Thanks for playing and for taking so much time to give feedback, great stuff! I'll respond to things point by point
How does the game feel more random? I'm pretty sure 2 DDs ago the 1 reel system was already there. Is it other stuff that feels random?
Starting symbols are a DD afterthought, there will be a better selection system for them in the future, probably locked behind an unlock
Yeah, Malfunction is probably a bit too much at the moment
I will look at the extra tooltips script to see if anything is stinky there, but it's a Wine exclusive problem so it's odd
Not sure if healing in shops is needed, that's the only thing Plinko and Space Invaders have that the shop doesn't. If anything, maybe Plinko should offer health more consistently
I agree with your ordering of things on the minimap. Symbol sheet should probably be cheaper. Space Invaders is still a rough WIP, I don't know if it's staying
I might leave debug functions available for next Demo Day to let people test things freely, it's not great that you felt the need to avoid enemies later
Headache not working with Rainbow is an oversight on my part. Headache (and Photo for that matter) are actually White, while Rainbow has 5 normal colors. I'll add White to Rainbow
I won't cap Money Shield or Shell or anything else if I can help it. The problem here is that some enemies have no scaling at all. Now that I think of it, the Bodyguard item + no ways to attack is a softlock against Blue Crookey. I'll review all enemies and ensure they have some scaling
Sucker Punch not being able to finish enemies is on purpose, probably won't change it
Space Invaders is not really beatable, I kinda just take what I can and leave it at that. Bad game design though. Again, this minigame is very WIP and kind of on the edge of a trash can
Did you not enjoy Pinball mechanically, or find it too slow, not worth the effort?
Unlock screen will be available during the game eventually, full list of symbols and items too. Currently it's just glued together for DD
I also had some cases of map generation going too vertical with the obstacles, forcing me into Bouncers. I might leave obstacles out of the topmost row to ensure it connects there always (though enemies and especially bosses will still block the path sometimes)
I will lower the requirements for Hearts/Diamonds/Spades/Clubs symbols to 6 of the same color, 8 is a bit unreasonable. Might lower total symbol unlock from 15 to 10 as well, since you didn't unlock it and no one ever wants that many symbols