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A member registered May 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks! :D

Not really sure when. I simply don’t know how long it’s going to take me to get things done. I usually at least get a few hours of work put in on it each day though. Thanks for your interest.

Will do! :)

Yes, I hope it will turn out good.

Thanks, I’ll try to do so.

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Thanks! Glad you like. Fish 3 times to get the exit portal. Many have mentioned this problem. New version will have the sparkles show up after each fish to let players know they need to keep at it. 3 fishing attempts for the pond/peliptor/lake serpent.

I am still working on it, please be patient. Solo developer here.

Intente configurar la opción de partículas reducidas; eso podría ayudar con el rendimiento. Settings > Reduce Particles.

Thank you! Been sick as of late so not much work done but once I’m no longer sick I will get back to it.

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Yeah sorry, but there is just too much animation file size for it to work properly. Someday hopefully you can get a PC. You can still get the current version as is for the time being at least (with a broken serpent boss)

Progress is slow but steady, I usually get a few hours of work done each day, but it definitely won’t be ready until next year. Thanks for your interest!

Thanks! Glad to hear it.

There is music & sound, the game just defaults to 0 when first installing it for some reason.

I plan to have the entire zone 2 done which includes probably 6 enemies, 1 boss and at least 3-4 visitors. At that point I’m probably going to do a patreon to allow people early access to the new content (but eventually will be released for free as a public build) Definitely won’t be until next year though.

Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving and is able to gulp lots of turkey! (Or some other delicious food) Monster Nomster work is still underway.

Zone 2 will have a curvy female enemy that I’m currently animating still.

Something about how settings are saved might default a new install sfx and music volume to 0. Not sure why, but after you change the setting and apply, it should save it. For fishing just look for the button prompt, you always fish in the same spot near the leftmost part of the lake.

You need to fish 3 times to get the portal to open, or for the serpent boss to show up. I need to put the sparkle indicator back up for each fishing attempt to let players know to keep it up. Pushing 0 to move fast was a debugging/testing tool that I must have forgot to disable. That swallowing glitch is probably a matter of overlapping stuff happening which I need to disable. Thanks for letting me know about these issues.

Oh yes, I forgot to do that on the most recent upload. Sorry about that, it should be marked properly now.

Probably not, but not 100% off the table. If it gets added, it will be from visitor encounters from people who get their OC added to the game. That is quite a ways off, however.

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I’ve started work on it just graphics & animating so far, one & a half new enemies are done. I want to have a pretty big update fleshed out before releasing it though, all of zone 2 is my hope.

Thank you very much! I’m glad to hear that. I have taken a bit of a break on working on the game, but I will get back to it soon.

Thanks. Glad you liked the game. The phone version is kind of slow and janky and that’s why I’ll be switching to just pc versions/support in the future.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

Latest Android hotfix is up as well as a final goodbye to Android support. See above for my frustrated rant.

Thank you! I’m glad to hear that.

It’s probably not locked? The F button prompt doesn’t show up after the first fishing attempt. You’ll need to fish 3 times before the portal will show up and you have to be in the spot where the sparkles first appeared. I probably need to make the sparkles & prompt reappear after each fishing.

I’m pretty sure I know the cause. I’ll try to get a fix out tomorrow or so.

Yeah, it’s not really optimized great for phone play and the game probably is poorly optimized overall since I’m an amateur developer with Gdevelop.

Good timing then. Hope you feel better soon.

Did this happen on PC or phone?

These sorts of things were kind of what I was worried about with android port. Boss eating trigger I just must have forgot to add. I will add a way to do unlimited lives too.

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Android version (and some fixes for all versions) is out now. It was pretty tricky to do, and I still think the PC version is better, but for those who don’t have a PC it’s an option.

Yeah it’s not in the game yet, I forgot to add it to the gallery. I will fix it in the next update. Until then you can enjoy that animation over here on my FA account.

Okay sorry about that. I’ve run into this bug before, basically its to prevent the same visitor encounter more than once, and if it does it again the game has a fit. I probably didn’t account for double Larwin visits because its the new encounter. I’ll look into fixing. Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks, glad to hear that. :D

Its most likely going to be forest for zone 2 since that’s more common of a pick, but you’re right about the later stage options. Thanks!

Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the game and are interested in supporting me through patreon later. :D Thanks for your praise and enthusiasm. Comments like this are great to help keep me motivated to work more on the game.

Okay thanks for letting me know about all these bugs. I should be able to fix them all in the next update and have added them to my to do list. The save not loading is the one that puzzles me the most but I’ll look into it and see if I can find the cause. Everything else I feel like I can fix.

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I have updated the CHEAT CODE SPOILER link above in the description with the actual code.