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A member registered May 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you. I appreciate that.

Latest Android hotfix is up as well as a final goodbye to Android support. See above for my frustrated rant.

Thank you! I’m glad to hear that.

It’s probably not locked? The F button prompt doesn’t show up after the first fishing attempt. You’ll need to fish 3 times before the portal will show up and you have to be in the spot where the sparkles first appeared. I probably need to make the sparkles & prompt reappear after each fishing.

I’m pretty sure I know the cause. I’ll try to get a fix out tomorrow or so.

Yeah, it’s not really optimized great for phone play and the game probably is poorly optimized overall since I’m an amateur developer with Gdevelop.

Good timing then. Hope you feel better soon.

Did this happen on PC or phone?

These sorts of things were kind of what I was worried about with android port. Boss eating trigger I just must have forgot to add. I will add a way to do unlimited lives too.

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Android version (and some fixes for all versions) is out now. It was pretty tricky to do, and I still think the PC version is better, but for those who don’t have a PC it’s an option.

Thanks for your feedback. I’ll take some of your suggestions into consideration for future updates.

Yeah it’s not in the game yet, I forgot to add it to the gallery. I will fix it in the next update. Until then you can enjoy that animation over here on my FA account.

Okay sorry about that. I’ve run into this bug before, basically its to prevent the same visitor encounter more than once, and if it does it again the game has a fit. I probably didn’t account for double Larwin visits because its the new encounter. I’ll look into fixing. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks, glad to hear that. :D

Its most likely going to be forest for zone 2 since that’s more common of a pick, but you’re right about the later stage options. Thanks!

Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the game and are interested in supporting me through patreon later. :D Thanks for your praise and enthusiasm. Comments like this are great to help keep me motivated to work more on the game.

Okay thanks for letting me know about all these bugs. I should be able to fix them all in the next update and have added them to my to do list. The save not loading is the one that puzzles me the most but I’ll look into it and see if I can find the cause. Everything else I feel like I can fix.

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I have updated the CHEAT CODE SPOILER link above in the description with the actual code.

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Hey thank you very much! It always makes me happy to hear someone say they enjoy my game. Peliptor does need a digestion animation which I can do later. I’ve gotten more votes for Fungal Forest than other zone themes so its probably what I will do next. Your offer for patreon support is awesome and I for sure will make that a thing later (probably after zone 2 is done)

Alt tabbing I think can cause some peoples games to go a bit wonky. It’s never done it for me so kind of hard to bug test for that.

I’ve fought the enemy out of bounds glitch for a while now. Its mostly eliminated but they still get out sometimes. So all you need to do is wait for a couple minutes and the exit portal will show up. It’s not ideal but at least you won’t be soft locked out of a run. The other thing you can do is quit and continue which will respawn and reload the standard level.

Thanks. I will get to work on it in the near future.

Eventually yes. Please be patient.

New 0.55.1 Hotfix is out. Added a couple of minor things and fixed some bugs.

Eventually. Since testing the game on a phone is more difficult, I’m wanting to get it a bit more polished and fixed before I do. It’s on my list of stuff to work on.

Okay thanks. Do you know what ate you? Was it a boss or regular enemy? I do remember making a last minute change to the box that causes the detonation so its very possible that I simply messed up the event. I’ll take a look. I’m going to be putting out a hotfix soon so hopefully I can fix it.

You’re welcome, hope you enjoy!

Oh bother, I forgot to replay the tutorial when testing. Thanks for letting me know about it. I’ll see what’s causing the problem and get a fix out. I need to do a couple other tweaks anways.

code for debug? You mean activating the infinite reformations cheat or something else?

Thank you. Yeah I thought it was pretty neat too.

New update to Monster Nomster is out! Version 0.55!

I tried to upload a web version of the game but says it’s too big. Sorry! :(

Thanks a lot! I am getting really close to an update release. I’m fixing up the gallery of gulps right now, adding the new animations and a digestion toggle.

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Yes I am planning on starting a patreon, but am not quite ready to do it yet. I’d like to flesh the game out a bit more before I do, but maybe doing it sooner wouldn’t hurt. Thanks a lot for your interest! I’m glad to hear it.

Okay when I release the next update (soon) I’ll put up a browser version too.

Gdevelop, the system I use to make the game doesn’t appear to be able to publish to chromeOS as far as I can tell, but I could do the browser playable version perhaps or get a link. I’ll look into doing that when I release the next version soon.

Probably not, but it’s not completely 100% off the table. It would likely be a patreon visitor request. (When I eventually get around to doing that sort of thing.)

One of those is correct. ;)

I’m getting close, new boss is almost done, animations are done just need to work on scripting the fight a bit more and stuff. I’d like to add a few other things like a couple of new breath weapons and perks too. Be patient and rest assured I am still working on it. Thanks for your interest!

Eventually perhaps. It’s a lot harder to test and do stuff on phones since I would have to copy the build over every time to check functionality of the build etc. Hopefully someday I can work on it though.