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Super cool take on the pressure concept, I was hoping someone would do something like this. It's an interesting idea but misses the mark on extended playing. The upgrades look interesting but unfortunately the skill required to actually get those upgrades is extremely out of my grasp. Like, I was up to 9 memorizations before I finally flubbed one, (my score roughly around 1k) and it was looking like I was going to need to either wait a while or get a lot more rounds in before I could even buy just an extra life (1 Million), or 5x that before I could upgrade the game to the next level. Either more early variety, or lower costs to continue playing would have made this a hell of a lot more enjoyable to sink my teeth into. Otherwise, this game is a classic and it's always good to see someone attempt to rework it.

Thanks!  This was a bit of a troll post in a way because I am deep in the work on my next major release so I only wanted to put 8 hours into this.  It would have been cool to expand it a lot more but I just wanted to at least have a submission but I'm working between 5 and 10 hours a day on my upcoming project and I didn't want to lose my flow.

100% respect that, I didn't even manage to finish my submission so you did better than I.

That's why I went super duper small.  Life gets away from us sometimes though.