to do, great job!
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A good twist from the plataforming games everyone did, but to be sincere, I never used the restart way point.
Your music feels so good, i love it.
The game had some bugs on stat placement that allowed me to exploit the game terribly, which made me able to just stand there and take damage from any ship while shooting and killing evrything without dying.
Iit was very fun! simple mechanics in the game, but they are very compelling, nice job right there!
It was a very good game.
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The adderence to the theme was kinda just the button to reset everything, and it was more of a side dish to the main jumpling mechanics. almost every other game in the jam is a plataformer with a reset button.
The music was incredible tho. MEchanics were kinda not very well conveyed so it was unclear what needed to be done, maybe my fault becaus eI chose to take lvl 3 from the begining. No fugs resulted frommy gameplay. Nice!
A good game in average
PLease check orur game!
I can see the idea here on the game. About trying to maintain your stalls as much as possible butthe execution wasn't the best. It was unclear how to execute most of the actions, like fixing the gumball and all the other stuff in the list that wasn't restocking. I like the idea behind it, but it need some more polish and execution.
I couldn't find an bugs, although I couldn't test all the stuff tehe game had to offer I think.
Congratulations on making a game! great job, this effort will help you improve in your future projects.
Pleas eplay our game!!!
The blocks that are freezing in time when you click them are a good mechanic, but it was't that exploited until the last level. Also, it tried to explainthe mechanic with the blocks falling to lava, but I foudn a bug here that allowed me to jump on lava, so I didn't had to use it.
The restarting the level after dead or at will in a plataformer wasn't a very original idea, since it was what most other games did, but your idea sticked to the jam, as you had to reset the level to get the coin and the ending of the level. Sadly, this is not a very original implementation of the theme.
The sound got the job done, it was a short loop that setted the mood for the game, not terribly oog, but not bad either. Of all the mechanics you added, I think the freezing block when restart is the oen that shows the most potential, and that add an interesting twist to the genre you chose for your game.
In general, there were a lot of bugs that broke the level design that you had intended, from colliders sticking character to the walls to infinite jumping. But for a jam game, this is ok!
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Hey! player your game. The killing your self mechanic was pretty nice! although tiit sometimes also broke the game. The kill yourself levels I could finish them by just pressing rigtht and never letting go (except for the one with the red switch, that was a nice twist).
In general, I think your idea of using dead as a mechanic was nice, very nice! The mechanic of multiplyign yourseld on tdead with spikes was good, but not executed in a way that proposed a challenge, maybe you could lean more on what you did with the red button and spikes puzzle. Also, there was a bug caused by the amount of time syou died, after 1000 times it kinda starts freezing, and since the amount of bobs multiplies, it's easy to break the game this way
It adds perfectly to tehe theme, but restarting being character dead on the game was not a very imaginative approach to it, in general almost all the other games did the same.
About the block you left behind upon dead, this was the mechanic that was most explored to the end, and levels were alternated between dead with spike spuzzles and block leaving puzzles. This mechanic was satysfying and made the puzzles fun to solve, great implementation of that!
In general, you did a great game! congrats.
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