The animations are a bit tricky to manage since they're store-bought, so idk if I can fix the leg issues.
Probably you're having a different problem, but I thought it looked a bit like an issue I had with blending between four-directional running animations that happened because the animations didn't all start with the same foot in front - that is, the run left and backwards animations started with the left foot hitting the ground, while the run right and forward animations started with the right foot hitting the ground.
If that is what's happening, I was able to make them all start on the same foot by simply switching the first and second half of the offending animations in Unity
The voice volumes have a separate volume slider in the settings, so you could always try tweaking that.
Yeah it's a minor nitpick, it just bothered me that the voices were much louder than the sfx when the sliders were at the same height.
Anyway, I'm glad some of my feedback was useful and I hope to see Marmoreal again next DD.