This game is really nice! I'm excited to see what you'll add.
Here's some bugs I found so far:
-Sometimes, enemies will spawn outside the playable area.
-After eating a fish, pausing the game and clicking continue will result in you catching another fish. This can be done infinitely for infinite experience, health, and food.
-If you have more than 3 health when caught by a brute, you remain uneaten and can still move around and attack, but you're invisible.
-You can choose to be eaten by Tezzie or Peliptor when you have no reforms left to get whatever they're offering for free.
-Eating Oenla when you already have some of their boons results in some weird stuff happening. The boon selections are invisible and might display rapidly-shifting text.
-Whenever there's an upcoming choice from a visitor, the buttons can be pressed before they turn visible. Pressing both usually results in something weird happening.