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A classic incremental game always makes me happy to see, especially one with such a cool display of your "Points" or in this case gas. The only thing that I can comment on negatively is just a bit of polish being required here and there. After purchasing the Star Pump, the text was no longer aligned with the upgrade boxes, which made it hard to actually figure out what I was purchasing. The Rusty and Good pump are well balanced but pretty much every pump afterwords was insanely fast. All of the permanent upgrades had good tool tips that explained what they did, but the main upgrades were either entirely lacking (Heater 1) or didn't really describe what they did other than "I am an upgrade." One small gripe was an unclear goal of what was needed to achieve the end goal, but honestly not a big deal since most larger scale games also struggle with that.

Now for the stuff I loved, just coming back around to the actual sphere that displays your progress in a visual way while also being entertaining to look at is so cool, like such an awesome idea. Even with some slightly unbalanced upgrades, I never felt I was stuck on one tier of gameplay for too long. Upgrading your ability to manually input gas was super cool and the upgrades for it made it actually viable to continue clicking unlike most games where it falls off very quickly. The story, obviously not very serious, was fairly funny. Seriously great work, excited to see what stuff you do next.