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(1 edit) (+1)

I share the game with libre licenses because I don't like privatizing my content

1. If it is a demo and as I mentioned, one day it will go to Steam

2. The narrative can be improved, of course, your comments help

3. I'm glad you like my art style, I didn't make the backgrounds by the way

4. I didn't know that "Complete Achromatopsia" existed, this is the first time I've heard of it.

Your interpretation is good and it is one of the things I want to give with the novel, I cannot reveal what happens to the protagonist because I would be revealing to you what the whole game is about.

Thank you very much for your comment

I share the game with libre licenses because I don’t like privatizing my content

Thanks for replying!

I’m aware that I’m making interpretations with just a small fragment of the whole history, is foolish because anything can happens in the future. And by all means, please don’t spoil me the updates. XD

Still, I hope this helps you determine if there’s something to clarify, or if the story speaks correctly to the reader.

Good luck and best wishes!